Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar

Dillon (6 Sided Games)


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Creator of Redshift; can be found on Itch, DrivethruRPG, and on my website at www.sixsidedgames.com.

Physical copies are only available on DrivethruRPG.

Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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This is not a denial.

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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And he didn't reach back. Not unless they updated it between when I read it and now.

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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Except the RS article links back to the Tortoise article when it says he denied it. And the Tortoise article says something to the effect of "We believe his understand is-" It's weird, wonky, and highly questionable.

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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That's Mike. Kathryn has been doing the transcripts but that takes time. I've been trying to read only what was written without assigning extra meaning, but it's difficult. I question the sources. I view it like if Breitbart or OANN came out and said Biden groped someone. I'd want a second source.

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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Dems are a coalition. GOP is a cult. Dems have always been bad on messaging, which in INFURIATING, but them being a "tent pole" party doesn't help them either. The GOP only has to stay on their 2 targets. The "Good ole days" and "Status Quo." It's why they have struggled lately.

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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There's a LOT of circular reporting going on. Along with the kind of Journalism that would cause me to be failed out of a Journalism 101 course. It's VERY likely he's done skeevy stuff. We just are wanting MORE THAN ONE source that is a KNOWN TERF. (And Rowling Stan)

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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What I mean by that is people turning up to vote Against Trump. Not staying home. The other kind of negative turnout.

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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Supposedly he has hired a crisis firm, but they haven't responded to anyone. Supposedly he denied the allegations, but again, no one has seen these denials. From what I've seen on the independently done transcripts (I'll read in full tomorrow) it's scummy and a Bad Thing.

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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No one is able to corroborate what they are saying was said. Supposedly, there are Whatsapp messages. But, no one has those. Supposedly, there is a NZ police report. But no one has that. They supposedly got a statement from the NZ police, but that same police department can't comment.

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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Okay, let's make this super simple. The RS article sources to the Tortoise article about their podcast. The Tortoise article only says that THEY UNDERSTAND his position is the denial. They don't quote him.

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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The ONLY reason why we broke even and had an increase in energy usage was because of the AI bullshit that's being crammed down our throats.

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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"Serious action to mitigate climate change?" You mean the fact we had record growth in the green energy field wasn't "serious action?" And how can Biden ensure rights for all when they have been stripped by SCOTUS and/or he doesn't have the votes in the House/Senate?

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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I'm a straight, white male in Conservative America. I have the least to lose under a Trump presidency. Even *I* see the threat he is to everyone else. Why are we fighting amongst ourselves over Biden instead of looking at the REAL THREAT?

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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Huh, I was expecting mid 5 figures. Less than I thought. I must be vastly overestimating the cost of lawyers. Or overestimating the amount of time that it would take.

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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I'm not allowed to discuss what I would do as it would be against the terms of service. Let's just say I would take up an old family tradition.

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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I'm actually kinda curious about point 3 now.

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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Strategically, the bonus that people get for being the incumbent is MASSIVE, double digits massive. There is nothing that the Dem party can do that would overcome the disadvantage of giving that up.

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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An honest question so I apologize if it seems insulting. Have you familiar with the term "negative voter turnout?"

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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As someone that studied WW2 in an attempt to understand his family's role in it, I knew how Hitler came into power. I did not want to see it in action, however. Can we PLEASE stop before we get there? We're really really damn close.

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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And it wasn't just that. Comey also fucked her with his public statement in FRONT OF CONGRESS ON LIVE TV.

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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It'll give up the incumbent bonus, plus no matter whom is chosen, you're looking at a split in the Dem party. There wouldn't be time to get a coordinated media strategy around the new candidate, either. All around bad decision.

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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Hope you feel better soon.

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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Which one? Both?

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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Dammit, Tim, you're supposed to be Satire, not Extremely Correct Takes!

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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I got Fishing up from around 20 to 49 today. And every time I raise that class, I'm reminded of why I hate it. The Fishing log is useless, it takes up SO MUCH OF YOUR INVENTORY, and requires timing for some reason. I could supposedly do the ocean fishing, but I'm on a low pop server.

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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Must resist urge... Urge failing...

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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It's the AP. They are among the least biased and most correct out there. Super highly respected. And the last couple weeks have been an example of why.

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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Okay, if I watched that, I would feel really bad about that bird. Unlike the people doing that crazy stalker stuff.

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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Yep. Had someone do that here with me. I just laughed and blocked. Like, bitch, this says a lot more about YOU than ME, and I'll just block and move on. I worked fast food. Nothing any person can say will scare me. I've had my life threatened over a SOFT DRINK.

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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Good thing this isn't Twitter or Reddit, they would bully you to the point you cancel your account. That happened to me with Reddit.

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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I would try that at least once. Might be good. Might be God-awful.

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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It's not about getting Trump's people. It's about 2 things: 1: Controlling narrative. Right now the NYT and WaPo are running a ratfucking campaign to screw Biden as hard as possible because they think Trump is going to work better for them. 2: Convince the undecided voter.

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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But then they smell blood in the water and know they can bully a politician that is otherwise "fine" into quitting. While refusing to do so against the LEGITIMATE THREAT TO OUR COUNTRY.

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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Thank you for taking one for the team and listening to the podcast. I'll take a read once I'm in the headspace to be able to handle what comes out of it.

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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It also doesn't ask people to check their sources. It, as a matter of course, requires that people NOT check their sources.

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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That's not how "Just asking questions" goes. "Just asking questions" is more, "What if Trump was really a lizard person?" It's not "Hey, someone else got a second source that doesn't tie to the first?"

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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I did find this. Resharing this because the Alt-text was a bitch to put in.


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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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Where is the interference being run on asking for a second source that's not attached to the first?

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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What I don't understand is that YEARS AGO when I found out it attached to certain receptors, I said that it was a systemic disease that spread like a respiratory illness. And people thought I was nuts. The receptor it attaches to happens to be most concentrated in the lungs, but it everywhere.

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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I keep sharing this because the alt-text was a bitch to put in.

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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If this is, in fact, what was said on the podcast, it was consensual.

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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This is what the article actually says. Notice there's no quote here, there's a LOT of supposition.

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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I'm actually saying they are all tying to a single article that doesn't actually contain a quote. It's contains an "I believe that he thinks..." not an actual quote.

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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Do we have any evidence he did, in fact, say anything?

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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What statement? The one that the podcast nests heavily in "I believe that this is what he means?" One?

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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Not what I'm saying.

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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Oh, and I just found this on Reddit, so I'm naturally a little skeptical, but their level of detail makes me think they are telling the truth.

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Dillon (6 Sided Games)'s avatar Dillon (6 Sided Games) @6sidedgames.bsky.social
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I've asked for this multiple times, maybe you can actually provide it. Where's this police report? There's only one source that mentions it. And it's the podcast.

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