Aeronaute's avatar


41 followers 83 following 222 posts

Geek, pilot, photographer, foodie, sailor, tea snob, gamer, costumer, uglyDog (She/Her) Cantabrigia status mentis est. Was @aeronaute on Twitter, pre-Elmo. If you're promoting any AI thing, seriously, nobody wants that crap!

Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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Bring back the Rhino party!

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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We do have Vermin Supreme.

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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To clarify, I was not seeking modern alternatives. Some of you seem to have spent too much time thinking on this.

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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Guillotines are such an antique device. Surely our age have moved past those.

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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Oh, now it's a 900% match? Good thing I didn't donate at the paltry 600% match level! Think how much more valuable my donation will be when the match hits 1200% or 1500%!! It's hypothetical, of course, because I give nothing to the fuckers that send unsolicited text messages to my phone.

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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Oh I wish I was in Sherbrooke now.

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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Yes, Biden is old. This isn't news. He can spend his remaining years sitting by a fire in the White House, sipping tea, for all I care. The team around him getting things done will be mostly competent, and mostly not terrible people. Trump and his ilk would be horrible in character and inept.

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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I've never doubted it! I can hardly redoubt it, then.

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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Any signs of escaping magic smoke? Is that still a thing, or was that mostly a 90s problem?

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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Well, that'll teach me to snark at, non-ball. I didn't know that, so you've improved my day with added learning! Sounds like the goal isn't so much catching the steeple as the poison ivy you meet along the way. :)

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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What I don't understand is that every steeple I've seen has been firmly attached to a building—usually a church. They don't move! How is it a challenge to chase them?

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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I could have unpacked the rest of the boxes from my move a year and a half back, and found my 3D printer. Or I could use the need to print something as an excuse to upgrade to a new printer which will show up on my doorstep with no searching. I was not as frugal in this instance as I might hope.

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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I mostly just read a book on flights. I did, once, come across a channel on the entertainment system that showed the readouts of the flight instruments overlaid on the route map, and as a pilot, I spent more time following along than was strictly necessary.

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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There's an interesting startup that I hope succeeds, and considered investing in. Today, they expanded investment options to allow me to use cryptocurrency to invest. Oh, thanks, I still hope you succeed, but I'm not putting real money anywhere near that.

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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I don't believe many of the anti-trans advocates would acknowledge that there really are kids (or adults) who are trans and need treatment. It's easier for them to pretend it's all made up, and nobody is really trans. There is very little good faith in any of their arguments.

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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If your kids understand that you don't want them using computers, that means that they'll only do it in secret, at their friends' houses, away from your guidance, and if they find themselves in over their head, they won't come to you for help.

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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When we were younger, computers were locked away in separate rooms, and smart phones (or even dumb mobile phones didn't exist). We used the tools of the world around us, and kids these days need to be using the tools of the world around them.

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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I used to live down the street from his office, and frequently had to see his blight of a "campaign" bus parked out front, which got around Cambridge sign laws.

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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The fiasco is getting 3 emergency alerts on my phone to tell me that the Mass 911 system is down—while I'm in Rhode Island.

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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Chemtrails—not just for airplanes anymore.

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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A few weeks ago, digsafe marked the gas line (yellow) down the street I live on. Today, I noticed the addition of water (blue) line markings. I suspect my street is about to be torn up, but still no sewer (green) line markings, yet.

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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I've resisted the multi-monitor urge, partly to preserve the portable option. I can use my iPad as a secondary display, and some hotel TVs let you plug HDMI into them. Enjoy the impromtu vacation!

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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There's a strong "let me speak to the manager" vibe about going to the host of a radio show to answer a question she could easily google the answer for, even if we ignore the racism implicit in the question.

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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Time to find a hotel with good AC and internet?

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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It just seems like a static picture to me. If I click it, it gets bigger, but doesn't move. Cute bear.

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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I presume there's a bear in that picture, but I can't find him. Perhaps something that celebrates his stealthiness?

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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Hendrick's Head Light, Southport, ME, USA.

#lighthouse #photography #maine #drones4fun

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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Idiots. It's their money, I guess, but I don't see Tesla getting any better under Elmo. I'm sure this will be a huge boost to employee moral at Tesla, though. At least for one employee.

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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Apple gives Pages the ability to save documents in MS Word format, if one chooses. Pages has been around for long enough that Word could easily support the option of reading those files. Seems the one not being inclusive is Microsoft.

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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I keep hoping this was more of Elon blowing smoke out his ass to try to influence the vote, and the final result will deny him. It's an insane plan, and it makes no fiscal sense.

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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Nobody would want to follow them into the dark.

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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All these years waiting for an iPad calculator app, and it doesn't even do RPN. Harumph.

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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Plugged directly into the jack, or was it an accoustic coupler?

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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Reeet with how old you are using a vague proxy. The car I learnt to drive in had a button on the floor, activated by tapping one's left foot, to toggle the high beam lights, as was common in contemporary North American cars. The winshield washer was actuated by a manual plunger on the dash.

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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That would be extra hassle for me, since my shift key IS the d key (and the k key). If I tap them, they send the letters, and if I hold them, they act as shift keys.

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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I follow you on Bluesky and Mastodon. I don't use any of the platforms in the Facebook ecosystem.

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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I do not believe they guy that says he has never voted for Trump, but would now crawl over broken glass to do so, thanks to the conviction.

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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Fancy? Maybe, but inferior for the lack of chocolate.

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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Heck, communication fell apart a few months back over cooking pancakes. Medical lingo is surely rife with potential risks. ;)

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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But you said you wanted mechanical switches!

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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Based on the look of contrition on her face, afterwards, I'd say she was appropriately sorry, and had learnt her lesson.

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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Nobska Light, Falmouth, MA, just south of Woods Hole.

#uasphotos #drones4fun #lighthouse #photography

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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Why is there an eye staring out of it?!

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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How many bands do you need to start, at this point,to use up all your saved names?

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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Sucks that you had the dissapointing experience, but sounds like you got some entertainment out of it. I wonder how many bad RE agents will just phone it in until they quit the field, given the recent changes to the commission system.

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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I don't remember the language shift so much, but when Trump got elected, I sure wanted to check the soles of people's shoes.

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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And why have part of the fold flat on the table if you're going to pair it with an external keyboard? Laptop keyboards are still marginally better than on-screen keyboards.

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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I kind of wish that more people had been transcribing Dr Bronner's soap labels to the internet, back in the day.

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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Sunset last night at Beavertail Light.
#sunset #drones4fun #photography #rhodeIsland

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Aeronaute's avatar Aeronaute
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It's adorable that they were still naïve enough to think that there might be a way to "Stop Unwanted Mail."

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