Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar

Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins


495 followers 677 following 3455 posts

39/Gay/Married. Virginia native. Doggo dad of two rotten pups. Part-time PlayStation trophy hunter. Lover of old school JRPGs/RPGs. Love meeting new people! FFXIV- Dynamis/Marilith - Bleu Dharkheart PSN: AzureDragnKnight Discord: azuredragnknight

Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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Way to admit to everyone you’re a danger to this country & also a traitor. We need to start treating these asshats as the domestic terrorists they are & punish them with to the fullest extent. Stop beating around the bush with the matter before there’s none of us left to stop their insane crusade!

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Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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So very beautiful, as always 😍❤️

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Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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That is so true. Families can be the worst when it comes to mistreatment. It is hard to go against that grain, but it can be for the betterment of your life to do so & I wish more people seen that and done it. There’s no shame in doing what’s right, even if you have “family” telling you different.

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Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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That man couldn’t slice a piece of bread without having someone else do it for him all so he can take credit for doing it himself. He’s your typical spoiled child who has everyone do everything for him while he assumes the credit for his own means. My right thumb is more useful to society than he is

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Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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If we were smart, we would do like in M. Night Shyamaian’s The Village & create pocket hamlets near our cities & let them move into said hamlets & live according to this set of rules. All while we aren’t. Let them hear us enjoying our amenities while they have none. They’ll change their tune fast.🤣

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Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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I have to as well. I can’t even fathom the rage of how I would feel knowing that they will emerge from all the destructive things they have done to us and our country and not be with even so much as a scratch.

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Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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One day tho, karma shall rear her sassy self & they shall be the recipients of all that they have sown & much, much more. You can only put so much negativity out into the void before it comes knocking with your number, & with how nasty most of them have been,… it will be the reckoning they deserve!

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Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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I don’t even think stupid covers them. Stupid implies they have the capacity for slightly intelligent thinking. They however, don’t seem to even possess that modicum of ability. Yet sadly, they are the morons making the archaic rules and regulations we smart folk have to deal with…😒

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Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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The only thing trickling down is the piss from the rich onto us. They piss all over us and everything cuz at the end of the day they believe themselves superior just cuz they got a ton of $$ when in fact most of them are the most miserable, out of touch with reality, idiotic schmucks out there!

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Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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The only vote a Republican would ever get from me is a vote for them to get the F*** out of our country and stay gone forever!!

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Reposted by Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins

Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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It’s not just that. They only wanna give HIM their money and only cuz he’s a felon who can help them with their hostile takeover of this country. Anyone else with a felony on their record, some of which are utter BS, they don’t give two fucks and a nickel about. Just his sad, sorry, shit-riddled ass

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Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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Yep. They truly are ignorant. Ignorant & devoid of compassion. They make these outrageous promises that they almost never keep. Honestly we need a complete overhaul of the system. No more career politicians getting bribed by big corp left & right. We need people like us in there solving the problems

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Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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UBI would do so much for everyone and the rich hate that. They have developed a mentality that they, and only they, should live comfortably, all while the rest of us worry about our next meal, if we have a home or not, will our kids eat today, ect. Neither side cares about us at the end of the day!

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Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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I have that exact same vibe! We should vibe together😏😍😁

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Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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Honestly the whole party could turn on him (never gonna happen, I know) and he will NEVER drop out. The man can not fathom what it means to lose because his fragile ego would shatter beyond repair. He will 1000% burn this country and world to the ground before he ever ceeds defeat of any kind.

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Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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I would gladly crawl in there with you. My request though: can I be the big spoon?😏

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Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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While both are equally beautiful, first I’d kiss that gorgeous face for a few😍🥰

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Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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For sure. And even if you decide you both wanna stay there, you’re always welcome in our neck of the woods whenever you wanna visit. I’m always down to help run stuff, craft gear for ppl, decorate houses/supply furnishings, ect. Am always looking to make new friends in game to help.

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Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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I honestly wonder if it’s it simply denying the election loss. It almost at this point seems more like they are refusing to accept it as a form of intimidation. I say this cuz since that loss, look at how they have retaliated. Every day, our side loses right after right. Calling it denial seems off

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Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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It’s like he 100% forgets that he falls under this stuff cuz he is also African American. Like dude, you do know once these white asshats are thru using you for their own agendas, they will turn on you like they do every other minority out there! You aren’t safe just cuz you do their bidding. FYI…

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Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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I love how Trumps spokesperson said “George has mental issues…” Like girl, HAVE YOU MET YOUR CANDIDATE? Dude couldn’t form a proper coherent sentence to save his miserable life. Dude takes a deuce in his drawers constantly, hence the need to wear diapers. But sure, deflect all that like y’all do

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Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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If you are curious and want to know more about us, please feel free to DM me. I’d be more than welcome to answer any questions you both may have!😁

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Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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I play every day. On it right now in fact to do some work on my FCs submarines to send them out. I’m way over on Marilith. You’re always welcome to hang with me and my FC if you are ever out our way. As for joining an FC, we are definitely gay friendly since hubby and I run ours and we welcome all 😁

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Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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Those guys were very lucky to have got to be with you, handsome

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Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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Aww sorry to hear that. Hope you start feeling better soon!🥰

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Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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What a sad, pathetic excuse of a human being that woman is. No Biden wouldn’t stoop to the vile dictator tactics of assassination but we all know ShittyDrawers McQuarterpounder will 1,000% go to that level & much deeper. He & his project 2025 buddies in crime have already hinted at such stuff!!

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Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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Oh 100%. They think because Humpty Dumpty McPoopydrawers is targeting people & such that they don’t like, they believe the falsehood that they won’t be. He will target them once we are out of the picture because he has stated before he detests poor people & those saps are the poorest mofos there is

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Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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Right!!! It’s crazy to think we are witnessing essentially the death of our country & democracy as we have come to know it & it turning into a Christian nationalist/Nazi 2.0 theocracy/oligarchy & people are CHEERING for this. We are doomed as a country if this happens & these idiots are ok with it

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Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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The man also claimed if he lost the 2020 election, he’d go quietly into the night, never to be heard from again ~ He lied! Every word out if that man’s mouth is a lie upon a lie upon yet more lies. He is factually incapable of being honest. We have proved it & people still believe him to be honest🤦🏻‍♂️

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Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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It’s because that’s what they have been taught to. Thru the many generations of conditioning, they have been instilled with a visceral intolerance of any and everything they don’t comprehend or view as “different”. Their sole desire is to spread their misery to everything they touch no matter what.

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Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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If he becomes president again, I firmly do not believe there will be a democracy or a country even worth saving at that point. Him & his ilk will drive us to ruin, that is unless the rest of the world steps in & stops them first & we suffer all the same. He will doom us all & not even care one bit.

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Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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Anytime. You are most deserving of such praise!🥰

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Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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Damn!!!😍. I swear you get sexier with each post! 😍🥰😍

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Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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I keep seeing the DM thing is gonna be allowed on here finally and I’m kinda glad. I have met a lot of awesome people from all walks of life on this platform and would love to get to have conversations with them, as opposed to having them via comments. All are welcome to chat my way once it’s live!

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Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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Honestly I doubt that will deter them. They are fine with raping children so doing the same to women who wont give in to their demands is not out of the question… They are fine being vile and disgusting and dark souls such as that rarely have a low they won’t stoop to in order to get their way! 🤬

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Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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These radical psychopaths are picking a fight with people who aren’t only smarter but are fed the fuck up with their archaic ideas of “how the world should be according to God”. They aren’t going to like it one day when we push the fuck back & push back hard! Course then they will go full on ❄️ & cry

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Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins's avatar Mike Funkhouser-Jenkins @azuredragonknight.bsky.social
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Wow! We now know who ISN’T getting any & wants the rest of us to go without as well. Also, “conservatives are leading us”?!? I don’t trust a conservative with a dead bird let alone to lead anyone anywhere worth a damn. These are the same ppl wanting to marry 10 year olds & diddling kids in churches

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