Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar

Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™

46 followers 30 following 961 posts

Writer of (Unwritten) Stories Reader of (Unread) Books Ruiner of (Unruined) Characters Bee | 28 | They/She | Chinese-Canadian

Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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Slayer of men, wet of storms, skin of wolf beneath human flesh borne, she shifts to her non-human form, transformed across lines of humanity and monstrosity. You behold her in all her naked, hairy glory, her emboldened by your wants, and she asks if your tongue wants now. And you say, "would." 😎

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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Does the warrior shift into a monster, enticed by your tastes and your boldness? 🤭

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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Oof. Only thing worse is getting sick at the start of a full-time workweek. 😬 Sleep and drink and hibernate until all the sickness leaves your system.

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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It certainly ain't for the grace of people's butts, that's for sure!

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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Oh my god, your toilet paper princess husband rules. But, also, totally fair point. Thin toilet paper is the bloody worst, from a practical and comfort standpoint.

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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Congrats on recovering from your injury! 👍 Hope your recovery goes even quicker and smoother from this point on.

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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I'm sure there'll more than one who gets a treasure out of it. 🙏

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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One step closer to a contender for the best contemporary dark fantasy being finished.

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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Glancing around, it was 2021. We jumped from the wildfire, only to land on frying on pavement and baking within walls. 🌡️ ☀️ 🔥

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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Bro, I'm marching over with an AC unit. 🥵

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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I'm sorry, Mattie. All the best to you and your rest of the day.

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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Man, the font choice on the spine of Joe Koch's INVAGINIES is a really pretty one. 😌

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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THAT FUCKING TOO!!! 🤬 But NO, we gotta boot-lick capitalistic status-quos, our daddies and our wallets demand it, safe profits to sate a CEO so he can buy another sports car.

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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I remember someone once saying that whenever Marvel or DC were doing badly or being on the decline, their best, experimental works arose from those circumstances, just people throwing paint on the walls and seeing what sells, and now that they have corporate daddies, they're enshrining mainstream.

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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That sure is a lot of words to say "I'm a loser with no reading comprehension or fiction-understanding."

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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Such a lovely way to succinctly show how young and inexperienced and relatively innocent they are in dragon matters, a rider and his dragon and pet, against Rhaenys greeting Meleys as an old friend and going for one more flight. But both sharing that they loved their dragons. Then what happened. 😭

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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There's something about the sheer vantage point on dragonback that reduces people to toys and castles into play blocks, and how the soldiers are nothing against flying monsters roaming and burning down from the skies. Huge masses of bio-weapons, even down to their flesh-melting blood spilling down.

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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Genuinely love how he's got a prickliness to him, even when he's doing something he won't be thanked over, given his reactions to customers he thinks are disrespecting gyoza or eating. It's just a nice dimension to a gag character, but also. If you cook, who hasn't been that person at least once? 😆

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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He's just a little guy!! 🥟 🧚 ❤️

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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Bro, you won't believe how many times I rewatched the OVA that covered this side story. I can remember every detail, closing my eyes. 🥺

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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I know what I am, and I am absolutely an utterly collapsible doll in the face of a fat person who cherishes and loves me.

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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without downloading new pics, what is it like dating you

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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Today has reminded me how much my take on dragons is that they should be terrifying and wondrous, both at once; and if the dragon is sentient, but not sapient, you MIGHT be able to skirt most of the ethics and fucked-upness of the dragonrider trope, but not if both are sapient. Confront it.

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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Bruh, if you have the time to compile this list...

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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That sucks like hell. Those people should apologize and buy your books more. Also, I really should prepare myself for that consistency, given I've got a nonbinary protagonist coming up that they will pretty firmly land on they/them pronouns later. 😩

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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I gave my protagonist gender freedom and friends, one of them a dragon, I don’t even have the former, so it’s only fair that I balance the scales and screw the nails in by putting them Through It™️

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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Brienne also rode over and scarred Harry Potter during the Melee at Bitterbridge. 😏

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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It's a little more subtle, but you know some of those men-at-arms that escorted Catelyn to take Tyrion to the Vale? Three of them were Lharys, Mohor, and Kurleket. Larry, Mo, and Curly.

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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Given he did the Three Stooges in A GAME OF THRONES, this is honestly just keeping to pattern. 😆

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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As someone who penchants to the need to apologize to keep the peace a ton AND someone who got torched of two multi-year friendships (one of them got better) because I didn't apologize fast enough after an intense argument, lemme tell you: it feels like damned if you do, damned if you don't. 😩

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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I see.

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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In a good or bad way? Because I loved HAGAZUSSA and didn't even consider it all that bleak (I get the grimey, dreary vibes, how can one not, but they didn't really weigh me down).

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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... Damn, if that sentiment doesn't just grab my collar right now. 😔

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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Let it be known that I just now read the entire image, because of this post, and. 1. Wow. 2. Wow, what the fuck. 3. This is just an average dude when a TERF's worms wriggle, try and bury his face, and he doesn't have a machete to chop off the bodies. 4. No, seriously, wow, WHAT THE FUCK.

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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Sadly just the nature of social media: bitchiness drives more engagement, pettiness begets more commenters. Positivity doesn't get as much heat behind the wheel. But I always like seeing on my timeline, whatever version you are.

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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You don't say?

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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Oh for sure that's part of the appeal of it all, especially when you go into xenofiction. Though, we are limited in how monsters are usually just vehicles for the (human) protagonist's desires there and how most writers aren't willing or good at trying to depict that.

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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Like, there's definitely prudes or normies working with that stuff and the absence's explained there, but even I'd pause before writing out explicit bits for fear of not living up to the hype of monster genitals, especially since the furries can beat most of us down pat by breathing.

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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I definitely see it as "then why HAVE the monster as a romance to begin with???" 😩 In utter fairness, I could see not pulling it as literary edging or, more realistically, knowing that a reader's imagination will make it more sick than explicit detail will make, given the fantastical flesh.

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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"Oh, whatever happened to this person, they used to be so nice!!" 🥺 Yeah, it's called masking and chewing through shards of bullshit and no longer taking it. 😌 Oh, god, yeah, you can't have a monster romance without the possibility of weird bestial fucking going on, that's the sticking point.

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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👀 I have a few irons in the fire pondering that notion, but I've always dwelled the same thing: at what point is it corruption instead of repressing less and unmasking away layers of human-based etiquette and societally acceptable behaviors, incited by being around someone who transgresses humanity?

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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Oh fuck, just as I saw this, my ears registered the fireworks outside my place. 😩 Funnily enough, my dad thinks opening the blinds at night will entice some bandit to shoot us with a bullet or something, and, unfortunately, none of us are that interesting or likely to get that rare fortune.

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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Oh god, that belief is so constructed and from no rational basis, just wishful thinking that's fermented into poison, that any critic or person trying to wean people off it gets reduced into a threat and stabbed between the ribs multiple times, because how dare you challenge that fragility? 🔪 💥 🍖

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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I have managed to pass along the Jirel of Joiry brain worms to another, who said that BLACK GOD'S KISS was excellent and Jirel is a great character from the get-go. If you love pulp or sword-and-sorcery stories with an emotionally vicious and challenging prose, read C.L. Moore's Jirel of Joiry.

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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It’s the brutal conclusion of thinking any unhappiness or bad feeling is an intrusion upon a “pure” environment, instead of a natural extension of the human condition, and wanting to push it back by beating it with sticks and destroying whoever dared pollute your world.

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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Maybe someday? 😳

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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As someone who hasn’t had non-hostile touch with anyone beyond hugs, which ARE nice, but not the same as intimacy, I would be very antsy of how that might unravel me. 😨

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™'s avatar Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™
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Incidentally, New Edge Sword & Sorcery had a backerkit campaign awhile ago for two new issues, Issue #3 having a new JIREL OF JOIRY story for the first time in 85 years by Molly Tanzer and wicked art by a host of talented dark fantasy artists, but you can still pre-order issues from it now. 👍

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