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A Big Old Skeleton


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The skeleton what posts and is big and old

A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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Ha ha fuck this is already closing in on 2000 words that's too many words about DOOM³ I am going to have to take a chainsaw to this when I edit it.

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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No I am with you on this one, the Spooky Season is sacred and should be treated as such. Don't cheapen it! I ain't against dressing up your giant Home Depot skeleton for different holidays but don't start telling me to get ready for Halloween in fucking July. Grow up.

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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Concrete Day was a thing we had regularly during the couple of years I built swimming pools for a living, and I hated it (concrete is miserable to work with in the heat) but also it was always the day where we got to just sit around and not do shit while waiting on the truck to show up.

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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Look, John Allison is simply doing things with words and pictures that nobody has ever dared to do before and one of those things is, critically, the acknowledgement that going HAM with concrete is in fact deeply, deeply satisfying. If you have never done it, I suggest you do.

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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Oh shit I got older

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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I did in fact start writing a DOOM³ thing this very evening, which is a great way for you to tell that I have lost my mind.

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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Now I am too lazy to do anything like that. I occasionally consider dual booting like the Good Old Days but then I just can't come up with any good reason to do it beyond like, demonstrating to myself that I still know how to make things work when I have to.

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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I think I did eventually get some stuff running on it but I ended up keeping a Windows partition just for games and swapping to Linux to do stuff like write, talk shit on IRC, and awkwardly flirt with girls over AIM. You know, the important things.

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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Oh god I played more of this than I am comfortable admitting back when I decided to run Mandrake Linux and then was like "what do you mean windows games are a nightmare to get running on this thing" because I was like 14 or 15 and Wine was only just starting to be like... usable.

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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I would eat this

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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What is stupid (to me) about this statistic for June is that this is one of my worse months in terms of like, actually going out and running. Also if you do the math I am a hilariously slow runner.

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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You may be tempted to be like "oh this is just the movie where the girl turns into a car how WACKY" and I guess you are free to do that but also you are missing out on the fact that her becoming a car actually makes thematic sense

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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It is a cliché to say "they don't make them like this anymore" but they really don't and frankly I am not sure they ever really did. This thing is like 90% symbolism and 10% plot and they are smart enough to know exactly when to deploy the series opening theme for maximum effect.

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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Decided to watch the Utena movie again and boy they animated the ever-loving shit out of this thing, huh? What a good fuckin film.

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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Boss is still out sick so I have another meeting-free day and folks, I'm real happy about this.

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Reposted by A Big Old Skeleton

Reposted by A Big Old Skeleton

Reposted by A Big Old Skeleton

A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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I mean I DO finish writing things, I just have a big pit that I shovel them into and occasionally something escapes but mostly it's only getting seen after I die and whoever gets access to my files goes through them and thinks "damn this dude wrote a lot of nonsense huh"

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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I was on a good streak of putting a little time into some games every evening but then this evening I just read comics and then opened like three different word docs to work on three different story ideas and this is why I will never actually finish writing anything.

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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Some real good voices in this one, along with some of the highest-quality "oh fuck we rolled so bad" moments you are liable to find on this good earth.

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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This fun thing where the weather waits until I leave the apartment to start raining is getting pretty fucking old

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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I aim for accuracy in my user names, and I am two out of three of these descriptors (or three out of three depending on who you ask).

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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Boss is out sick today and that means all the meetings I had scheduled for today have been moved to tomorrow. Which means I'll be busy tomorrow, but also means I can relax today, so who can say if this is good or not

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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I haven't mentioned that @flaminghydra.com whips ass recently, I apologize to everyone but mostly to Flaming Hydra for this error. Yesterday and today's editions were real fuckin' bangers too.

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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Obligatory DOOM posting: Did the first few Lost Levels in DOOM 64 and boy they want you to be short on ammo don't they? Also just got the urge to play the first three levels of DOOM II and I could not really tell you why, just that it felt real good to do.

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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My job has become more meeting-heavy in the last few months and I gotta tell you I fucking hate it.

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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Been conducting meetings in German more and more lately and while you might think that after eight years that shouldn't be that big of a deal I assure you that I feel extremely pleased about being able to do it every time.

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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I've lived in Germany for eight years and I still instinctively avoid the doctor whenever I can because I am like "who can afford to just go to a doctor" and people all think I am insane.

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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Explaining American health care to people over here never gets old. The slow dawning horror on their faces as they realize just what the deal is, the shocked "but what if you get really sick and don't have money," the "it costs HOW much," it is a fresh horror every time.

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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A rare non-DOOM-related skeet: After some more listens to it, I am ready to say that the new Mannequin Pussy album really does kick ass.

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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Took everything I had (I'm serious) not to immediately hop into Ancient Gods 2, but I probably would've ended up being awake until like 3am if I did that. Shit has a HOLD on me.

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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It's the possessed Pain Elemental/Dread Knight combo that does it. Always end up focusing on the Pain Elemental first but really I bet getting rid of the juiced knight is the smarter call. Damn thing is real fast and does absolute dumb damage when he's juiced up.

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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Having nothing to prove is also why I was like "sure give me the sentinel armor so I can get through the last phase of this boss fight" which I think must have been tweaked since the last time I did it because I remember having way more trouble with the first two phases last time.

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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Could not leave it alone so now I've beaten Ancient Gods 1 for the third fuckin' time. The difference this time is that I didn't do all the secret encounters because I have nothing to prove to anyone, I've done that shit twice before already and frankly you don't get good upgrades for doing 'em.

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Reposted by A Big Old Skeleton

A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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Every encounter is at the level of the final encounter of its first level in terms of intensity at LEAST. I have no idea how I managed to do this the first two times.

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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Good GOD but the final level of Ancient Gods 1 is so much harder than I remembered. Two archviles off the top in the slayer gate there! Two! As soon as you start the encounter! What the fuck!

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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As a dude who basically talks about DOOM a lot I would be remiss in not pointing out you can pick up Every Fucking Game for less than €30 right now on steam

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Reposted by A Big Old Skeleton

Reposted by A Big Old Skeleton

A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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One of my coworkers asked me if it was true dudes thought about the Roman Empire a lot and I personally don't, I think about Mac Tonight and also DOOM way more

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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I do not know if I will include the DOOM RPG in this, (a version of which I think I played on a graphing calculator when I was in high school?), but I would like to at least mention that Mighty DOOM was a pretty good mobile game and it sucks that it's dead now.

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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As threatened, I did in fact write a bunch of words about DOOM 64. The post ends with me gesturing in the direction of doing a ranking of DOOM games, which if nothing else will give me an excuse to play more DOOM:


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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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Specifically, looking at an FAQ from the late 90s on GameFAQs, because I have fucking STANDARDS.

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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Finished up that DOOM 64 run I started a few weeks back and really, really enjoy what a cakewalk the final level is as long as you do the work of getting to the secret levels (it took me 1'19" to beat it). I got to the secret levels, of course, by the time honored tradition of "looking at a guide."

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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Started writing down some thoughts about DOOM 64, a game that I was not huge on the first time I went through it but have become increasingly charmed by on subsequent playthroughs. Mostly because I've been upgrading the Unmaker this time through, but also, you know, it's got something to it.

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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Just a shitload of ham sitting around, stinking? That IS a nightmare.

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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That better have been the most delicious dream ham you ever tasted, is all I'm prepared to say.

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A Big Old Skeleton's avatar A Big Old Skeleton @abigoldskeleton.bsky.social
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You owe it to yourself to play the SNES game if you haven't played it already, it will help ease the pain.

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