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disabled artist with severe burnout. occasionally creating pretty jewelry:


house tarabiscoté*e
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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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that's really not how that worked. russia's and later the ussr's project was to drive non-russian ethnic groups to extinction by all means available. that included killing and it also included stripping them of land and culture. it's analogous to the us and australian treatment of indigenous people

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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i don't have the energy for that, so i'm settling for aging awkwardly and disgruntedly

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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it's lacroix for pets: water with a hint of hotdog

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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this thread is such a good explanation of why the first few seasons of the expanse hit the spot for me the way the later ones just don't. the scary mystery gets solved and it becomes a different kind of sci-fi

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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aha. das rumhacken auf kahane war also wieder nur geständnis.

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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returning it immediately to the sewage facility, as one does

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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*throws a fargo snowball* *is immediately arrested for assault with a deadly weapon*

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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they've been wanting revenge for NODAPL for years...

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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müsste jetzt eigentlich was wie "A-HA, du hast also keine beweise!!1" schreiben aber mir fällt jetzt keine clevere version ein. wenn 1 covid nicht asymptomatisch hat ist's eigentlich gut von anderen krankheiten unterscheidbar, aber leute schaffen's trotzdem irgendwie nur "sommergrippe" zu haben

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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what? that's *EXACTLY* where i'd expect them, where else would they be?

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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ew, dude is straightup salivating over it

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Reposted by jadehawk

jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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is doch logisch, wer nie testet hat auch nie covid gehabt. 🙃

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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klar funktioniert das alles besser mit maskenpflicht weil dann die effekte wirklich gross sind. aber "kein effekt" is bs

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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und das geht sogar noch drastischer wenn die person hier tatsächlich immer die maske trägt, also dann auch wenn sie sich irgendwann doch selbst infiziert hat aber vielleicht noch nicht bemerkt hat (oder asymptomatich ist) und so VIELE infektionen in unserem hypothetischen supermarkt verhindert

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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"Wenn du im Supermarkt als einzige Person Maske trägst und deshalb nicht krank wirst aber alle anderen schon, dann hast du tatsächlich beides" WHUT. so ein quark. da wurde ein gesammter exponentieller ansteckungsstrang gestoppt. KEINEN effekt hätte das nur bei ansonsten 100% anteckung

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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genau: co2 in glassbehälter, energie rein, temperaturmessung raus

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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welche "apokalyptik" denn bitte. der sinn der übung is es doch gerade dass wir gena wissen was co2 macht und deshalb auch wissen wie wir die klimaveränderung stoppen können.

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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in modelle steckt 1 bekannte forcings und hypothetische veränderungen des menschlichen verhaltens rein um die veränderungen des globalen klimas bei einer bestimmten menge ghg ausstoß vorhersagen zu können. DASS co2 ausstoß zur erwärmung führt is aber nicht kompliziert.

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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das ist so nicht richtig, sowohl physikalisch als auch historisch. die entdeckung des co2 treibhauseffektes um 1855 herum hat die klimaforschung zum thema potenzielle erwärmung überhaupt erst gestartet

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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a perfectly "logical" progression from "blocking me is a violation of my first amendment rights" to "not advertising on my trashsite is a violation of my first amendment rights"

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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the really upsetting part is that i wasn't able to figure out from this description who the episode was actually going to be about. there's so many of those books! (i guessed it was gonna be about johnny concepts, but i was wrong)

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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no, i almost guarantee it wouldn't be, in this one specific case. the public pretty much everywhere in the west is AGGRESSIVELY disinterested in remembering the plague ever happened

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Reposted by jadehawk

jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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yup. germany didn't legalize same sex marriages until 2 years after the us did, too.

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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altho, since queerness isn't exactly heritable, it *additionally* means they're aiming a "unqueer or die" gun at their own kids.

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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in my experience they keep doing "minnesota nice" but it means being very polite while feeding you to a woodchipper

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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and as a side note: offensiveness isn't what determines whether something is or isn't racist.

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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two people separately had the same reaction to that word, and yet here you are acting like we didn't mean what we said (but you've been ignoring my comments and then when kendra says the exact same thing acting like it's a brand new revelation, so....)

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Reposted by jadehawk

jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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this is what happens when you let a tuxedo cat into the panda enclosure...

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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also, if i were a specific kind of evopsych grifter, i'd absolutely turn this into a "racial mistrust actually about black people dancing to the beat, white people dancing to the words" thesis and earn thousands a month as a fake employee at the fake austin university

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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and how does "viral tiktok dance" affect this definitely surely very reliable outcome?

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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can we like... invent a fake "exists only on mars" precious stone and feed a "first person to get there gets to mine it all" story to elon on repeat until he shoots himself into space in his cybertruck?

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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basically: what if venture capitalism did to the USA what it did to red lobster

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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1) ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 2) all of elon should be shot in the general direction of mars tomorrow, for the betterment of humanity.

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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well, when i was 21 i was still woman (my gender broke into the weird thing it is today much later), and i definitely cried myself to sleep a lot so i think you are correct.

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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(i know you were talking about rubbing the bottle top against the fixture, but that's the image that came to mind: ppl trying to dring from a tap and effectively licking the spout)

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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omg yes. please do not make out with the fixtures 😵‍💫

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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water fountains are just a good invention, and if your tapwater is so great all it takes is putting in the station, no extra filtering or pipes required. (also also, gyms in germany often don't have fountains *or* AC. i'm pretty sure they're trying to kill me :p)

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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for that matter, how do i put a bottle under that

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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also what the fuck sort of deranged take is it to demand people on layovers just know that you're "civilized" (what a lovely racist way of putting it) and thus should assume your taps are fine while taps 3 countries over aren't

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jadehawk's avatar jadehawk @jadehawk.bsky.social
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lolno, they're not. icelandair taps are not marked as such and i would highly suggest you never drink from the tap on an actual airplain.

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