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Adam Bates

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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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Maybe we've baked the "morality" of white supremacy so deeply into our conception of what the President exists to do that "murdering tens of thousands of Brown people" doesn't even register to our brains as something a President should feel bad about, let alone be prosecuted for?

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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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Democrats: you have to support us because we love democracy and the other guys are literal fascists Also Democrats: hey how come you hold us to a higher standard than literal fascists? I can stop treating Dems as if I expect even a modicum of humanity out of them, but I doubt they'll like it.

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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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lol, the people committing genocide want you to know about the harmful effects of tiktok

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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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4/4 And then of course we have the Democrats, who have been confronted with this dumbness for a decade now and still haven't figured out anything to do about it except cede the field to it while raising more money for their campaigns. What a sad, fallen system.

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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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3/4 And I also reiterate my contempt for mainstream journalism that continues to treat this drool as some kind of serious or even coherent political philosophy. Julian Sanchez was right about this years ago: the only thing anyone has to learn from these people is which direction to spit in.

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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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2/4 I've called Trumpism the politics of malicious boredom, and I'm gonna keep calling it that because it's literally just nonstop illogical drivel about the "open border," transgender people existing, a violent crime wave that doesn't exist, and millennials/zoomers hurting their feelings.

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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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1/4 After spending some time back in Oklahoma, I'd just like to reiterate my insistence that the entirety of conservative politics in this country is getting foaming-at-the-mouth mad about a bunch of stuff that 1. has no appreciable impact on their lives, and/or 2. they've just made up.

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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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"We give Israel bombs to drop on children, but we freak out at politicians writing messages on them because it's 'obscene.'" - Col. Kurtz, probably Just another arrow in my "Democrats will tolerate literally any moral depravity as long as nobody says anything mean" quiver.

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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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"When a long train of abuses evinces a design to reduce a people under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security" - idk, some Palestinian radical probably

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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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"No, stop! The piece only works if you can hear birds! It's a BIRD song!" - John Cage, probably

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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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If I didn't know a single thing about the terminal problems in the libertarian movement in this country, the amount of effort required to convince libertarians that some OBVIOUSLY creepy/bigoted dude is creepy/bigoted would be enough to tell me everything.

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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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An agency infamous for burning children alive sure has chutzpah

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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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Lol, "I want lawyers to do free labor for me by suing everyone who hurts my grifter feelings" Fuck off dweeb

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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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Live look at the 2024 Democratic National Convention

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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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Biden and Blinken are conducting the most equitable genocide ever. Vote Blue!

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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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Hundreds of thinkpieces clutching their pearls at how "violently" Travis Kelce yelled at Andy Reid and what it says about our culture, written by people who are happily going to vote for genocide in November.

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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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Regular reminder that when right wingers say "free speech," what they mean is the abolition of freedom of association.

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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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Every single time I hear that some journalist made a fool of the State Department, it is always the AP's Matt Lee. He is both a credit to and an indictment of his entire profession.

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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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Anyone know why Joe Biden stopped using "9/11s" as a unit of measurement for civilian deaths the instant the civilians were indigenous to Palestine?

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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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Remembering the Holocaust by committing your own genocide is certainly a look, Joe.

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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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Stay a bit later and help the personal staff of Pol Pot "mourn" the victims of the Khmer Rouge

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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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People still out here "both sidesing" shit when one of the sides is literally threatening to murder days of the week.

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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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Canada: So you fought against Russia? 98 year old dude: As long as there are absolutely no follow up questions, yes. Canada: Good enough for us!

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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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Republicans: immigrants are less than human and US policy should treat them that way. Democrats: the first part of that is really offensive.

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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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I hate the government, except for cops, military, and immigrant catchers. You know, all the bits that oppress and kill people. But don't get me started on teachers and mailmen.

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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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"Try that in a small town" "OK"

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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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I'd bet my life savings I can guess what the D. in "Louisiana SC Justice Jefferson D. Hughes III" stands for.

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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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I asked AI to draw this judge based on this drool of an opinion and this is what it came up with:

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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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My mom says "well that should be how it works." Checkmate.

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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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The confederacy hasn't taken an L this big since Sherman's march to the sea. Cracker Barrel has fallen. Repeat: Cracker Barrel has fallen.

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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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"The mother of a young migrant girl who died in U.S. Border Patrol custody last week requested medical aid at least three times.... Reyes Alvarez was detained in Border Patrol facilities for over a week, despite internal rules that instruct agents to hold migrants for no longer than three days."

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Adam Bates's avatar Adam Bates
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