DayOldBaguette's avatar


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hello, I am milda and I enjoy eating and sleeping. breathing even.

DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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I've always been kinda disappointed that we never got more Ever After High. Descendants was nowhere near the character designs, story and *vibes* that EAH had, at least to my inner child. Sucks when cool ideas get scrapped because of external forces unrelated to the merit of said ideas.

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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You know what? I'll give the Kaunas airport this - those airport security machines that scan through your backpack so you don't have to remove your electronics are pretty cool. Vilnius should have those too.

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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There's gotta be an achievement for having a laptop so garbage that the computer repair guys recognize your face and name at a glance.

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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Remembering the time a high school classmate, who I decidedly did not have a good relationship with, came up to me in the hall at my university and the first thing I said upon seeing their face was 'Oh God it's you'. One of the funnier things I've done.

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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yes YES Hades II Early Access is out. (This could not have come at a worse time lol, I am drowning in projects and exam prep, I am going to ruin my life or my studies I just know it)

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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i just want a nice general course on literature taught in english, preferably one with more forgiving expectations of how many pages I can read in a day, is that so much to ask? why do I get a course like that only for half of the first year and then have to read linguistic papers for the other half

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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sometimes i feel like living in lithuania is not so bad and it would involve a lot less hassle to just finish my studies here with the friends I've already made, but then I look at the courses I have to choose from for the next three years and think, maybe the hassle of emigrating is worth it.

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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I think a big reason I like Astarion's romance the best in BG3 is just because it feels the most naturally paced of the male options? Like sure, you get the opportunity to sleep with him the fastest but the development of actual trust and feelings is more gradual.

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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The thought of having to go to my old high school to get a copy of my diploma is so nauseating it has interfered with my sleep on multiple occasions. I can't go back to that building man, I just can't.

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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Today I encountered possibly the only person on earth who is a fan of the movie adaption of Cats. Like, they swore the movie was a drastic improvement over the stage show which they have seen 'like 10 times'

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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The post about japanese curry not looking like it should taste as good as it does is wrong. Curry both looks and tastes great, what the hell are you talking about. It has all the best food colors- warm brown, potato yellow and carrot orange. In what world does Japanese curry not look appetizing

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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Remembering the time during my last year in high school when I was lectured by a drunk 11th grader for being a buzzkill by adding a few ABBA songs to the collaborative party playlist. Like, I'm sorry for adding songs about dancing to the PARTY playlist ig??

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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Been playing too much coral island lately. Saw it was snowing today and my first thought was "oh it's snowing. should remember to try to catch an arapaima today"

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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Oh yeah sorry, this is a Lithuanian Netflix problem

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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At last, I can enjoy playing minecraft with the music on

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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I've been getting back into playing minecraft. I haven't played really played or kept up with the game since I think like the 1.8 version? Anyway, this is all to say that I was pleasantly surprised they added some new songs. Some of them have an almost stardew valley vibe which I really like

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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How DARE Netlix take Crazy Ex Girlfriend off their list before I finished going through an emotional arc of my own to finally be in the right headspace to watch season 2 onward. The nerve of these people, honestly

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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I looked up all the party reactions and somehow Minthara is the one taking this seriously enough. She's just like "that's concerning, we have psychopaths like that in menzoberranzan that we put down for being too bloodthirsty even for Lolth. Bit worried you might not be able to control your urges"

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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Gale, there is literally a savestate out there where I chopped off your arm and you bled out in the Astral plane. I'm not joking around here, this is serious

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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Playing a dark urge character means that you will have to accept that literally no one in your party takes your condition seriously. You can tell them "hey I have an uncontrollable desire to kill and maim" and they'll be like "haha we all deal with that sometimes"

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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My assumption is the teacher organising this wanted her students to do their own research on Vietnam, and making them present accomplished this. But still, I feel like there was a better way than this.

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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The Vietnamese students made a presentation about the Vietnamese language and it was unsurprisingly the best one. All the others felt like both a waste of time and like some sort of cruel punishment by the teacher who organised this

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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Today I got to experience a bunch of confused lithuanian university students give extremely shallow presentations about Vietnam to two Vietnamese Erasmus students. I have never felt such second-hand embarrassment before. It was beyond awkward.

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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But dov you could just butter both pieces of bread and add more ingredients to balance the breadiness

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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There was more fanfare for Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes for crying out loud

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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I mean, it's not like I was looking forward to it, it seemed like a collection of references to games that came out way before my time, but damn, I would have expected to hear about it somewhere

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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wait fire emblem engage has been out this whole time

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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I thought I would be miserable at vu because it felt like I was settling, but it turns out more than half the people in my group also didn't want to be here and are giving up/putting their dreams on hold. Truly the university for those not quite good enough.

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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for maximum enemies to lovers potential, you should romance shadowheart as a githyanki cleric of selûne (bonus: your character would probably have one hell of a backstory too.)

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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finished chihayafuru. I think this is one of the few shows where that joke people like to make about how all love triangles should just be solved with polyamory actually sort of works. Like, I am not fully convinced Taichi and Arata aren't kind of into each other as well lol

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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And C) actually I almost liked talking to the customers, I think if I had normal amounts of break time and short enough hours, I could enjoy this job a lot.

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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And those worker-less mini supermarkets operated by sensors are terrifying and I think even the relative convenience doesn't fully disguise that fact. I can't imagine enough people actually enjoying that experience more to completely replace actual supermarkets.

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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B) See, I don't think supermarket workers are in that much danger of being replaced by machines. Self-service checkout still require lots of maintenance, and people often choose the regular checkout when they have a lot of goods. Some even like the human connection I think.

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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My take aways from this entire experience are A) it is beyond unfair that some of the most taxing and draining jobs are the least paid. Like, this is not how a healthy society should function

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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Tegyvuoja laisvė, I am finally free of my two week+a couple days cashier job

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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Oh right yes of course, you do that for free

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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Dov didn't you get your first job by being annoying on the internet

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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I am for all intents and purposes a teenager. I have lived my life with a weird complex about feeling like I look like a child in comparison with my peers. Idk, I just feel like I deserve "girl" or "lady" at least.

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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Taking 50 psychic damage by being called auntie by parents in the cashier line talking to their kids daily. I'm...I'm 18.

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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Started watching chihayafuru again. Maybe this time I'll actually finish the manga after. But oh man, I forgot how hard the opening goes. Can't believe this show wasn't more popular back in the day.

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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This job has made it impossible to enjoy the song 9 to 5 as much because like, I WISH I was working 9 to 5. How is a person expected to even get through one 12 hour shift without living as an energy drink vampire. I have been taking 15 minute naps during my breaks just to not die.

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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No fucking wonder the main character of that book went insane, like yeah the genetic disorder, abusive father, both world wars, surviving soviet and nazi occupation had an impact but also sometimes that's just what 12 hour shifts do to a person.

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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I too regularly contemplate cussing some particularly difficult customers/coworkers out while trying my damndest to be polite. I too feel downright euphoric when my break starts. I too routinely toss out little appeals to fate to hopefully let me get out of that damn building faster.

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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Every time I pass the magazine stand I see The White Shroud by problematic king of Lithuanian expat literature(to quote my brother) Antanas Skema. That book has some issues but man did it get it right with how it depicts the soul-crushing despair of a job.

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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I get so tired of constantly having to like, perform and be a good employee in front of coworkers and customers because there's no real place to withdraw to and be myself in. I'd imagine smoking kind of provides that sense of briefly taking your mask off in an environment that isn't all work.

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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I get it now. The smoke is a ward against people wanting you to do work. Smoking breaks are when you run away for a little bit to the little bench outside and you don't have to be an employee with responsibilities.

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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Before I got a job I genuinely didn't really get why so many people smoke or drink energy drinks. It seemed like pointlessly destroying your health for no real reason, since like, you can just drink coffee for the caffeine fix and the smell of cigarette/vape/whatever the hell smoke is god awful.

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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Oh I'm mostly referring to the two encounters in act 2 where you can talk the enemy into killing themselves. The first time is in the house of healing with Malus Thorm, the other time is with the orthon in the gauntlet of Shar.

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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Being a bard in bg3 is all fun and games until you start regularly tricking enemies into killing themselves. Like, I can't help it, it skips a difficult fight and I have the skills to do it so it is objectively a smart move, but boy does it make me feel like a monster.

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DayOldBaguette's avatar DayOldBaguette
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I think letting the player design how the guardian looks is good in terms of initially making the player trust the guardian more, but also, it feels kind of cruel that after act 2, the guardian uhhh, no longer looks like that at all let's say. That's potentially hours of work wasted lol

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