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"Ignorant and prejudiced people like to be deceived, and I think they deserve it when they are. Why confuse them with the truth?" ~Paladin

DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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She is a heroine for her willingness to stand up alone to Trump when "powerful", adult males in politics are too scared to do it.

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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...where is the one of Wall St.?😬

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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That's not true! Don't apologize!! 😁

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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Read it twice and I still don't know what he expected Biden to accomplish (other than insuring he'd be polling in the teens with his own party) from pardoning the one man crime spree that Trump is. Makes no sense, makes Romney look like an idiot and aren't we fortunate Obama beat him.

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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Meh...I thought maybe it was after you "came to" then made the discovery mid construction of a sammich. Now THAT would have been funnier.😁 All in all, still an amusing public service there Kitty.😏

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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If I find the pic I'll post we were leaving a park there was a billboard for a politician and on it in Slovak and Hungarian the guy was saying he is the Obama for that area.πŸ˜…πŸ€£

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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Haven't ventured that far off the rails. What could be a more interesting question is, how did you did you come to discover the mistake?😏

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Reposted by DocManhattan

DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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True. My wife is Slovakian and in my experience visiting her homeland it appeared everyone I ran into was either pro US or pro Russia. Fortunately in the circle of ppl I met it was overwhelmingly pro US. But her immediate response to the Fico (feitz-zo) shooting was "he is mafia, he is a-hole".

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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Here, here! In my case if my faux pas are so egregious I simply copy the text and delete the post. Then paste in new post and edit. Now the real bummer is when I still find a typo in my repost. Then it's like forget it, that ship has sailed. lol

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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Biden has misspoke all of his political life. So this is likely more reflective of his lifelong battle against a fluency disorder than cognitive decline. See how easy that was to say? Why haven't Biden's party mates and strategists pushed back with that narrative rather than being invisible on it?

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Reposted by DocManhattan

DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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Proving once again conservatives are lower than whale dung.

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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1/This scheme is not about who wants to be VP or even bootlicking IMO. This is another misinformation campaign designed to influence public opinion. Democrats have rightfully let the legal cases play out. But what GOPers and Trump say outside of court is politics. Democrats should be in that fight.

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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They're not Christians. Real Christians would not nor should they be in favor of a g'ment imposing the personal/religious beliefs of some on the rights of others (for obvious reasons). This is the argument the choice side should have made all along instead of "choice" IMO.

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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The outrage over this should be 20 times what it is. It really should have never been argued as a 'choice' matter. The idea that others get to decide and control the prenatal rights of another bc of their personal/religious beliefs is not only absurd on its face but anti American.

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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Think about it, has there ever been a force more destructive to American ppl's lives than conservatism? From declaring who can be free, to who can be a first class citizen to who has control over smth attached to the insider of another person. Really unbelievable in a free society.

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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I fear we'll simply disagree. I don't see Democrats doing nearly enough. Especially in light of the 24 hr operation that is the GOP propaganda machine. Now, I do blame to the "MSM" for continuing to platform GOPers without credible pushback when they know their script is to lie and bluster rant.

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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Again, the level of emasculating prostration adult men are engaging in over Trump is not only unholy but unAmerican and demonic.

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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1/Also US farmers who lost their business and ended up on welfare (MFP) due to his tariff war. Sadly some never saw the chance to make a comeback as many committed suicide. Something never mentioned by Democrats. Imagine how long and hard GOPers would have ridden anything close to that by Biden.

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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He will have less chance to lobotomize the US if everyone keeps reminding voters of failures the last time he was president. His saving grace was inheriting the largest expansion in US history from Obama so it "looks" like he caused an economy he actually inherited.

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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Agree with the exception. 2A does confer an individual right. That said, no reasonable person would take that to mean an individual right to a SAM battery or ICBMs.😐

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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2/This will likely be one of Trump's phony grievances he'll use to gin up his cult. They're simply helping to lay the groundwork. This is where Democrats are failing. Steering clear of what's going on in court is ok. But what's said outside of court is politics and Democrats should be in that fight.

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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1/They are not auditioning for VP. They are again doing what Democrats fail to do, shape the politics on an issue by perpetuating a narrative. The narrative in this case is, Trump is being prevented from campaigning bc of his court case(s), building on the phony election interference narrative.

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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3/Roundly GOPers win polling over who is best on the economy when the evidence proves the opposite (or at least proves idea baseless). So why is it believed? Democratic politicians can spread the truth of their successes contrasted w the failures of the GOP as easily as GOPers lie in the reverse.

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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2/You make the best case for why we can't (nor shouldn't) rely on the media. Bc part of their job is to chase the shiny objects too. Their primary job is win the race for the scoop, not win the politics for a party. That's for the politicians we send to office on our behalf.

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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1/Except, the media is reporting it. But it's relatively just news until someone explains how it should be perceived. This can be news outlet commentators but many who vote don't follow news but what is being said. So it MUST be politicians perpetuating narratives if they hope to win on the issues.

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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2/Where we are in American politics today is Democratic politicians simply have not stepped up. eg Remember when "Obamacare" was to be the end of the US as we knew it per GOPers? What actually happened? Obama started the longest economic expansion in US history. What Democrat points this out ever?

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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1/I have to say the job of winning politics (which is what's at issue here) is for politicians. The media can only report the facts and have commentators editorialized them for context. However, that should never be a substitute for political parties winning the public debate on the issues.

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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Interesting. I believe he's been 'gone' for a while but unfortunately his enablers in congress, the judiciary and the electorate keep foisting him on the rest of the world. This race wouldn't be nearly be as close if Democrats ever lifted a finger to attack the myth of Trump's 'great' presidency.

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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It's beyond a sickness. At this point it has to be demonic.

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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According to reports, Trump is dictating to his lawyers when to object and when not to. And jurors are supposed to believe removed from this situation enough to know Cohen and Weisselberg sat around cooking up this scheme behind his back?πŸ˜‚

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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Why do they need to say anything when we've seen them do it. "If it's free and fair". They're never asked who or what will be the arbiter of that standard.

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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Why not when conservatives never pay a political price for any of the incompetence, corruption and failure they've heaped on the American ppl the last 30+ yrs? Under the guidance of Trump's 'just say' it doctrine, conservatives are actually able to blame liberals for slavery and discrimination.πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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It really seems demonic how Trump can stiff everyone from banks to localities on rally costs to his lawyers including Cohen. In spite of this, morons STILL line up to keep being suckered by him including the dupes who vote for him. Simply unholy.

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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If Cohen is still on probation and/or engaged in a cooperation agreement he has a very low incentive to lie. It's funny how all of the sudden Cohen is a bad witness against Trump when all of Cohen's corrupt behavior stems from covering up or acceding to Trump's malfeasance.

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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I understand the opposition of the coal industry to sustainable alternatives. That's simple greed (in an unwillingness to reinvest). But it's hard to understand the rank and file opposition to alternatives that provide relatively less hazardous work environments.

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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Well, not only is WNBA revenue dwarfed by that of the NBA but the NBA subsidizes the WNBA. So certainly the salaries for the WNBA stars won't come close to their NBA counterparts. Players like Clarke are helping to grow the profile of the WNBA and hopefully it will all one day translate.

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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Trump deliberately lying on innocent ppl in an effort to cause them personal harm is literally the definition of evil. Imperfection is one thing evil is another. No Christian abides in evil and Christ at the same time. Anyone ever bother asking so called MAGA Christians how they square this?

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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More disturbing, her believing the destruction of animals in childish fits of anger is some form of leadership or toughness and not evidence of serious mental defect. Just more of GOPers propping up ppl with no acumen nor fitness simply bc they can mindlessly stick to a script and carry a firearm.

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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Still not sure why the left barrels along laughing this stuff off. It's precisely that same aloof, naivety for the last 30 yrs that's partly to blame for normalizing absurdities and extremism. There is no soul in the entire left astute enough to articulate the point this transparent campaign?😟

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DocManhattan's avatar DocManhattan
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More penalty free extremism from the right. Again, 'the media' is doing their job reporting it . Where are Democratic politicians plain-speaking this into context and excoriating GOPer extremism? It's certainly not enough to just 'condemn' this stuff in a soundbite, it has to be campaign fodder.

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