Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar

Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny

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Tweets soon to be featured in a fascist show trial.

Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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Their statements aren't based on evidence, but on motivation. They want the vaccine to be bad. So any story where it's bad is true. And it's true long enough for the next story to be true, and no longer.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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Lol, gotta love Texas. Our infrastructure is failing when we need it most. But hey! Our stage government is making it illegally to take water breaks in 100 F heat to maintain and repair said infrastructure.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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Name a more iconic duo than US media and simping for the rise of fascism.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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They have to put a butthold on their plans.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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Jack Dorsey is Peter Dinklage if crystal meth cured dwarfism.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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I think they will be torn: On one hand, it proves them wrong. On the other hand, a lot of their personality revolves around smug contrarianism. And this will feed that nice and fat.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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As the nazi general of the siege of Stalingrad put it "Even the best army is doomed to fail when it is required to perform impossible tasks, that is, when it is ordered to campaign against the national existence of other peoples."

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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One of the telling things I have learned by following Indy Niedel and Sparticus' coverage of the war: At the very end Himmler was negotiating with the World Jewish Congress in 1945, wholeheartedly believing that the Jews were the ones pulling the strings of the allied powers.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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Please don't hurt me like this without asking my safe word first

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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Well I hated it at the time. I like it compared to Samsung or Google's dog shit ticket systems.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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I will confess I liked the internal ticket and remedy system Blizzard had for World of Warcraft. But that was before Activision took over fully.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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Like... It is the ultimate form of democratization when the sluts and perverts can openly comment on the political situation. Politics has truly been taken off its pedestal and made accessible. And we should take a moment to appreciate that.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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One of the phenomenon I love about the abolishment of media monoliths to the social media slurry: Is that people want to go on record against atrocities. Like I didn't need to know that furry incest porn artist was against war crimes. But I feel all the better for it.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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I lost a good deal of social standing by trying to fire up queer nonprofits to stand up to transphobic legislation in 2021. And to get the local furry con to require masks the same year. Can I get an NPR writer calling me brave? That would cut the sting out.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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I had a months to years long streak of having forgotten about Dore. It was nice.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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And I will double down. Non fuckable plushies are at times made with child labor. And do more actual harm to kids.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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Honestly... I think at this point in humanity's history; such statements show a values judgement. What they will and won't speak out on. I think cantaloupe fuckers are a little gross. But they don't bomb hospitals so their activities are outside of my scope of social concern.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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Passing by a free news stand on the subway. Aunt picked up a right wing rag. Because it had the word "druthers" on it. "if a paper mentions immigrants next to your own country's flag, it's not worth reading.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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True, but I have always considered any effort to combat bad faith arguments with good faith to be futile.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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Ah, they're getting the kind of education that money can't buy.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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Refreshing. Granted if I caused over half a mill in settlements at my job... I wouldn't have one anymore.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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So was Jeffery Dahmer.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
[ View ] Saw your game on the Palestinian support bundle. Was reminded you exist and do good things. I'm glad to be in the same universe as you.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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"Clean" or "dirty" attaches an unnecessary stigma towards bombs with more radiation than others. It's best to refer to such bombs as "radiation positive."

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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I hate to say it, but I'd rather things work in the current system than have to deal with the long and bloody task of dismantling it. The only problem is that the system uses that to sustain itself.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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It's that trick that human minds do. We like to imagine ourselves in control. So we ascribe to others a level of control that is impossible. They recoil at the idea that their actions could hurt someone despite their best efforts. So others must not have tried hard enough.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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I doubt that's shifted too much. As the focus seems to be on punitive justice in the school system as opposed to restorative justice. As long as administrators and teachers see their role and tool sets as instruments of punishment, they'll hold back.

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Reposted by Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny

Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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Just let your spouse know if they're hump back Wales.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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I would expect nothing less from apartheid Clyde.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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I think we're talking about intended... There's been times where I misunderstood things on the internet. And I asked for clarification at one point or another.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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Seeing Alex Jones trend on the hell site because he's still alive and doing things...

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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So many things can be bad at once. Just so many. Like curl up into a ball numbers of bad things

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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So Verizon is particularly notorious in how in-depth they go with their own apps and programming. To a point where the samsung factory diagnostic menu (open the dialer and type in *#0*#) isn't available. But if it's a third party app, it might not be that.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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I've intentionally been avoiding things with the Israel war crimes thing. In part because I have not had the strength to even look at it. On the same hand, I have not lashed out at people expressing anger. Their voices are important, and I'm glad they're doing it.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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Mac and Cheese worthy of thanksgiving 1 block velvetta or store brand equivalent 1 jar of alfredo sauce 1-2 pounds of macaroni Boil macaroni 2 minutes less than instructions. Put in foil pan with chunks of velvetta Cover gaps with alfredo sauce Toss in 350 degree oven

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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Er... they wouldn't stand -for- vaccine requirements at cons. For clarification.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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Ah yes... My ex in 2018... And the centrists who wouldn't stand up to nazis or vaccine requirements at cons in 2020 and 2021... Delicious.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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My pulled pork mac and cheese is too good for racists and those who carry water for them~

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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Maybe we, as a society, shouldn't have a class of people who can kill without any accountability?

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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Who could have seen this coming.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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Yes, that's well and good and all, but have you ever stopped and wondered: "Could I be gayer?"

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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I guess this is an early test of the platform; Will they pave the way to the true Web 3.0 by banning the nazies, or will they continue the 2.0 trend of finding a way to monetize the toxicity? Disrupt the industry Bluesky, ban the Nazis.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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So the hot thing on youtube has moved from content about other content that was stolen content; to YouTube as a corporation ignoring bad actors because they're profitable.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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A fascio is only a collection of weak things tied tightly enough to be stronger. You pull at the threads and it falls apart. The universe can be satisfying at times~

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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Bunny riots are rough my dude.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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I think "The Kingdom" in and of itself has a nice ring to it.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
[ View ] Watching your stuff on the hellsite. You have my sympathy. It always sucks to find out people you thought were cool are a little too forgiving with racist-ass shit.

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Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny's avatar Ash - Cartoon Anthropomorphic Bunny
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Happy locktober, then.

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