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UK based - interest in travel, photography, cookery, philosophy.

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In the UK, the focus is taken off migration as a whole, its benefits and drawbacks, by talking only about 'illegal migrants' and so a proper debate is never had and only the weakest and most marginalised people are scapegoated.

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its time for a pheasant revolt

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but are the poor people in neglected and underfunded parts of the UK also waging economic warfare on behalf of predatory capital? Whose interests do they represent and how can they be better acknowledged and responded to?

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underlying the problems with healthcare are the cuts to all the other services in the community, often delivered by local authorities, that keep people well or enable them to leave hospital sooner #bbcqt

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just signifies Wales's absorption into England, its first colonial project (before Ireland). It has no legal autonomy to speak of, as laws are those of England and Wales, whilst Scotland's system is quite different.

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Also I blocked you

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Just made a point in response to you public statement, that Russia is a male ant actor in many fields so people are right to be concerned even if it seems over the top sometimes. Also bye

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I don't wish to start anything.

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some even believe Russia invaded Ukraine when in fact it is a purely defensive special operation

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its true the market is rigged - free markets in the right context are beneficial but this is hardly ever what they mean

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its not neoliberalism that causes everything to be brought and sold - it is just capitalism. Marx recognised this in the Communist Manifesto, when he said all that is solid melts into air. Deleuze and Guattari recognise it when the compare capitalism to schizophrenia - signs divorced from meaning

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[ View ] hi there, I did a dissertation on me/cfs. Granted it was 22 years ago. Looked at medical and social responses

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now lets have a UK map for Austrians

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I think the drive to medicalise everything is mistaken and even medical conditions don't necessarily have medical solutions. People's frustrations with doctors not recognising their condition has led them to demand it's medicalisation but maybe it's not always the solution.

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MECFS sufferers deserve being taken seriously and their complaints investigated and responded to but endlessly seeking medical solutions for conditions and problems, even where they may have biological origins, and seeking blame where these are not forthcoming may not be the answer.

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that would be just opening up a Pandora's box of grievance and misunderstandings. Really not a goot idea at all.

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yes, that was broadly my point

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they may have worked limiting nuclear weapons programme in Iran but since Trump withdrew from the joint protocol the situation has worsened - we all hope for regime change but without this its worse for ordinary people and the West has lost all leverage emboldening the conservatives

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other than South Africa (and even here a host of other factors were at work) where have sanctions actually worked and brought about change?

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its an interesting idea - they seem to be accelerating the bifurcation of the global economy. Not their intention. Largely they seem misguided as they often weaken opposition in the regimes whose powers they wish to curtail. Possibly signal decline of liberal internationalism

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spot the difference

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mae hi'n cymylog bendigedig

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the tyres are clearly recycled and made from upgraded reinforced chewing gum. The chassis put together from a reconditioned and repurposed caravan. Like Prince Charles's motors, it clear runs on cheese and wine (and lentil stew) - well done!

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tell that to Jordan Peterson. He is of the opinion we are all just lobsters.

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it all started with the fun size Mars bar.. did fun ever have a size?

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Trump thought they should have put more asbestos in the Twin Towers and it would have stopped them collapsing - though its likely it would instead have added even further to the toxic mess they already spread across Manhatten.

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already looks too hot by April - try March or November

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As a UK resident, when I speak Persian to Iranians they seem to be as surprised as if their dog or cat spoke the language

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makes you think why has no one named a deoderant Praetorian Guard?

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the Pera Museum well worth a visit and now being one of the few major affordable tourist attractions in Istanbul

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ThoughTurkey is also a European country, of sorts..

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thankyou for following the #X-odus ;)

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Hello world (apart from Elon Musk)!

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