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@comradeddie in the bad place | he/him | Mexicano | Palestine will be free | not voting for a genocide supporter | leftist | idiot 🇵🇸

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That’s what all the centrists keep telling me, at least. Sure we can swap out any one piece but it always has to be center right vs far right

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There is at a micro level but at the macro level it’s called “wanting the fascists to win”

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I will grant you that this is actually an attempt to do something. But these are professional politicians, this is literally their job. If I was as bad at my job as they are at theirs I’d have been fired a long time ago.

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Well I mean I wouldn’t exactly call what the democrats have been doing “trying”, per se

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What part of the last 50 years makes you think the optics will matter to anyone not already in the camp?

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The people who have demonstrated a complete inability to stop things from getting as bad as they are is claiming they are the only ones who are able to stop things from getting worse

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Was about to skeet that we need the men’s fashion guy over here just to find, lo and behold… has been here. Bluesky truly has the Mandate of Heaven.

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President Xi, please my county yearns for freedom

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One of these is not like the others, but the point is the response doesn't match the rhetoric. Here it belies that they're being manipulative about P25, the others are real issues they only pay lip service to (if even that, eg genocide) and it's morally reprehensible.

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reply guise's avatar reply guise
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Covid, genocide, and gun violence has made me pretty intolerant of political bs. If your reaction to children getting murdered is “whoa, don’t take MY guns”, or neighbors dying with “not MY brunch”, or the project 2025 boogeyman with “don’t jeopardize my career or power”… I call bs. You don’t care.

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The thing about the boogeyman strategy the democrats have made pretty much their entire platform for a decade is that they are still professional politicians. If you’re claiming your opponent is this existential threat, shouldn’t everything be on the table? Your own job, your own salary?

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reply guise's avatar reply guise
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Ok let’s look at it a different way. Let’s say project 2025 is everything the democrats say it is. That’s a pretty clear cut fascist manifesto, life or death, right? So why won’t they compromise at all? Offer to gut the dnc? Change the nominee? Whatever it takes? No, *we* must bend to them.

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I’m not voting for Biden. Project 2025 isn’t Trump, its heritage foundation and the Dems are using it as a boogeyman to strong arm us into voting for their best interests, again. Idc if you vote for Biden just don’t blindly fall for propaganda

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This is the same thing they’re going to say about every election from here on out. At this point Trump isn’t the big bad boogeyman to me- it’s decades more of fascism vs the comically inept, in every election. That’s going to get us all killed.

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A Greek proverb once said “a society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they will never sit under”. Old men in our society hang onto power and refuse to pass leadership on until they’re in the ground. That doesn’t seem great, to me.

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I’m saying that you can’t keep crying wolf about how the world will end if Trump wins and then nothing happens, especially since the strategy appears to be “hold serve forever and hope things magically get better”. There are no options outside fascism or dipshit centrism, plan b is revolution

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I’m assuming you virtuously focus on the mythical other voter whose life circumstances mean that the choice is life or death while for you it merely means a continuation without a threat to the status quo. I’m asking we be more honest, because we can’t improve while we’re all virtue signaling.

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reply guise's avatar reply guise
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Yeah of course it does, because your election strategy hinges on it. You’re making Trump out to be this cataclysmic threat, but the reality is that life will largely be the same under both. The working class gets ignored as we examine the theatrics of the ruling class.

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Was your life, personally, much different under Trump than Biden?

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Because requiring winning every election or else your entire political strategy is dismantled is never going to work. Both of those appointments should have been dem, and it was plainly obvious then. These aren’t randos at the bar, these are elected officials, this is their entire job.

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I just think we need to be careful about selling snake oil. Voting Biden will do almost nothing to improve your life, and things will probably get worse short and long term at every level. Voting Biden keeps Trump out, but there aren’t huge differences between the two to most people.

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Ok so then you see what I mean- if all it took was one term to wipe out the progress of 3, this plan was never going to work. If people don’t think “my life is better when a dem is in charge”, you’re not winning every election. We need another plan, and fast.

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reply guise's avatar reply guise
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They’ve put these out before every presidential election come on let’s be serious, it’s the heritage foundation try that sensational bullshit with someone who doesn’t know their shit

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Right but, as previously mentioned, winning every single election isn’t realistic. Dems have had the White House for 12 of the last 16 years, 20 of the last 32. If you can’t do anything without being entirely unopposed you can’t do anything anyway.

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No, I don’t. And she probably wasn’t better than Trump in all but the scotus thing, which again could have been minimized by forcing the old bird to retire and trying literally anything to appoint your rightful pick under Obama

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For comparison, AOC is “less than perfect”. She would dogwalk Trump in 2024.

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reply guise's avatar reply guise
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Hilary was far from “less than perfect”. We’ve been doing lesser evilism for decades now, but we were screaming about how unlikeable she was and the Dems swept it all under the rug of misogyny. Run candidates that aren’t smarmy and condescending, it’s really not complicated.

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reply guise's avatar reply guise
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Basing your entire political strategy on winning every election from here on out is stupid, combining that with doing fuck all to improve the lives of any of those voters and catering to the donors while you’re actually in power is doubly idiotic. I hope it’s a conspiracy bc no one is THAT dumb

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2 of those were hubris on the part of the Dems and RBG

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My question is why and how their political vision is coming together when a Democrat has been in the White House for 12/16 years

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I dont disagree with your aims but Biden’s had 4 years to do anything at all about all of those and if anything, he’s lost ground. What are 4 more years going to do? Keeping Trump out, ok, but doing nothing while our lives get worse just strengthens the case of the next Republican, right?

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It’s not “annoying”, to have identity be a shield for horrible behavior is literally a right wing fever dream. This is literally Nazi shit

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Show me the person who thinks he’s doing a great job but solely despises his age

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No one has said that- no one is saying he is worthless, just that he’s too old to serve in the highest office there is, how is that controversial? I’d say he wouldn’t make a great firefighter either, is that ageism?

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This is concern trolling. No one is attacking him for being old, that isn’t the principal criticism and we both know it.

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If you represent so much human suffering as part of a role you actively sought out, you no longer qualify for any -ism. Save ageism for the truly qualified who can’t get work, for the elderly who get mistreated and abused for having reduced faculties, not for a fucking war criminal.

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THANK YOU. The people giving this the most attention are DEMS, trying to scare the base into voting. It’s all smoke and mirrors, more boogeymen to avoid ever having to actually do anything. This is so fucked, man

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They probably still will because to hear the centrists tell it, the republicans run everything whether or not they’re in power

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The best way I can describe modern liberal moderates is like if a group of people, entirely of their own volition, decided to recreate the Stanford prison experiment and appointed themselves wardens but deluded themselves into thinking they’d be kinder about it

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Oh I get it, they fucked up your sandwich but you don’t have to just eat it, you take it back and make them do it right?

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please send a search party i got lost in your eyes

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Everyone shut up the world is ending but Sydney Sweeney posted new selfies and we should enjoy the beauty of the natural world while we still can

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And that’s not including the Palestine protests which are ongoing and national guard were sent to those too

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Is there a way I can schedule a bit to post automatically for me on a daily basis? I need that MLK quote about the white moderate and the Kwame Ture passages about the white liberal to get reposted every day until the election

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I am simply flabbergasted at this response. The republicans can derail the democrats agenda simply by… expressing a dissenting opinion?? These are the people that are going to save us from fascism??? Dwight D Eisenhower calling off the operation bc Hitler told the Germans to be mean to us on D Day

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Formal apology to Chappell Roan for not being familiar with her game

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