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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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Well PB certainly isn't helping things with the radio silence since the disastrous debate that anyone with their eyes open could see cognitive issues. Oh ... he did say that he needs more sleep and he can't do meetings after eight ... so that helped.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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Polls are hit and miss, yes. But they do provide somewhat of a gauge. The dems are trying to avoid talking about another candidate and discussing the real chance that PB would lose to PT. But that is a real possibility and alternatives must be considered ... or PT will again be elected.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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Even before the debate, President Biden was polling neck and neck with a felon, rapist, crooked liar. He is not a bad guy and was a decent President. But, you know that he cannot win against the Petulant Boy King. It's okay to admit it.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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Who may unfortunately be President because the Dems were to short sighted. We all know PT is a liar, a cheat, a rapist, and a crook ... but it still doesn't change the fact that the Dems need to put someone up that can beat him. Hope, denialism, and word repetition won't win the election.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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If they become U.S. Citizens, how can they be deported?

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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I think the question now is what is considered 'official'? The opinion just mirrors the existing protocol for civil cases. It will be interesting to see what the lower court determines to be official. The opinion does speak to individual will versus official acts, but still to vague.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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I agree that leaving out what constitutes an official act does make it murky ... and this loophole will make it easier for the Petulant Boy King to get cases dismissed or charged reduced. In addition, I agree that future presidents, including the PBK, will use it for nefarious acts.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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Why? Because she didn’t like the ruling? Anything to get some attention.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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I know a lot of folks are a bit nervous about not considering Kamala because she's a black woman ... But Democrats need a winnable candidate. Even before the debate, PB was polling neck in neck with the felon, fraudulent, rapist. Kamala would not win and her race/gender have little to do with it.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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I think some folks read that SCOTUS gave the petulant boy king 'absolute' immunity for official acts period. Not the case ... John Roberts said it "enjoys no immunity for his unofficial acts, and not everything the President does is official. The President is not above the law.”

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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Ummm ... shouldn't they get through the criminal guilty plea first? Maybe not be allowed to do anything for a while but spend money on QA?

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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I cannot watch this season ... until all of the episodes are out! Why do you do this to us????!!!!!

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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This is all good stuff and the Dems should really tout it. But ... it doesn't take away from what the U.S. & the world saw on Thursday night. President Biden should do the courageous thing, admit that he can't continue, and get behind another candidate ... IMO.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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And ... President Biden showed the nation that he probably is not fit for another four years. I voted for him, I like him, but it was obvious last night that the Democrats were short sighted in their choice to represent them.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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Phase 1 - Go to prison for defying subpoena Phase 2 - Get a haircut Phase 3 - Stand trial for scheme and hopefully get convicted Phase 4 - Get pardoned by newly elected petulant boy king Sigh

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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And he's creepy ... Like American Psycho creepy

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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I think it really scared a lot of folks to see the two choices we are presented. Gavin Newsom though, I don't know, he looks to much like a movie villain and/or time share sales person.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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He also thinks he's the Messiah ... "I am your warrior, I am your justice. For those who have been wronged and betrayed … I am your retribution." ... Sigh. This is who the U.S. will probably elect as President. Thanks to the weak option provided by the Dems.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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President Trump is a bully and a liar. He and President Biden were successful at making President Biden look incoherent and not fit for for another four years. As much as I don't want to see the Petulant Boy King in office, the Dems failed at putting up a viable candidate.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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I know it's going to make a lot of folks mad that the WP states PB stumbled repeatedly. President Trump is a liar, no surprises there. But ... President Biden did stumble and trailed off a few times. Cold or no cold, this is going to hurt PB ... even though some won't want to believe it.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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I would love to live in a place where I could tune out everything, sip on coffee, enjoy music, and feel some serenity ... But alas the offspring have once again anchored me to a reality of chaos, drama, and uncertainty. I wouldn't change it for the world ... well maybe for the world.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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Although I applaud all three of them, I don't think it will make much difference. They are all 'former'. What will matter is if the existing GOP politicians either call out the Petulant Boy King or endorse President Biden ... IMO

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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I smell sarcasm ...

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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Wait what? The Petulant Boy King's choice didn't win? Ahhh, that smells good!

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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JD Hogg????

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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That looks like a Narnia character.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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I am no medical expert and yes I use ChatGPT to diagnose symptoms sometimes ... but shouldn't we be worried about the side effects of people taking diabetes medication, that aren't diabetic, for the sole purpose of losing weight? Or is weight loss still healthier?

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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Wouldn't it have made more sense to try and have it in Boise vs. podunk rural Canyon County? Especially the first one. Not defending the meat heads who are up in arms about it, but it seems like the location should have been given a bit more thought.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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The executive order was way overreach and only done to placate the loud left. Those same people call him Butcher Biden and will most likely not even vote for him ... even if their debt was forgiven.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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The crazies at it again. Wasting time and money trying to please their precious boy king. Showing us once again they could give two shits about what's best for the U.S.. Isn't this a form of defunding the police? Compromise and logic have given way to hypocrisy and lunacy.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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Or maybe it's because President Biden didn't really have the legal authority to forgive student loan debt ... I wonder why PB tries so hard to forgive debt that the student agreed to pay back ... but medical debt, which is in the hundreds of billions goes unmentioned?

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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If in fact the petulant boy king decides that his Narcissism is just to strong to avoid an opportunity to show his orange face ... I am fairly certain it will be embarrassing for both sides.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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Love Trader Joe's! If you go down the treat isle, you are doomed.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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Remember Blockbuster? Who would have thought streaming would stop us all from rushing to their rental stores on Friday night to rent DVDs ... Blockbuster didn't.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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Voter turnout is so critical and yet the Dems put their $ on the 82 year old. As much as I despise the petulant boy king, he may be the President again. I fear voter turnout is going to be dismal since the Democrats failed to select the candidate that will drive the young folks to the polls.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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Sigh. Are betting markets now more accurate than polls, which have shown to be less accurate every year? The short sightedness of Democrats may put the petulant boy king back in office. Some many good choices and yet they chose the 82 year old with obvious cognitive decline.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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He looks absolutely jovial!

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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The Irish figured this out a while ago!

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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They could not have selected a better pic. He looks like a mad scientist, when we know he is just a crazy populist scared to death of prison.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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So they are real when they favor the candidate we like? The truth is a convicted felon, someone found liable of sexual assault, and the guy in charge of an organization guilty of fraud is polling neck and neck with President Biden ... scary.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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Not many voters ... just the ones that would consider a candidate backed by the Petulant Boy King.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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The Petulant Boy King will jump all over a boycott of the speech by Dems. Listening to Netanyahu's address doesn't mean you are complacent or in agreement. Use it as an opportunity to advocate for a change of leadership in Israel.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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Just a temporary setback ... Money always finds a way ...

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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Jesus saves and Lamor apparently found other folks that save as well ...

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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But ... that doesn't mean they are not redeemable nor that they are responsible for the deaths of anyone who suffered because of that platform's beliefs. If they continued to support the bogus organization that's a different story, but they stopped in 2003.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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That was like 20 years ago ... I am fairly certain there was a misunderstanding. I think one of the band members convinced Grohl to participate in a fund raiser for the organization. They have redeemed themselves since then and support many worthy causes.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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And only $281K!

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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How is that democracy though? If the people voted them in, then wouldn't it be undemocratic to take action to thwart that? The only way to change the electing of far right candidates is to provide moderate candidates that appeal to the people ... no?

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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I'm fairly certain that Russia isn't concerned.

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