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Democrat🌊| Attorney| If the first thing someone describes themselves as is either a “Christian” or “Patriot”, you can be sure that they are neither. #VoteBlue


ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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Sixty years later the GOP refuses to distance itself from the Nazi Party, the KKK, and hate groups because they’ve rallied around a man who, like Goldwater, refuses to tell the truth:

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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Anyone else see this being sold as an antisemitic attack to intimidate Jewish people?

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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Andrew Feinstein witnessed the South African apartheid and the occupied territories in Israel. He says that it’s worse in Israel than anything in South Africa that he witnessed.

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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Israel, John Kirby, Antony Blinkin and talking to experts on war crimes, humanitarian laws, international law, and genocide:

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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This is the point of no return for me. If the Democratic Party wants to bring a genocidal monster here to be fawned over & celebrated, it’s time to push forward in getting a third party entrenched at the federal level.

Neither party values human beings more than money!

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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The IDF has admitted to running a Telegram Channel. The channel shows admitted civilians being killed in grotesque fashion, describes the victims as non-human & states that the IDF’s official goal is complete “extermination”.

Are you awake yet

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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New bombshell report documents torture in Israeli detainee camps including shoving metal rods up the victims’ anus and electrocuting them.

All reports were independently verified yet the US State Dept claims there no evidence of torture by IDF.

Stop Lying!


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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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Cleveland area high school forced a teacher to resign for calling Gaza a genocide:

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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This Zionist couldn’t stand that people are seeing through the lies so his stabbed himself and claimed he was the victim of an antisemitic attack.


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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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This is well before 10/7/2023.

When a little boy watches his mom, dad, aunts, uncles, and siblings murdered how can anyone fault him wanting to fight back?

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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When America stole land from the Native Americans, moved them and forced them into small areas against their will, no one said criticizing it was “Anti-Christian” BUT, when Israel does it, it’s “Anti-Semitic” to question them. The math ain’t mathing.

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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Zionists that attacked the peaceful encampment at UCLA also shoved bananas in black people’s faces and used racist slurs while cops and security staff refused to intervene.

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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Zionists have invaded the UCLA encampment with knives, fireworks and bear mace and the cops are nowhere to be found.

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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Even I didn’t know all of the despicable actions taking place in Gaza:

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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Paid protesters going campus to campus to spur fear and allow for the GOP to call for the firing of college presidents.

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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You forgot the sharing of top secret info to his Aussie friend

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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It’s like trying to convince a diehard Jets fan to cheer for the Patriots. When something becomes part of your identity, facts, common sense and logic are irrelevant. The only way for them to escape their cult is to admit their own identity is a lie.

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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Actual laws scheduled to be introduced by republicans this week. Why are we paying $187k per rep for this level of stupidity?

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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How many people had neighbors and co-workers honestly convinced the rapture was coming?

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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If anyone actually takes her seriously, they’re stupid

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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Realize that there was a fully coordinated plan to end democracy. Pence was going to stay home, Grassley was going to reject the certification, & the state legislatures were going to override the votes. This isn’t a conspiracy theory. As odd as it is to say, Mike Pence is an American Hero.

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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Not relevant to this comparison, which I agree with, but never, ever, ever sign a waiver of speedy trial. People are told they have to, & then they end up in jail for 80-90 days. Even if found not guilty, they walk out with no job, home, money, & their property chucked out through eviction.

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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Nationwide, the average demographic of a police officer is a white male aged 40 with limited education.

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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What is the difference between these two horrific images? Nothing. Both were taken in occupied spaces, controlled by a military and govt which get pleasure out of this kind of suffering. There is no self-defense strategy that involves starving people. Genocide always it as a strategy though.

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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What’s the difference between John Gotti and Trump? When John Gotti told people that the justice system was targeting him, his followers were smart enough to know it was a joke.

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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It’s happened in OK and GA as well for a number of reasons.

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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They’re are already dozens of cases of women being held in jail until they give birth. It’s an end run to make abortion illegal by imprisoning women under a different law.

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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It’s never about restricting men. The goal is to be able to jail women when they get pregnant for “having recreational sex” and then releasing them only when the baby is born.

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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In case you missed what Trump’s second term would mean, the Heritage Group, one of his Trump’s main advisory groups wants to start with ending recreational sex and birth control…so…yea, this is the 🦇💩🤪 stuff we’d face.

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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Enough said.

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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When you realize that the growth of evangelical churches and the theocracy movement has its origins in deep racism in church leadership

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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Harry Potter has fallen into my trap…here he is orange pedo, has Valdemorte done you proud?

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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Am I the only one that sees it?

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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If there’s one thing I wish American Jewish people understood, it’s that Zionists are right wing extremists. They aren’t protecting Judaism or Jewish people. It’s the equivalent of progressive democrats believing that MAGA wants what’s best for them.

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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I hope you’re right. Unfortunately, the election may come down to how many MAGA have seen the light and don’t vote vs. how many progressives don’t vote or waste their votes in protest to determine whether we continue to recover or whether we run headlong towards authoritarianism.

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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Unfortunately, the “arguments” are being regurgitated throughout social media.

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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I grow tired of hearing about how you’re tired. How you’re willing to blame Dems for Roe, want Biden to wave a magic wand to eliminate everything you find wrong with the world, and are willing to vote for 3rd parties to “stick it to the DNC”. Ignorance hurts my head no matter which side it’s from.

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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Who is Sahil Omar? The 44 year old that right wing media has sold as an illegal immigrant that shot up the KC Chiefs parade, and UNLV, and crashed a plane, and sent bomb threats and…. So, who is he? He an ethnic name used to trigger hatred and outrage by the right. He doesn’t exist.

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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Nick Wright on ESPN tells how a grandma was at the KC parade with her kids & grandkids and didn’t know what to do when the shots started. The grandma, in tears, told how the 14 year old grandchild took the lead because “she’d been trained for this”. That should be heartbreaking for anyone to hear.

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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If you or I broke the law 40 times, we’d be in jail. When a company does it, they’re told they were bad and to stop it…and, occasionally a fine.

It’s time to revert to the savings and loan era where, if a company breaks the law someone’s going to prison.

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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Their mega donors know what a cost/benefit analysis is. If they pull funding from the justices, the status quo changes and there is uncertainty. It’s worth their money to maintain their position.

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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Trump wouldn’t eliminate power from a branch that’s proven its fealty to him. He’d just use it to get what he wants without overtly acting himself.

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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And, if rumors are to be believed, he made his SCOTUS nominees swear allegiance to him.

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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James McCune Smith: A name that every American should know.

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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Why are all these men desperate to curse her?

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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They didn’t make a formal finding because that is their protocol, not because they didn’t find it to be true. Their protocol requires a years long process and the hearing was, essentially, an injunction request pending a verdict. The court found evidence of several elements of genocide

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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The judge that gave the various points alleged to each constitute genocide and then laid out the evidence proving each occured and ended with a decree that Israel has to prevent future acts of genocide and incitement of genocide. A formal decree is 2-3 years out.

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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Let me re-write that…”Hate groups excited by the prospect of killing people without repercussions flock to Texas border.”

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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Who knew that guy’s ancestors were slaves? Wouldn’t have guessed that one

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ApplesHardcoreYo's avatar ApplesHardcoreYo
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The only part that irks me about today is, how can the ICJ sit there and say it’s clearly an ongoing genocide and then stop short of demanding a ceasefire?

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