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Retired archaeologist, stay-at-home dad, BEV advocate, cat and dog owner, solar owner, gym rat, and craft beer enthusiast.

ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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2/2 ~30% of the country votes in lockstep. The other ~70% is made up of diverse individuals that have varying views on the same core issues. Any derision among the ~70% gives the ~30% out-sized power. The leaders of the 30% understand this, and have used this to their advantage.

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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1/2 Bernie was too left for many Democrats and Independents. I think the media certianly played a role in that, but I also don't think it matters in the context of what I was trying to point out. Bernie wasn't up against Trump, it was Clinton. She wasn't the best candidate, but Trump was worse.

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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I've essentially been saying this, but people seem to believe that since Biden isn't exactly what they want, they'd prefer to watch the world burn. Not sure how to change their minds.

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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I voted for Bernie, may man, along with 60+% of Minnesotans. He didn't win the nomination.

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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Appreciate the reinforcement.

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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Seems like a pretty simple solution 🤷‍♂️

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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Might as well have the full story, you're welcome.

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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Always will to help.

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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At least post the entire bio, instead of what you find undermines my opinion: "Retired archaeologist, stay-at-home dad, BEV advocate, cat and dog owner, solar owner, gym rat, and craft beer aficionado."

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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Here, here.

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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Uhh, no, that was not the implication.

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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I don't particularly find naivety upsetting.

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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I was never "with her" I was against "him." Based on the comments to this though, I doubt the distinction matters.

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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*sigh. The short-sightedness of choosing not to vote for Clinton when the other option was a narcissistic psychopath is what has led us to the current situation. Yes, I know, ideology "Trumps" all.

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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Just typical Republican stuff, really.

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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Kinda tired of reading '16 Bernie Bros yelling "I told you so," while completely ignoring that it was a self-fulfilling prophecy.

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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Yeah, it's exceptionally frustrating. Republican's aren't playing by the rules, and they haven't been for some time. The Dems seem to think that if they just play a proper game it will all work out...but, unfortunately, the referees have sided with the cheaters.

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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As someone that's driven EVs since 2015, has solar panels, has heat pumps, and has lost money investing in green companies (PTRA, iSun, DCFC, etc), I'm absolutely upset. I'm also a realist, and understand that only so much can be done when Republicans have enough control to derail everything.

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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Centrist here, though left of center. Didn't want Biden then, don't want Biden now...but voted for him because...I mean...Trump is the fucking worst. The people that own this are those that wouldn't vote for Hilary, just saying.

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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Two thoughts come to mind: 1. What do they hear in their head when reading silently...nothing? 2. I bet they have lower instance of insomnia.

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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I stand corrected, listening now!

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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Cannot stream what does not exist.

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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Exactly how I felt 4 years ago...wish I wasn't voting for the same reason though.

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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Would be nice to hear the specs on the BEV version. Though, I still wish they'd completely thrown out the contract and started again. I hope they're using LFP batteries, at the very least.

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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Well, crap, I only have Master's level intelligence.

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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Those 5% should be relocated to Superfund sites.

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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What's even more ridiculous is that it wasn't until the 1980's that code required adequate insulation in residential housing here in Minnesota. Most houses built before the 60's have zero insulation in the walls. Crazy.

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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That's a long hallway.

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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This is me every. single. night...maybe I should do something constructive with my time, as well.

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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I saw one white Ocean parked near the convention center, but I also saw an OG Toyota Rav4 EV, while we were there this weekend. Two quite rare EVs.

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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We recently did!

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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I live in MN, and wear flip flops all year round. No, I don't particularly like walking barefoot through security...but I'm dedicated to the lifestyle.

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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Bought a land yacht over Memorial Day weekend. Never expected to have a vehicle this big, but with 3 growing boys it has become necessary. At least it's electric, and we have solar panels...?

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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If it makes you feel any better my wife is a physician. Using her insurance, and a physician in the hospital where she works (that she also happens to be friends with), it still took me 3 months to get an appointment with a primary. Shit's broken.

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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I MUCH prefer using the self-checkouts 🤷‍♂️

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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That's an invitation for mosquitos here in MN.

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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It makes absolutely no sense...just like Twitter...just like everything he's done over the last 2 years. The guy is a liability.

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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I have, and have had, many female friends that I have been close to and have no desire to see naked. I think it's quite strange to know that there are some people out there that believe everyone of the opposite sex is only interacting with them so they can eventually fuck them. Weird, man.

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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I feel like using a "Prius" would have driven it home a little more, but minor quibble.

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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I can't stress this enough, but are you aware of how much the Avg. BYD assembly line worker makes compared to the US. Absolutely we prioritize big vehicles...but seriously...the reason they can sell a vehicle like this is due to slave wages.

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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So, vehicles not selling wildly above their MSRP at auction is a "huge flop" now? Don't get me wrong, I canceled my order when Tesla wildly missed their advertised specs...but people seem to be buying them. It's not a Fisker Ocean, yet, seemingly. *shrugs*

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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Now do an F250 or an Escalade or a Wagoneer, etc..

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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I wonder if this will also affect Equinox pricing...?

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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The solution to what?

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ArchDad's avatar ArchDad
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He's fallen pretty far down the rabbit hole of nonsense.

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