Autistic velociraptor's avatar

Autistic velociraptor

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I am a talking velociraptor who also happens to be autistic, what else is there to know? Oh, right. Apparently, I'm a he/him or idk... Whatever goes well with you.

Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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That's my favourite mount of the game! I love my spriggan!! I think I should give him (or her?) a name one day, because it's been with me for several years already.

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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A spriggan connoisseur I see there! Love those stone collector furballs

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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Fuck! Those are all longer than 6 meters (in non-Freedom™ units)! Even comercial cargo vans here in Europe are shorter than those! I'd love to see one of those trying to move in a city made with horses in mind 🤣

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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I use this trick to prepare bechamel covered chicken bits. You cover the chicken bits in bechamel, freeze them, when they are frozen, you can cover them with panko and deep-fry so the bechamel stays in place.

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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Probably way easier than you think. Freeze the ranch dressing so it becomes solid, then bread it and deep-fry. The heat will melt the dressing but only after the breadcrumb cover creates a shell that keeps it inside.

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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According to that article, baby formula is included in those 7.3M 🤷

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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This is true. I don't think anymore that we have to kill every fascist. We just need to start killing them until a threshold is reached and the ones alive understand that it's better to shut up and hide in their cave than keep being fascists.

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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Mandatory mention

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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Ma quanto è adorabile quando un americano si lamenta che paga il gallone (3.78 litri) di benzina a 3$ ed è carissimo? Bellino, ti vorrei vedere pagare il litro a 2€. Fa' il conto di quanto ti viene il gallone da seduto.

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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Onions. Specially cooked. And most vegetables when steamed or boiled. I won't eat them, I gag just thinking about them. On the other hand, Canarian "Gofio" (toasted cereals grinded) in a glass of milk with coffee? I could drink that texture forever.

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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Vedete perché non si deve mai dire "Ma non si può essere più ridicolo di così"?? C'è sempre un personaggio del nostro amato governo lì, aspettando di sentire la frase per dire: "Ci penso io!!" [bestemmia_colorita.wav]

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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For me, the downside comes with certain words that stink so much I try to avoid them as much as possible. Even reading them causes this. On the other hand, connecting a song with a childhood memory through smell is something you can't describe, you need to live it to understand it.

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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I am too! I discovered it when I was a kid and realized sounds and colours could smell, later in life I discovered I am autistic too. And after that, I read that apparently synesthesia is much more frequent in autistic people.

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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Volevo dire "della", ma l'autocorrettore non ce la fa.

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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La bellezza di vedere un autovelox sparare una raffica di flash mentre becca un imbecille correndo troppo in una zona abitata. Questi sono i piccoli piaceri dea vita.

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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Holy fuck! You're not a clown, Pavel Durov, you're the whole fucking circus! If you had even half of a functional brain, you'd understand how dangerous it is to say this. 30 devs for the whole company? Congratulations, Telegram has become the n.1 target for the hacker world. 🤦

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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Are we sure Chester there knows about all those "science things", like what a woman is?

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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La colpa è vostra che ancora la leggete. Io il giorno, in pandemia, che lessi quel famoso "muore dopo farsi il vaccino alla porta del centro di vaccinazione!!" Come titolare in stampatello e poi l'articolo diceva: Stava attraversando la strada e un autobus l'ha messo sotto", ho chiuso con la stampa

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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Everyone saying that SCOTUS gave Biden power to do whatever, forget the SCOTUS didn't define what's an official action on purpose: this way they are the ones deciding what's an official action at a later date. No, my friends, you are screwed badly. And I'm really sorry for you.

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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Pezzodemmerda di 19 anni picchia e violenta ragazza coetanea mentre registra tutto col cellulare. Apriamo le scommesse: Uscirà prima un servizio sul tg (o articolo al giornale) parlando di come questo povero ragazzo ora è tormentato per i fatti O il video di tutto nei gruppi WhatsApp? Io vi schifo.

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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Oggi arriverò a casa dal lavoro verso le 23. Sempre oggi, è giornata di pulizia stradale in metà del quartiere. Posso bestemmiare preventivamente?

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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Since they were official documents...

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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I'm starting to think that AI is actually nature creating a new form of natural selection aimed at humans. If you kill yourself because of an AI instruction, you're deemed unfit for the human race. Survival of the (less) dumbest.

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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Eh sì. Se non lo fai e ti beccano ti fanno la multa

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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Why does a car which is allergic to water have a windshield wiper in the first place?

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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Io sono allergico ai concerti, non vado mai a nessuno, e si, queste cose son folle davvero. A questo punto sto seguendo la vicenda per l'inevitabile scontro tra la gente che fa quella cosa della fila virtuale e la gente che va lì fregandosene di questi dementi

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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Ne hanno parlato ieri al TG. Roba imbarazzante, però almeno non sono arrivate ancora al livello della spagna, dove una tipa alla coda fu intervistata e disse che portava il pannolone perché così non doveva andare in bagno e non si perdeva niente del concerto.

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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This is the patent of a toilet paper roll. It shows the correct way to hang it. I am not taking questions about it.

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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Cambia a Tubular. È un fork di newpipe con un filtro di sponsor durante i video e che addirittura con musica ti permette di saltare fino al punto dove comincia la canzone (saltando automaticamente quei secondo iniziali e finali vuoti)

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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Princeton University, ladies and gentlemen.

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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I stopped saying "You can't be this stupid" long ago because time proved me that there's always someone listening and saying to themselves: "challenge accepted".

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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Il 60% del non versato viene dall'IVA. STRANO! Non mi viene in mente perché possa essere così. In Italia tutti hanno il POS e, soprattutto, funziona perfettamente a tutti. E poi nessuno mai ti offre di fare senza fattura.

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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Autism is also this. For me, this headline means there's an 88% of children that can go without food because only a 12% need food (is addicted to it). Specially because that 12% is PREDOMINANTLY (but not exclusively) addicted to junk food. Damn you, literal brain.

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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Appena si possono caricare i video su bluesky, comincio a mettere in uso la dashcam. Ho materiale per fare un account dedicato alle pazzie che trovo ogni giorno per strada.

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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Ieri, mentre tornavo a casa, una tipa in macchina ha deciso di fare inversione a U in una strada a senso unico, salire sul marciapiede e la ciclabile per arrivare all'incrocio e prendere la strada giusta. Davanti alle telecamere di traffico. Il calendario oggi è molto più povero di santi.

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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Sunak: "What should I do to increase our already at historical lows popularity? Oh, I know! I'm gonna tell David Tennant he's a bigot for telling a bigot to shut up, we can't go lower than this in the polls, right?"

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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Following this logic, why should we sub or dub any audiovisual content? Why should we translate books? We should just make them so "only those chosen enjoy them". Why should you enjoy the Divine Comedy if you don't know old Italian?

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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It's an OPTION. Options are good. Options give people choices. Claiming that a game shouldn't be for everyone makes you an elitist the same way that saying "art should only be for rich people". As long as nobody's forcing it on you, why would you care?

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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Giving an easier option to a game so more people can enjoy it doesn't make your game less unique. Makes it more widely enjoyable. It's like saying that subtitles in a movie make it inherently worse just because it allows people with hearing disabilities to enjoy it.

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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Breath of the Wild is a unique take on open worlds but isn't hard to beat. Chrono Trigger is a unique JRPG that's not hard at all. Hollow Knight is a souls-hard metroidvania that's delightful to play. None of these games are unique because they are easy or hard.

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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I think this completely fails to see the point. A game can be easy and unique. Or hard and soulless. Making CoD extra-hard won't make it unique. Is not difficulty what makes ER an extraordinary game. That only adds to it, but doesn't by itself make the game the work of art it is.

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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Eh... Qui lo fanno solo in quei giorni. Il resto dell'anno è una giungla. Io lo chiamo parcheggio creativo, e mi fa imbestialire in un modo assurdo.

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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Chiamatemi cinico o anche stronzo, ma per me è un piacere vedere i carri attrezzi portarsi via macchine così. Fossi io il tipo a fare la multa, nel motivo della sanzione scriverei in caratteri cubitali: PERCHÉ SEI UN COGLIONE.

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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Da me servono anche a riempire le casse del comune. Ogni domenica in cui c'è una festa del genere, minimo una decina di macchine vengono portate via perché la gente non sa leggere i cartelli che lasciano con un mese di anticipo informando del divieto di sosta per quel giorno.

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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È con questa delicatezza che si devono fare capire le cose alle teste di minchia che guidano usando l'unico neurone che hanno disponibile in testa. Brava

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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I knew a guy from Argentina who said there, the usual was to dip pizza in mayonnaise. Not the crust, the pizza itself. That was more than a year ago. I'm still disgusted by the idea even tho I like mayo. Just... Why?

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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Hai il diritto di essere un cretino, ma la tua cretinaggine non ti dà diritto a rovinare il paese perché non sei in grado di fare 2+2 con le idee politiche. E questo abbiamo oggi in Italia. Un governo fascista eletto da un mucchio di cretini

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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Esempio pratico: Vivi grazie al RdC. Nelle elezioni voti fascisti che, tra le cose, hanno detto che lo vogliono togliere. I fascisti vincono e lo tolgono subito. Te, che li hai votato:

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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Sono pericolose perché il fascismo non potrebbe funzionare così. Se non sei ricco e voti fascisti allora sei ignorante (per non dire altro). Perché vuol dire che non capisci che il fascismo vuole inculare per primo a te. Che non sei uno di loro. Vedi a chi vanno dirette tutte le campagne leghiste...

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Autistic velociraptor's avatar Autistic velociraptor
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Se per essere lavoratore pubblico devi fare un concorso nel cui dimostri di non essere ignorante, non vedo perché tu non lo debba dimostrare per esercitare un diritto così importante come è il voto.

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