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Sometimes doodler, occasional grumbler of things.

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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Yesterday was a rare Nice Day around these parts, so I decided to spend it in the park and fruit orchard. I got to see baby ducks :D

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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Thank youuu!

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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Well, I no longer have a job. Time to see what's next, I guess. Not upset about it, though. Place was kinda falling apart at the seams. *lol*

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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I'm pretty sure it means 'like that', as I hear folk say this all the time round my parts of Glasgow when they're recounting something they ( or someone they're gossiping about ) said or did. Basically means 'so I said/did...'

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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A doodle of BIG FISH, one of my current mains on PSO. My friends keep calling him a Garanz. So mean. XD

...Why did I decide to try and draw a robot *lol*

#art #AzullaArt #PhantasyStarOnline #PSOBB

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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Nooooo these things are why I hate the Mines XD;

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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I felt inspired, so have a quick doodle.

#art #AzullaArt #PSOBB #PhantasyStarOnline

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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It's been actual decades since I first played PSO, but I still get that giddy little 'Yay! :D' feeling when a red item drops. ( It's like my fifth Blade Dance but I'm not letting that spoil the moment *lol* )

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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It really does hit you when you step back onto Pioneer 2 after such a long time away! Hope you have fun! Get all the red items. :D

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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Still going through my PSOBB kick. Taking my time going through the modes instead of rushing to Ultimate, and just enjoying the journey at my own pace. I got my first red item! It was a Blade Dance.

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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Love those colours in that last panel!

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Reposted by Azulla

TRiPPY's avatar TRiPPY
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❣️ New Engelbaum update! Chapter 3 Page 8
Meio Dia is criminally hot. Music is hot and Imagni has an overactive imagination. Who knew.
(Story recommended for readers 18+)
Read the whole comic so far:



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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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This is the first time I'm hearing about this and I LIVE THERE. XD; All I can say is I had nothing to do with it. Thankfully. *lol*

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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Aah, thank you! I have fun trying to get character's personalities across with mannerisms or expressions. I always want to keep improving with it!

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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Since I feel like I've been kicked in the shin after my fall, I decided to give that random old comic page a lick of colour over the past few nights to pass the time/ignore the pain. Old art is old and I'm out of practice, but it was fun! Still no idea what happened to the other pages. XD;

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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My leg is hurting a bit less today! I can actually bend it more or less normally again. Hopefully no more walking up and down stairs hobbling like a zombie now. XD The bruising is really coming out now the swelling is going down oh no. *lol*

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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Should probably start looking around for new job options just in case I guess.

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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Oof, back home. Had a fun meeting at work basically talking about how one of their biggest clients went into administration and about 6 months worth of future work has evaporated because of it. Ergh. Also my leg still really hurts but whatever.

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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It's a day later and I am in such paaaain. My knee still hurts a lot, my palms have swolen a bit, my arm muscles are aching and I have a headache trying to start. I am a disaster! *lol*

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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Tripped on my way into work today and now have two bruised palms and one very bruised knee that took the brunt of it. Ow. This one's gonna hurt for a while. ;_;

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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Playing PSOBB is just relaxing. Great for destressing after a rough work week. I've only been playing solo so far but that's what I'm used to so it's fine. Ran into Hard Mode at lv22 for a laugh. Getting decked by Rappies never stops being funny to me. XD *very casual player. Not efficient at all*

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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Some day I'd like to have the time to do more with these guys. They've had too many adventures that never left my brainspace because of one reason or another ( mostly work and being too tired for art nowadays ).

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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Found this old, unfinished page of what was going to be a character introduction comic for my dudes. This was page 4 or 5 if I recall but I haven't found the rest. It's from early 2019, and it shows! ...Alt text for comic pages is hard with the character limit. I tried!

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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It's like that thing where you think about something and suddenly you see it everywhere. But with a game over 20 years old. ...I got a red/purple tie-dye Sonic plush for myself. He's cute. Might nickname him Photon Drop. *lol*

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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Went to the comic shop in town to have a look around, maybe get a little present for myself. Got like four steps in the door and the PSO character creation theme started playing on the radio. I said to the guy at the desk someone must be a Phantasy Star Online fan there and he just laughed. XD;

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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Birthday yesterday was fun despite the weather ruining our plans. Went round to friends' instead and we ordered pizza and had a game night. :D They both tried to get me a shiny Spinarak in pokemon but the game wasn't having it. Appreciate it all the same. XD

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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It's my birthday today and I was going to go to town for birthday boba, but the weather is atrocious. Gales and rain. Aw.

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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I am now a most mighty level 6 in the caves and the sharks hit SO hard. XD; I never played online back in the day due to not being able to afford to on console or not having a strong enough PC for BB, so this is all new for me! I'll finally get to see what episode 4 is all about :D

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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Decided to finally try a PSOBB private server, and giving Ephinea a go. Was a bit fiddly getting it to run at first, but seems to work pretty well, now. :D

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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Oh no I just found I could play Popils on the internet archive site. My favourite Game Gear game! There goes my afternoon I guess. XD

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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Today was the most obnoxious of fridays at work. Mostly because I had an awful headache and the machine across from me was emitting a constant high-pitched squeal all day long. Noises don't normally bother me but oh my god the rage I felt. *lol* But it's over now and I have next week off so hazzah!

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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I saw some clusters of snowdrops in bloom when I walked home through the park. Also tips of daffodil shoots poking out of the soil. Spring is getting closer. :D

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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It's finally the weekend and I've managed to pick up the lurg going round work. Hazzah. I am rather displeased but oh well.

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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Well 2024 has started with me breaking my favourite mug, so I'm off to a great start. ;_;

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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It's just turned midnight here in Scotland, so Happy New Year! Hoping 2024 is a good one for everybody!

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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A little drawing I did of Christmas NiGHTS that I didn't get finished til a few moments ago. I wish I could have got a better photo but it's already dark out so the lighting in here is crap. XD;


#art #NiGHTSIntoDreams

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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Happy holidays to everybody who does a thing at this time of year! And for everyone else, I hope you have a lovely day all the same!

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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Doodled this pic of Metal Sonic whilst my friends and I were having Very Serious Discussions about D&D, Final Fantasy and bands we liked in the early 2000s.

I used an entire gel pen on this and didn't get home til after 7am. XD;

#art #SonicTheHedgehog

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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It's the last day of work before I get my christmas break, and I managed to launch an empty cardboard box, corner first, into MY EYE. How I don't have a black eye or really any sort of injury is frankly incredible. But I'll take it. *lol*

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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The snow. It has arrived. Walked in it with a friend at 3am when it was still coming down quite heavily. Foolish? Probably. But it was nice.

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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My laptop screen is dying and I am not happy about it. Hopefully it'll last until I can get a new one. Not liking its odds, though. Egh.

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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I had wondered if maybe that was the most you can have at once. It's been 5 for me for a while.

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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Continuing the dream theme, I just woke up from a dream where I was playing/watching someone play a version of superman 64 where the plot was basically 'the sun is coming to devour earth, get to atlantis and find [random character]'s journal'. ...I've never played superman 64. Why, brain. XD;

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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It was definitely my first experience of a jumpscare in a game, haha. *Cute dolphin splishy splashy--BLARRRRGHHHLLLWRRRHH--*

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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Dreamt last night that there was someone screaming 'I'M JUST FED UP WITH IT ALL!' in my ears over and over again, with this loud scratchy voice. Thanks for that, imaginary dream person. Can you be fed up with it in someone else's brainspace, please. :|

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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Was waiting for the bus home and watching the people cleaning the stop across the street. One of them hit the gutter part with their broom by accident and half the windows just -shattered- into a million tiny bits. Surprised faces all round. *lol*

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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I dreamt last night that I'd made a bunch of little glow in the dark keychains of my old daimin critters from back in the squiby days. They were cute and pudgy, and the glow in the dark was -awful- and faded after a few moments but still. XD It was a fun dream.

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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*lols in windows 10* Wait did I say lol I meant sob.

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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Saw someone at the bus stop with a black scarf that had an eye pattern scattered all over it and I'm just... I want the eldritch scarf. I don't even like wearing the things. XD;

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Azulla's avatar Azulla
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I dreamt about wandering through this black and grey forest that suddenly burst into glowing stained-glass looking leaves all over the floor. It was so pretty. One tree had this glass pattern round its trunk of a row of people and it was supposedly important but I don't remember why now, haha.

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