Marc Weidenbaum's avatar

Marc Weidenbaum

416 followers 175 following 1026 posts since 1996: ambient/electronic music, field recordings, sound studies. I moderate the Disquiet Junto community of weekly music projects. I've written for The Wire, Pitchfork and Nature. I publish Offline weekends.

Reposted by Marc Weidenbaum

Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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Which makes me realize: as much non-genre stuff as I read, I'm not "following" non-genre writers as way I once did. Dunno. Just sort of observing my own reading trends. Currently really digging Ed Parks' Same Bed, Different Dreams and Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway. Yes, she's dead. I know.

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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Not sure when I became a person who pre-orders books fairly frequently but I'm a person who now pre-orders books fairly frequently. Recently: the new Robin Sloan, the imminent China Miéville/Keanu Reeves, and the later-this-year Neal Stephenson.

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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I was hoping you'd see this :)

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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I love that “fun” is a font category on my computer’s OS. Somewhere there’s a typographer thinking: “My font’s friggin’ fun. Why the heck isn’t it on that list?!”

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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Vehicular polyrhythm of a car alarm going off and then the owner causing it to emit additional bleeps during ongoing failed attempts to sort out which button sequence turns off the car alarm

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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Afternoon trio from grumbling tummy, squawking crows, and the distant rumbling of internal combustion vehicles

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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These two sizable, nearly 6’ tall, cement posts frame the space that will soon enough hold, presumably, a brand new sign identifying this spot on the San Francisco coast as China Beach. For the time being it frames the view as you approach.

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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And another Obsidian thing: tables. The recent(ish?) upgrade makes them so simple to use, and now I find myself using them all the time: for little to-do lists, to organize key points, to correlate related information. The ability to move rows and columns manually on a whim is fantastic.

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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I didn't expect, when I started using Obsidian, that I'd use its native daily notes, since I'd already been compiling my own into monthly docs. But I've switched. And it's great. One tip: add the abbreviated day of the week (YYYY-MM-DD-ddd) to the file name so they're more easily identifiable.

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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I didn't have a ton of interest in the new movie Twisters, but the sound design of the trailers makes a compelling argument that it will, in fact, be a breakout hit in civic-alarm-system fandom, of which I'm a card-carrying member.

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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My daily life is evidence that this sound cue can be factually accurate yet say nothing meaningful about what is actually occurring

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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The foghorns this morning certainly seem to be glad to have yesterday's fireworks behind them — which I now realize is also a joke, 'cause the fireworks were literally behind the fog yesterday, as is pretty much always the case here on the 4th of July

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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Disquiet Junto Project 0653: Break a Rule

The Assignment: Stop doing something you always do.



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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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Title of a panel discussion for music educators in 1970

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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How many minutes before a late meeting finally starts before Fugazi's "Waiting Room" starts playing in your head?

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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That's in the new issue of The Wire, which has a special section dedicated to David Lynch's work. It's packed with cool stuff, like the role of finger snapping, backward speech, the wind, and other sonic elements — and of course, his scores.

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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Articles rarely carry titles written by their authors. My longtime favorite assigned to me was "About Face," about Emigre. Then came "The Man Who Fell for Earth," an interview I did with Kim Stanley Robinson. The crown has been passed to "Parable of the Mower," on David Lynch's The Straight Story.

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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It's that time of year when one finds oneself explaining, "Being interested in fireworks isn't the same as enjoying them." #soundstudiesproblems

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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Heck yeah I preordered that China Miéville + Keanu Reeves novel

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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Listening to noise drone music while writing makes my life feel way more dramatic than it is

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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Yeah. I like that it's taking its time.

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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There's more silence in The Bear season 3 than in previous seasons. It's become a moody soap opera, concerned with characters' lives rather than plot (beyond goals [star] and hurdles [money]). A highlight is ep4, when Marcus turns on his late mother's medical devices for the comfort of the beeping.

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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Browser tabs are the pile of dirt left over when you go down a rabbit hole

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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My MacBook Pro and my iPhone are up to date software-wise, and yet regularly my Voice Memos and Notes won't sync between them. What is up with that?

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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Have a good weekend, folks. Listen to an old favorite record. Identify a musician who played a secondary role on that record and listen to a second record that also features the musician. Then listen to a third record, one that's from same label and time period as the second record. Happy hunting.

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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Uh, so I've been working in an old version of Obsidian for months, not aware there'd been several updates, which explains why tables weren't working as I'd expected. I must be missing somewhere in the app where it tells you there's an update available.

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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You know you've watched a lot of Bill Frisell live performance videos when you've graduated from "Yeah, cool socks as always" to recognizing specific shirts, as if they're as much a part of his repertoire as a given piece of music

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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This little ambient (and adjacent) mixtape just went out to paid subscribers. Thanks, folks.

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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I've self-published since the end of 1996. Some articles are backdated prior. I've been thinking about reading back through it from start to present, thousands of posts. Tidying it up as I go (a recent upgrade messed some markdown). Anyone here with a longtime blog done such a revisit?

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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The barber’s electric razor is expressing its sentience by performing a cover of Underworld’s “Rez”

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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In the Disquiet Junto music community this week: Set a favorite story to music. Full instructions at Tracks due Monday, July 1, at 11:59pm (your local time).

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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Oops. I inadvertently trimmed Queen Victoria's life by three years in the newsletter. The online version is now up to date, so to speak.

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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I just learned that you can drag a specific note to the right-hand sidebar in Obsidian, and now all is right in the world

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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This just went out to This Week in Sound subscribers

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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Yes, there'll be a new This Week in Sound issue today. And yes, the internet is more packed than ever with (1) gibberish news websites that look real but aren't when, you know, you actually read the words and (2) copycat websites that just repost pre-existing material.

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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The readymade haiku of Wikipedia's notable death listings: Maldivian footballer Irish Gaelic games commentator Cuban judoka

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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This Junto/Lewis project — "Why Computer?" — is being done in collaboration with Musikfestival Bern. This is the sixth year in a row when we've done three projects over the course of the summer based around the theme of the upcoming festival, which will take place in Switzerland in September.

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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For the past four days, the Disquiet Junto has had the unique pleasure of engaging with a music composition prompt from the great George Lewis. Over 30 musicians around the world so far have responded with tracks pondering “Why do we want our computers to improvise?”

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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That's how online-first writing, especially blogging, differs from (old-school) writing writing. There's something fluid to the process of sketching a post, adding links and embeds, making sure it works, hitting post — and often tweaking slightly after. It's just its own medium, and its own flow.

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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It seems like it shouldn't matter that I can now quickly post and to update, which for a few months had a laggy thing going with its CMS. I should be able to just write and post, and a 30-second or even minute-long delay shouldn't matter. But it really does.

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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Afternoon trio for foghorn, tea timer, and washing machine

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Marc Weidenbaum's avatar Marc Weidenbaum
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A reflection on the music of Aphex Twin by Alarm Will Sound percussionist Craig Thompson — all about the question of its "beatless"ness, to the nature of tempo, and much more. He's played Aphex Twin arrangements for many years and has a unique perspective as a result.

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