Virgil Abt's avatar

Virgil Abt

528 followers 131 following 1491 posts

Credential-less bozo who somehow briefly got on Joshua's LawSky list. PACER pay-pig since it was 7 cents/page. Published knitting theorist (DM me if you're looking for a suitably symmetric stitch for a Mobius strip).

Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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Can't just let a handsome con man fly the plane anymore, because of woke.

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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"He is, simplified, what it means to be a great public servant. We do not have time today for me to relate the unabridged version of what he is."

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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The commissioning will continue until morale improves.
(Biden's commission returned its report analyzing many possible court reforms in Dec. 2021. I don't think Biden has yet said a word identifying a single one of those proposals that he supports.)

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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I guess this is the big soylent green reveal. "Gogurt is brain puke!"

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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Very presidential.

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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I thought the first sentence was a change of direction for the Times, but it looks like there was a typo ("felonies" was supposed to be "felony", making "counts" a noun rather than verb) and NYT didn't intend to take any position on whether Trump's conviction counts.

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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But aren’t we still before even that before-convention nomination happening? So how is it a problem if Biden withdraws now?

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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...The regent would normally be the next adult in line, but that's outcast Harry. Because Harry isn't a resident of the kingdom, they can skip over him to the next adult, but that's His Royal Embarrassment Andrew, Friend-of-Epstein.

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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If the heart attack kills Charles, William instantly becomes king and handles matters. If the heart attack just puts Charles in the ICU, I think WIlliam can quickly be declared regent and take care of things. If Charles and William both have heart attacks, then thing get awkward. ...

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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Just found this article with a few apparently well-credentialed experts agreeing that there's no problem if Harris is the nominee. (And they mostly think the unlikely weird scenario of Harris being retained at the bottom of the ticket probably wouldn't actually work.)

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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Yes, it seems like as long as you answer 1 correctly (Harris), then concerns 2, 3, and 4 all melt away. (The answer to 4, of course, being that she's not a rando, she was selected by being his duly elected successor.)

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
[ View ] Is there anything to the concern that campaign funds raised for Biden would not be easily transferable to a Harris campaign?

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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What’s the timezone of those times? Something East of EDT?

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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More here. She did later get some legal help, but then disappeared. The whole thing was sketchy at every step.

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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This doc has been public since it was filed in April 2016. Johnson had no lawyer and the case was quickly dismissed because she couldn't pay the $400 filing fee. If anyone who talked to her found her at all credible, I would expect she would have easily found legal and financial help.

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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I had been thinking that with the precedent of the Senate refusing to consider anyone for Scalia's seat for 11 months, House Republicans wouldn't have any compunction about holding VP open for 6 months. But it's true that Johnson has nowhere near the competence of McConnell.

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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"He knows if he has two more events like that, we're [fucked]" is hardly an admission of anything. There's not even an acknowledgement of the obvious fact that *one* such event would suffice.

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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Are you referring to the line “The People’s request regarding the sentencing recommendation was granted”? That’s just granting the request to delay the recommendation’s due date. I think Merchan is promising to decide Trump’s motion on Fri 9/6 and then the sentence rec. will be due Mon 9/9.

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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I think that's only the nature of edit-button-less social media. It would help if there were at least a way to mark a skeet as being superseded by a subsequent skeet, and if all reskeets and quote-skeets of the superseded skeet then showed a "SUPERSEDED" flag, with a link to the superseding skeet.

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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(It's Justice Juan Merchan. Justice Arthur Engoron is the one who entered a $454 civil judgment against Trump and related entities.)

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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They absolutely wouldn't, but we always got along without filling VP vacancies until 1974. I don't think a 6-month gap is that big a risk. (But it would fit with the rest of this season's writing if we next learn the White House is stalling because Harris was just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.)

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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"parent ... must sign AN AFFIDAVIT EVERY TIME you come to the library" Crying for my country while dusting off my notary license and heading down to the library to make some bank.

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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But just as a legal question, if the NY courts were being normal, wouldn't they allow an elderly first-time non-violent offender to stay out during his appeal of right, especially if the sentence is, say, 4 months, or anything shorter than the typical length of an appeal?

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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You really think the NY appellate courts wouldn't let him stay out of jail pending at least his first appeal of right? (And if sentencing isn't until September, that would keep him out until January, I'd think.)

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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I understand most of the motivations for this evil (terrorizing employees, deceiving competitors, etc) but why do 2/3 of them think this increases revenues? lolwut?

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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Right, I’m assuming the crows’ intelligence and asking why they see the water as helping them, when they still have access to the spring. Is it a long game of keeping up the numbers of their prey?

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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Wait, can't the crows (unlike most of the other animals) easily fly over the wall to the spring? What's their angle here? Do they just like to have an important job, especially if it involves screaming?

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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This classic masterpiece really is worth a click. (cw: anticanuckism)

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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What I also love about the funky-era federal register is that discovering it is a special treat for cheapskates like me who have to look up old regulations by perusing images of the printed edition, while folks with expensive database subscriptions miss out on the quirky flavor of the tomes.

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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It's just so reassuring. Sit back and get ready to enjoy 60,221 pages of nothing but good vibrations from your administrative state.

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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I love that even the Federal Register was groovy in 1975.

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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I love that even the Federal Register was groovy in 1975.

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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Please do feel free to eject me to make room. It will only add to my mystique for the 90 folks who have already followed me and will soon be wondering how the hell that happened. (Also, my Winnebago dealer says he's all out of the gratuity I promised you for putting me on the list. Sorry.)

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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New Bio dropped, for all my bamboozled new followers.

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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New Bio dropped, for all my bamboozled new followers.

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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I think Suni and Butch are the "and the rest" who won't get named in the song until the second season.

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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Ah, you mean nobody actually changed their minds about moral acceptability, and the opposing movements are just lots of gay-positive Dems changing their affiliation to Republican? I'd have guessed the rally effect would just make Dems say they support the president, not change their party self-ID.

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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You mean Mark Bingham brought some Republicans around on gay rights? I can imagine that, but why the big drop in Democratic support?

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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Of course, this is exactly what a guy who's hacked Paul and Joshua would say.

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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Could just be somebody who opportunistically grabbed his handle when it became free, unrelated to him deleting his account.

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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At the left end, the R drop from '03 to '04 was the backlash to the first gay marriages in MA and CA, but what on Earth is the big D drop and huge R increase in support from '01 to '02? Did Rush Limbaugh come out of the closet and I forgot about it?

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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Too late, the First Department's storm troopers are canon now.

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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Only one judicial fit is bling enough to command the proper respect.

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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July 1 should be pretty interesting, too. That's when the DA's sentencing recommendation is due. Good chance it will cause apoplexy on both sides.

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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So Trump is free to "make public statements about" jurors, but still may not disclose a juror "name" nor "business or residential address" (Mar. 7 order)? I guess Trump will need to assign them all derogatory nicknames.

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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In each triple, the middle one is an age-restricted subset of the other two.

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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Alex Jones bankruptcy judge sets hearing for 9am CDT Thursday on trustee's motion to stop the Texas families from grabbing all FSS assets.
(Unfortunately, Courtlistener's page for the individual bk case is rather messed up, and you can't get this notice there.)

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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Senator, the tension between the Texas and Connecticut families in the Jones bankruptcies has soared to new heights.

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Virgil Abt's avatar Virgil Abt
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(I think I undersold the drama there by not making it clear that the Connecticut families are saying that *to the Texas families*. Everybody long ago gave up asking why Alex Jones is always lying.)

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