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At this point I doubt the vast majority of pundits think past how many clicks their next post will get. One thing they obviously do not care about is the stakes of the next election and how it will impact their viewers/ readers

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Why were all these "serious journalists" so concerned about the email server and so unconcerned about trump stealing classified documents at Mar a Lago. The obvious answer is either that you are obviously not covering trump the same as other candidates. Guess it must be good for business.

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Was the private email servers an interesting story that required non-stop breathless coverage or was it pinned up to make the 2016 election more interesting. Is biden's age really 100 tomes more compelling than trump promising televised military tribunals of his political enemies

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Npr, please explain how this is fair and unbiased coverage, the public should support.

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In 2016, I listened to npr breathlessy spend 15 minutes shouting at me about how important it was that a laptop with no new information was found. In 2024, I listened to NPR tell me how unimportant it was that Trump was convicted of 34 felony fraud charges to cheat in the 2016 election.

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Detroiters the show hits even harder if you grew up in the area in the 80s/90s because a lot of the ads are parodies of the ads we saw as kids. Between that and the Woodward Dream Cruise, hustle, and other very Detroit specific jokes, glad non-Detroiters also found it hilarious.

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Hindenburg was a right winger who appointed Hitler to chancellor and implemented a harsh austerity program. Comparing the border bill to the rise of naziism is silly. We have higher inflation because biden explicitly rejected an austerity agenda after the pandemic

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Enjoy Canada or whatever. Hope Trump doesn't invade if he wins.

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You just spend all your time promoting that people not vote for biden but surely it is not because you want Trump to win. There must be some other obvious explanation.

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Too bad your guy Trump ended the Iran nuclear agreement and supported Israeli west Bank settlements. Some of us actually care about these differences. Obviously you do not. Which is very easy in whatever your country is

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Thank goodness, biden ended the Afghanistan war then!

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I am pretty sure you don't actually care about climate change. Good day. Enjoy Canada or whatever country you are from. Us Americans actually have to deal with Trump as president.

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So you agree biden is a better option than Trump and his climate agenda is better than trumpets. Glad we agree

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No I said Russia and ksa having sole control of the oil market is a bad outcome for the world. Honestly, if you are a fan of putin and mbs, it is obvious why you support Trump. No further explanation is necessary.

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Nowhere did I say that. I will say those countries are bad though, do you agree? More info on clean energy

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Would you rather ksa and Russia fully control the global oil market while the provisions of the climate change act go into effect. We had record clean energy production last year. Cheer up!

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You are missing that they are single issue pro- Gaza voters. Do they actually care which candidate is more aligned with their single issue? Of course not!

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So guess you weren't serious about the hindenburg comparison after all and prefer sec def Tom cotton and more bloodshed. Good luck with your Maga buddies hating women and trans people.

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Maybe because hindenburg = DeSantis in your ridiculous analogy in contrast to the guy who passed landmark climate legislation, expanded Healthcare access and subsidies, passed other climate and worker protection through regulation, tried to reduce student loan burden ( blocked by Republican judges)

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Progressive policy goals achieved or blocked by Republican judges: 1. huge climate bill, 2. Ended Afghanistan war, 3. aggressive student loan relief (repub judges block), 4. most pro labor NLRB appointees in generation, 5. Fed govt support for domestic manufacturing. I can keep going if you want

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Apparently, the world must suffer because so many don't apparently understand that adulthood often requires choosing the least worst option in an imperfect world.

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What do you think party insiders did in 2020? biden was essentially an afterthought until sc primary

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I oppose what is happening in Gaza, which is why I don't want to empower those who think Biden is hampering Israel.

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My mistake was entering this thread was assuming any of you actually care about which candidate is better on Israel Palestine . Trump has never once mentioned support for humanitarian aid. His ex-ambassador is opposed. He would ban refugees from Palestine and supports west Bank settlers

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I didn't realize biden was leading the Israeli offensive and not the one trying to get more aid into the country. I also didn't realize biden was a republican member of congress blocking aid to Ukraine. It is clear who is better on both fronts for those opposed to genocide. It is a binary choice.

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Better than these guys

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Actually the republican congress has been opposed to any Ukraine aid going forward. Personally I oppose all genocide including Ukraine and Palestine. I hope you do as well.

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The same putin who has been committing genocide in Ukraine, which Trump has been supporting and biden has been opposing, that putin? Or do you mean a different one

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Just pointing out the consequences of your decision.

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Sure you love Palestinians so much your goal is for Jared kushner to set Israel Palestine policy, what could go wrong.

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You mean when Trump wins and locks arms with Netanyahu as Israel annexes all Palestinian land

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Actually, you have agency in determining who is a better choice for the Palestinian people, the guy who wants Israel to "finish the job" and will refuse to admit Palestinian refugees or the guy who is flawed but has repeatedly at least worked to provide humanitarian aid

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Wow snappy comeback, except that is obviously clear that putin, Netanyahu, and ben gvir all want biden to lose. The guy who was just indicted for lying to the fbi about bogus biden bribes had ties to Israeli and Russian intelligence.

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So, just like Ben gvir and Netanyahu, you preference is for biden to lose?

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And if biden doesn't win, the guy who moved the embassy to Jerusalem, has settlements adorned with his name in the West Bank and whose stated policy is to let Israel "finish the job" will win

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Maybe liberals are just capable of holding two thoughts at the same time: 1) the treatment of innocent Gazans has been abhorrent, 2) it would be even worse with Trump in charge

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Has the nyt ever provided any explanation why email practices for classified docs was far and away their most covered topic for 2016 but storing classified docs all over a highly trafficked club is not nearly as important as biden's age for 2024. The only logical answer is systematic pro- Trump bias

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