Amy Jade's avatar

Amy Jade

72 followers 55 following 260 posts

I paint minis, sometimes retro, sometimes modern, almost always Warhammer.

Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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Yer orks waz dying wen dey shoulda bin killin! I really should play Old World, given I have 2 armies for it!

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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Good luck! I hope you gave fun!

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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#hobbystreak day 227

Thank you past me for leaving 3 minis basecoated, so I can get straight to the fun stuff.

I'm back working on my celestians (your datasheet lives on in my heart), I'm setting my sights on painting my 20 last sisters.

Holiday starts today, so hobbystreak is taking a hiatus.

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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#hobbystreak day 225 (for yesterday)

The #Lamenters are complete, 3 intercessors from the 2nd squad 5th company.

It was great fun to stretch myself with the freehanding om both shoulders, very much want to paint more!

Pile of shame from 105 -->102

40k #warhammer #miniatures #miniaturepainting

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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#hobbystreak day 224

So close to done,just the pouches left now.

Lots of detail work and freehand painting today; squad markings, edge highlights, faces and helms, purity seals, and, of course, bases.

Think I need to find some alien flower tufts to finish the bases off.

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Reposted by Amy Jade

Andy Clark, Nerdling Herder's avatar Andy Clark, Nerdling Herder
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It’s Friday and here in the UK at least we’ve woken up to a new government.

So I guess this weeks theme for Find Folk Friday is…change.

Make of that what you will.

As usual I’ll repost the lot and if you like something, share it!

#Nerdlings #FindFolkFriday

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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After about 5 attempts to paint his left eye... Screw it. This Lamenter's eye privileges have been revoked! Probably should have been wearing that helmet Sarge.

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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#hobbystreak day 222

Gold got a coat of retributor armour, agrax and nihilakh oxide. The pads got a light edge shade of seraphim sepia, bags started getting basecoated in rhinox hide.

Oh and the auspex screen got painted too.

A busy day of painting. I'm loving these Lamenters!

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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OK... they're done... the chequerboard is done.

The heart symbol isn't too bad, just paint a diamond, then make the top lumpy to make it a heart.

They aren't perfect by any means, but they'll certainly do.


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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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Some old mithril silver to add some shine and scratches back to the boltguns, then it's shoulderpad time. Base coat them white, then break out the mechanical pencil. Officially, the scheme is a 9x7 cheque, I do 9x6 because that last top split is just messy at mini scale.

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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My cat said it's a 5am wakeup day, so bonus painting time! Woo! The bolters and kneepads got a black basecoat, with the metallic parts getting their first coats of leadbelcher, nuln oil, and agrax earthshade to add some colour. I essentially have tabletop ready Imperial fists. Best fix that soon.

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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#hobbystreak day 220

Time to make them yellow. Iyaden yellow is my paint of voice for this. It's a great contrast paint.

Once yellow, they need battle damage, so I sponge on rhinox hide, then tap on boltgun metal wherever this is thickest.

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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Looks like a big L for you!

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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A lamentation of Lamenters feels a touch redundant. Like saying a Humanity of humans? Cool name for swans though. I guess the technical answer is a Company or a Chapter of Lamenters.

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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#hobbystreak day 219

Let's look at how I paint #Lamenters. We start by building them, with a few drilled out bullet holes.

Then a white undercoat, 2 coats of pink, and a zenithal white spray. A white drybrush, and finally some red ink in the recesses, and we're ready for the yellow tomorrow.

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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Don't ever talk to me or my firstborn son ever again!

It's time to add to the Lamenters... what do you call a group of Lamenters? A depression of Lamenters?

#warhammer40k #lamenters

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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Side note: pile of shame from 125 to 105. My goal is under 50 by the end of the year!

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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#hobbystreak day 218

It may have taken all month, but my Pride unit is complete! Always nice to add to the #Pride of Bretonnia army.

The Reliquae was a lovely finish to the unit that serves as a unique centrepiece.

#warhammer #oldworld

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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That's the pilgrims and the reliquae bearers all finished. The former knight is getting basecoated in all the colours of the rainbow (and old bones tan)!

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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#hobbystreak day 216

I've been in a real painting mood. The grail pilgrims are done bar 1-2 little details. The relique still needs its 'parrot sketch' of a knight, but otherwise, the unit looks pretty complete.

I've also done some test minis for lamenters. I'm not sure which is the best yellow?

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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#hobbystreak day 215

Working on the next 6 pilgrims and the reliquae bearers.

Mostly done with basecoating and inking. Always a nice place to be as highlighting is the most fun!

Think I'm still on target to finish the unit by the end of the month.

Then, to choose the next project? Lamenters?

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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#hobbystreak day 212

That's 10 pilgrims complete! Ignoring a few grass tufts and a missing shield anyway.

6 more to go and the reliquae itself, but the unit is really coming together.

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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#hobbystreak day 210

Legends say she's still batch painting grail pilgrims to this day!

I'm doing a batch of 10 now, hoping I can be on track to get the unit complete by the end of the month!

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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#hobbystreak day 208

With the shields finished, it's time to paint the actual unit!

I've put a chunk of texture paint on the reliquae base to try and merge the metal base into the plastic.

I've almost done all the black, but the bubs decide it was a short nap day, so 3 remain unpainted.

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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#hobbystreak day 206
It's finally the day to add some pride flags!

The pilgrims have attached to their shields the flags of those they've lost. Battered, stained, and torn, but these flags are still flying!

I still have 2 flags to do, then some dirtying up before they are ready to go on minis.

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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What if pride flags.... were grimdark?

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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#hobbystreak day 205

1 grail pilgrim is now complete! Two more are just waiting on shields.

Speaking of which, I'm batch painting all the shields, all that's left is to do the draped cloths on them.

I've also started basecoating batch 2 of pilgrims.

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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#hobbystreak day 201

It's been a busy weekend, my little boy just turned two! This has tremendously detracted from my painting time, but I've still kept the streak up.

Started batch painting the shields, and progressed with both the movement tray and first 3 bases.

Also I baked a cake!

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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I know some people might view this to be a bleak topic, but what is pride if not queer people rallying together against a world that unfairly treats us? Historically, and still in many places, to the extent of killing us. I felt that it would be an unfair topic to ignore.

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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#hobbystreak day 196

My first 3 pilgrims are closer to done.

But how to make a funeral procession fit into a Pride army?

The pink triangle, the HIV awareness ribbon, the pink, white, and blue candle from TDOR.

They are the family left behind by queer death, still fighting for their lost.

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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#hobbystreak day 192

The change in project has certainly given me a burst in enthusiasm.

Today was prep day, all 19 pilgrims, 2 knights on foot, and the reliquae are all based and undercoated. The movement tray has had texture applied.

For what it's worth the pile of shame is down to 120.

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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Peak Warhammer and peak month python often line up!

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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Ah the grail reliquae, 4 guys pretending to be the horse of a long dead knight.

Peak Warhammer.

Fun fact, each guy has one of the ex-horses shoes about their person, as if each peasent is but a single horse leg. Simply flawless design.

#warhammer #Bretonnia #oldworld

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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#hobbystreak day 191

For my Pride month plan, I need to finish ~1 mini a day! So far so good, with the Demigirl knight on foot!

She's a mini, the second in my army.

Otherwise I've customised a movement tray for the pilgrims and done So. Much. Stripping.

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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Name two groups who are obsessed with flags! Imo it's a perfect combo!

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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Pretty sure in the new ruled you can do an oops all walkers list. Actually just checked the app. For 6x penitant engines, 6x mortifiers, Ms Vahl here, and 9 nundams it's 1375 points, so still a good chunk of points for a 'normal' army

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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It's #PrideMonth so that means it's time to resume the Pride of Bretonnia army. Where every knight sports a different Pride flag and peasants are allies.

I'm feeling bold, so my target is 6 questing knights, 3 knight heroes on foot, and 20 battle pilgrims.

The first step? Stripping the monks!

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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Thanks, I should probably get her some regular 'nundams' to lead one day.

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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She probably would have too, had she not been brainwashed into an aggressive religion and sent into warzone after warzone. Then, finally, she ended up getting into politics, which in 40k can only be worse than war! Alas in her world puppies go unpetted, and rainbows unadmired. Peace? Not a jot.

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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Wait... the toe holes aren't for toes!? What other secrets are you holding!!!

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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#hobbystreak day 190

Morvenn Vahl is finally complete!

My daily hobby time has been as low as 5-10 mins. But progress is progress.

She's painted in my celestian scheme, which is reversed from the regular white armour with dark marbling.

It certainly gives her a gothic and aggressive appearance.

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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#hobbystreak day 171

Still slowing progress over here, Morvenn Vahl's base is now finished.

She is certainly tabletop ready now, but there's a lot of neatening up and detailing still to go.

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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#hobbystreak day 167

I don't count board game minis in my pile of shame. So technically, no progress. But its refreshing to spend 2 days doing a different project

8 hunters from Village attacks, a zombicide style game where you play as monsters defending your castle from an angry mob of villagers

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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#hobbystreak day 164

The plan *was* to get morvenn up to the same state as the celestians, then paint them all together.

But I got bumbed out by how dark morvenn looked. So instead, I've been highlighting just her, and finally, she's starting to look better!

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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#hobbystreak day 161

Lost a lot of my painting mojo. More or less forcing myself to do a bit each day.

Still, I have done so, and Morvenn is now at the same state as the celestians.

Basecoats and inks are down. Hoping highlighting gives me some hobby joy.

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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Put a little time into making some alpha art for my tower game. It's not good, but it is making my game look more like a game and less like a prototype. Which I suppose is the stage I'm at? Functionally, all I need to do is code a proper enemy wave function, and then I can create a few levels!

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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I'm pretty excited, only issue is I can forsee me buying some paragon warsuits soon!

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Amy Jade's avatar Amy Jade
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#Hobbystreak day 156

I had an unexpected day off curtsy of UK rail strikes. So, I decided to make Morven Vahl, who's been in my pile of shame since the day she released!

I've started painting her too, I figure she'll also get the celestian paint scheme to separate her from the regular Cannonness.

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