Alan Ferrier's avatar

Alan Ferrier

171 followers 149 following 303 posts

I live in Glasgow and my hobbies include arranging my CDs in alphabetical order, discovering new and exotic whiskies, sheep-spotting and flying my kite.

Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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“No society can legitimately call itself civilised if a sick person is denied medical aid because of lack of means.”
—Aneurin Bevan, 1952

“You're there to make money.”
—Wes Streeting, 2024

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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Narrator: Norway is already a partner in the EU Single Market and Sweden is a full-blown EU member state.

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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And for clarity, and because folk are wilfully misrepresenting what I said, by "Scottish Labour MPs" I don't mean "MPs born in Scotland". I mean MPs holding Scottish constituencies, who nominally represent these lads:

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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Actual number of Scottish Labour MPs in government: 1

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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The SNP is the creation of the independence movement; the independence movement is not a creation of the SNP, and the SNP leadership forgets that at its peril.

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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Hearing that Jacob Rees-Mogg has already lined up a new job for himself, haunting a Victorian orphanage.

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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The tide goes out. The tide will return. Stand on the shore undaunted and unafraid, building for the future, and waiting the tide’s return. The high tide will come again. But we have work to do.

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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I don't mean to sound bitter, but I am, so that's how it comes out.

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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Dinner with Labour voters, with apologies to playwright Peter Arnott.

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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Today isn't so much an election; more of an exorcism.

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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A fine letter written to the Financial Times by Lesley, an English woman living in rural Aberdeenshire. Please take two minutes to read and consider it before casting your vote tomorrow.

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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It's a source of mild yet continual amusement to me that the logo of the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party is, quite literally, a double cross.

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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Confirmation that not many folk really like Labour or know/agree with what they stand for. People just want rid of the Tories and under FPTP that means a big Labour majority, almost by default. Expect their polling to slump rapidly post-election.

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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Seems that the @ScotNational is the only media outlet reporting this. Many folk in England wondering why it's only in one relatively small-circulation Scottish newspaper. Speaks volumes about the cosy relationship between Labour and the media moguls.

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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Aye. Changed into the Tories. P.S. Another vow, eh?

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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He'll work with fascists but not with the SNP. Are you watching, Scotland?

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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Tony Blair invented New Labour. Keir Starmer's invented New Tory.

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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Labour planning huge new rounds of PFIs - public-private partnerships - where the taxpayer takes all the risk but asset management companies reap all the rewards. Scotland's already been saddled with the legacy of the last lot of PFIs for generations.

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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These are the lads who complain when they're called "far-right".

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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Rachel Reeves and her apparatchiks can't even spell whisky.

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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After the 2014 Scottish Independence referendum the Smith Commission recommended that numerous tax-raising powers be devolved to the Scottish Parliament. Who blocked virtually all of them? Why, that would be the Labour Party. Vote Labour, get nothing.

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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I'm old enough to remember Keir Starmer promising to abolish the House of Lords: "I will abolish the House of Lords to 'restore trust in politics'" - November 2022.

I'm not old enough to remember the first time Labour promised that, 114 years ago.

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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Starmer rules out negotiations on Scottish independence. Starmer rules out referendum on Irish reunification. Starmer rules out return to the EU, Single Market or Customs Union. Never asks what we want - just tells us what we're "allowed". Like some kind of pound shop Viceroy.

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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I see Ruth Davidson's been drafted in to assure us that Nigel Farage will never be Prime Minister, just like she assured us that Boris Johnson would never be Prime Minister.

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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It's bleakly amusing that Farage's Reform UK party is usually abbreviated as "REFUK". "REFUK - when fucking the country once isn't enough."

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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"This party is a moral crusade or it is nothing." —Harold Wilson, 1 October 1962 "We gave up on being a party of protest." —Keir Starmer, 13 June 2024

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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Scotland's economy is a 'standout' performer among the UK’s 12 nations and regions, second only to Northern Ireland (which, remember, is still essentially in the EU Single Market) and ahead of London, according to the Royal Bank of Scotland.

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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I wonder what Keir Hardie, Clement Attlee, Nye Bevan and Tony Benn would make of today's Labour Party manifesto. I'm guessing toilet paper.

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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I never thought I'd feel sorry for Douglas Ross and I was right.

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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Douglas Ross - as we know - does indeed have multiple jobs and every one of them involves standing on the sidelines waving a little flag.

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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David Duguid must be the first person ever who the Tories have insisted isn't fit for work.

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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How a £25 payment is turning Scotland into a European pioneer in reducing child deprivation.

“I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve mentioned it to colleagues and friends based elsewhere in the UK . . . and been told they’ve never heard of it.”

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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“It basically means that no child in Scotland should go cold or hungry. It’s a remarkable story and the second remarkable story is how it hasn’t been reported.”
—Professor Danny Dorling, University of Oxford.

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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I'm starting to think that the Conservative Party's decision to hold the #Brexit referendum in order to resolve their internal civil war and neutralise the threat of Farage's far-right may not be working out as they'd hoped.

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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Farage being, once again, the top story on the BBC News website provides an excuse to repost this little slice of Internet poetry from 2017:

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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Labour will win the 4th July election, but not many folk really like them or know what they stand for. People just want rid of the Tories and under FPTP that means a big Labour majority, almost by default. Expect their polling to slump rapidly post-election.

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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“Starmer’s Labour Party has been captured by a small, highly determined right-wing clique, one that is as insouciant of Labour’s magnificent history and democratic tradition as it is contemptuous of ethnic minorities.”

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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What's the point of having a debate between the leaders of two political parties who more or less agree on everything?

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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This BBC puff-piece begins: "Nigel Farage is one of the most influential politicians of our time. Quite the achievement for a man who has never been an MP."

Could his 35 (36, as of tomorrow) appearances on BBC Question Time have had anything to do with it?

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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Diane Abbott should cut up her Labour Party membership card on live television, tell @Keir_Starmer that he can stick the shards up his arse, then stand as an independent candidate. She'd probably win.

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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The UK is - supposedly - a multi-nation, multi-party democracy; four nations with different political cultures. There's every chance of a hung parliament. Folk need to hear from the various different parties on their ballot papers otherwise it's, quite simply, a stitch-up.

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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Let me get this straight - you're telling us that Britain faces a simple and inescapable choice - stability and strong Government with you lads, or chaos with Keir Starmer? Because that really didn't work out so well last time, did it?

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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The notion that Labour needs to ape the Tories in order to win over middle-England and hence the next election, but once voted into power they'll shift left and won't do all the stuff they say they're going to do strikes me as naive, anti-democratic and borderline fraudulent.

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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A reminder that ten Labour frontbenchers, including eight shadow minsters, resigned their posts because Starmer threatened to sack them if they backed a ceasefire in Gaza.

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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I hear the party with 2 Scottish MPs is refusing to take part in any televised debate which includes the small party with only 43 MPs.

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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In today's metaphor, Sunak continues his election campaign from the home of the Titanic.

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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There's a not-so-subtle difference between Labour's campaign posters in England and those used in Scotland. I wonder why that might be.

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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Prediction: Nigel Farage will lead whatever remains of the Conservative Party into the 2029 #GeneralElection.

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