Barryzee's avatar


2 followers 39 following 80 posts

Retired CTO for a school district in the south suburbs of Chicago. Now officially a tech curmudgeon. What used to be holidays with relatives has turned into a lifestyle. You wont find much original because my life is boring but I will amplify and discuss.

Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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Karma is a bitch

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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Posted by Vernon Penix on Mastodon

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
[ View ] Nice article on Surface Pro CoPilot +. Was going to update my desktop but now you've got me rethinking that. Okay if I say it's Ed Bott's fault when my bride asks why?

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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No kidding! Dennis Rodman used to pull crap like that all the time and it wasn't national news. Once she proves she can handle it and not be intimidated, that stuff will lessen. But most women basketball players don't make a lot. I'm guessing that there will be some jealousy of the Nike contract.

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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Actually sounds better that way. Worth a try

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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Is it too late to give Texas back to Mexico? They are out of their minds.

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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You are certainly correct although the Senate seems better than the house in that respect. But there is real danger that the Rs are going to take the senate as well and then all bets are off. Although things look good in battleground states, Hogan looks like a lock in MD and Manchins seat will flip.

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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Sounds like even though he's an IL democrat, he thinks Biden is going to lose and wants to slow down Trump from packing the courts a 2nd time.

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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That's where our pup came from. Just please don't take Kristi Noem with you! Heaven help us if she believes any of them are untrainable.

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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While I don't like the doctrine of proportional response much, the idea of wiping out an entire country and killing/displacing hundreds of thousands innocent people is tragic. Unfortunately the bad guys can hide among the innocents. Genocide is not the proper response. A pox on both Hamas and Israel

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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Doesn't appear that Gov Noem is trainable as a loving, caring human being.

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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Not until I just looked at it critically! Now like everyone else I can't unsee it. 🤦‍♂️

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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Absolutely. A pox on both. While I don't like the doctrine of proportional response much, the idea of wiping out an entire country and killing/displacing hundreds of thousands innocent people is tragic. Unfortunately the bad guys can hide among the innocents. Genocide is not the proper response.

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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From this mornings Chgo Tribune

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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Unavoidably unavailable but certainly willing to criticize the outcome. At least have the courage of your convictions if you are going to call yourself a United States Senator. Be there for the vote!

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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Jeezaloo, no wonder this guy has his undies in a bunch. Sex only to make children. Hope he has more than 2 kids. That's a hell of a dry spell. I'm a Catholic and even we don't believe that anymore! Hmmm, maybe I'm gay. Better tell my wife. 🤔

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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Today Pinkie, we're going to take over the world!

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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One book: The White Dragon One film: The Godfather One album: Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band One TV show: Doctor Who

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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No wonder he fell asleep. He had no continual positive reinforcement.

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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<SIGH> That is way more disturbing! Years ago, after writing Advise and Consent, Allen Drury continued the series with novels that were seemingly prescient of what's going on now. Violence for political ends based in nothing but lies. Only we can make it better at the ballot box.

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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I'm hoping that the people of Georgia repent of ever sending MTG to Congress. She is an embarrassment on so many levels.

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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My teenage daughters reaction was...You do know it is fiction right?

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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I've used our library for more than 50 years. What said author doesn't seem to account for is that the more circulation his book has, the more copies they buy. Over the years, I've purchased the books that I want to read again. The two aren't mutually exclusive.

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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I wonder if at 3PM on Good Friday it all collapses

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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Nice article! As the lone Android user in a family of iphones, I've never understood Apple's usurious stance of wringing every penny from their developers. I believe that security guidelines could be met with the store being opened up a bit subject to review but at a reasonable cost to developers

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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I won't hold my breath waiting. He seems to be one of those old dogs having a terrible time learning anything much less new tricks! 😊

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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Corollaries being that elected officials appoint federal judges to reaffirm those rules in the donors favor. Donors give large gifts to judges in order to argue successfully in those rules favor.

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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I'm starting to think that we always were but they were afraid of public mockery if they shared their theories. Then, Trump enabled them. Grrrrr. I feel like my IQ goes down just listening.

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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OMG. It's over then. Might as well plan the funeral. At best, the govt's now able to track the nannites in his blood stream wherever he goes. Why they could even be listening to all of his conversations. <SIGH> I liked it better when they were afraid to express opinions before Trump enabled them.

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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So, I wandered over to the Arby's today and asked for the Mint Chocolate shake. I expected to see a brownish green but was surprised to see only green. It did have some chocolate undertones but is essentially a nice tasting mint shake. Tasty for a change. If they did it opposite, yearrounder YMMV

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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NC is nice but some of the naming for house/st. addresses were not what I was used to when I visited my brother in Hickory. eg (not his) 1123 10th St Ct NW. Having St & Ct as well as 2 directions in the same address was a little confusing to this Chi boy who is used to a simple grid pattern. 🙂

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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The sad thing is that they have a strange attraction for me. Even the bad ones (Godzilla's son) If I run across one channel surfing, I'll sit there and watch it. My bride just shakes her head and wanders off for a while. 🙂

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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Haven't had it but you've inspired me to get one. Would much prefer CHOCOLATE mint to straight green mint.

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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Hope she is better at economics than she is about practical medical guidance. Based on track record, I wouldn't be trusting fashion sense either.

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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I live in both places. A lot depends on who you find to follow. A number of my follows are in both places and some crosspost. I am in Bluesky because some moved over during invite only and only post here. I like the community in Mastodon. Now that Bluesky is open, we will see how that impacts here.

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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I agree. I received a BlueSky code and came over here to test it out. There is enough here to check in and hang out but I am back to spending most of my social time on Mastodon as well. Most of my follows are somewhere in both places with a couple exceptions and some cross post anyway.

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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Hmmm. I wonder how many geese to the kilometer.

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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Crap, this means that I'm going to have to take DeSantis out of the contest for who is the Lord of Darkness. It's now a 3 person race among Abbott, Trump and Musk. So many possibilities and so few spots. Will the real Lord of Darkness please stand up!

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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We branched off into an alternate timeline somewhere along the line. I'm worried that this may be the one where the Nazi's and dictator's win.

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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Who needs a newsroom when you can be like Fox News errr...Fox Entertainment and just make stuff up. You get way more readership and stick to it long enough and they even start to believe their bullcrap themselves.

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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For the most part, it's ok. However, when I'm buying 200 loaves of bread for the food pantry and the terminal has not made provision for entering qty, I want the person who wont make me scan a loaf of bread 200 times!

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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"My thoughts to your thoughts"......Can't see the back paw so I expect he was trying a Vulcan mind meld.

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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Do you like gladiator movies, Billy?

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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Not to mention how many people believe that wrestling is real! Amazing athletes? Mostly. But it's just a soap opera with a twist. The promos are exactly that. Keep the storyline going. As long as you can memorize the script they'll let you have the mike.

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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FOIA only applies to written records. So, if there is no record... There is also an exclusion that FOIA cannot be used if that use would invade another person's personal privacy. I'm certainly no expert but 16 yrs on a public school Board of Education, you learn some things. 😉

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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Since Chicago has required notice, the busses have started dump and run in surrounding suburbs. Sometimes with train fare to Chgo for the migrants, sometimes not. Municipalities are passing ordinances against this but I wonder if including the ability to impound the busses might not deter this.

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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With so many of our surrounding suburbs here in IL passing ordinances against the "dump and run" tactics that the busses are taking since Chicago needs a formal schedule, I'm wondering if they should include impounding the busses as a penalty for the actions. That might get their attention.

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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Just waiting for my turn in the box

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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I certainly agree and don't have that sense of him hearing him on the debates and Sunday mornings. Not being an elected official currently, he has nothing to lose. He does advocate taking the Republican party back from the crazies which is a noble goal. Whether he can avoid getting run over ???

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Barryzee's avatar Barryzee
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Yep. Far right/far left two sides of the same coin. Although, I will give the far left politicians some credit for good intentions. Unfortunately, moderates on both sides do not have the courage of their convictions to take control of their respective parties even though they outnumber the outliers

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