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Agree all of those, but also: Constituency boundaries periodically reviewed by wholly independent body and redrawn so they have comparable number of voters. Gerrymandering a criminal offence!

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I get that, but it’s very obviously naive. What are you imagining success to look like? We’ll drum into the electorate the idea of “Genocide Joe” now, and he’ll pressurise Netanyahu to do a 180 (seriously?)? Then what? You’ll make the meme “Genocide Joe” disappear and we won’t get Trump?

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Right, and that’s my point. Your logic doesn’t make sense. For me, Biden hasn’t done enough for Palestinians in Gaza. But how would that lose him any votes to an opponent who wants Muslims exterminated? I mean if you actually care about their plight, the #1 thing you’d be doing is opposing Trump.

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Please accept my apologies. I misread your post and assumed you weren’t supporting Biden in November.

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Genuine question: If you can help Biden lose to Trump in November do you think things will improve for Muslims in general and for Palestinians specifically?

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You’d at least be able to claim there was some sort of principle behind this if they called on both candidates to drop out.

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This is not what the Supreme Court ruled. They punted this to after the election. Please have someone with a basic knowledge of law review and correct.

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“ai fan” and “too lazy to read” is a Venn diagram that looks very much like a single circle.

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Hi Dan, I have an LLB and a masters in CompSci. You have a tool that you mistakenly believe can improve the performance of a task. The issue is not that lawyers here don’t understand the tool. The problem is that you lack the expertise to properly and sufficiently understand the task.

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Very true Mitchell. Every time I see “short sellers” blamed for the stock of an overvalued company falling, I’m reminded that every short sale is closed by purchasing exactly the same number of shares as were initially sold.

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Massachusetts taxed wealthy people and the sky didn’t fall in. But what if it had fallen in?

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The thing I don’t understand is why there’s no political appetite for this. I mean even just a hollow promise that if elected you’ll target phone scammers would be a guaranteed vote winner. It’s not like there are pro- and anti-scam cohorts of the electorate that you’d have to juggle.

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Sorry to correct you Andrew, but you mean “misspelled”.

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Also, if there were any frequencies produced during a performance above 22kHz then, 1. The microphone used in the recording didn’t capture them, and 2. The speakers in whichever device you’re listening on can’t move that quickly. Analog doesn’t mean “magic”.

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This is categorically not true. The dynamic range of vinyl is equivalent to a digital bit depth of roughly 13 bits. 16 bit digital can capture 3-4 times the range between loudest and quietest. And 44.1KHz sampling captures *perfectly* every overtone a human ear can hear (up to 22.05KHz).

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Looks like it could be the work of Wiener Schnitzel.

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Yes, although the funny thing about that book was I enjoyed all the chapters where I didn’t have personal expertise. The one subject where I am an expert was laughably wrong. Then I read the genuine Amazon reviews, and experts in the other subjects all said pretty much the same thing!

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It’s ironic that his initial success came from assigning zero weight to the opinions of blowhards who lacked expertise, then promptly morphed into exactly that blowhard.

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There are some good suggestions here but I’d just go with “Arschloch”.

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Yes, as in “if someone chose to post as a transphobic bee on social media, they would likely come across as a complete fuckwit”.

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Yeah the different filing systems point swung it for me. Like, is it even possible for there to be a conflict of interest unless the partners use the same filing system?

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“Not proven he assaulted anyone”. Your words, not mine. If you’re saying your original post was wrong then delete it.

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Vic admitted under oath that he had assaulted Marchi. If you think he was condemned on allegations alone, then you haven’t bothered to acquaint yourself with the facts of the case.

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Most Simon Jenkins pieces look like the pitchbot. He thinks he’s being “contrarian” when in reality he’s just writing what is objectively twaddle.

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“Everybody has a plan, until you hit them with an accordion” - Mike Tyson

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And it’s the same people always claiming their shitty opinions are those of the “Silent Majority”.

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I don’t think there was ever a chance that was going to fly with a jury of 12 normal people. His beautiful wife is home with their new born son and he’s away strong-arming a porn star into having sex. And it’s important to him to “protect his family”? Give me a break.

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It also provides the NYT with the chance to frame it equally factually accurately. But obviously you won’t.

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No difference on *any* policies that affect you?

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im sorry for being nerdy, but the history of enforceability of gambling debts in England and Wales is a subject I find peculiarly interesting. History is fascinating! Like you say, sometimes a topic is too nuanced to accurately summarise in a pithy viral post.

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I apologise if highlighting that your original post scolding other authors for failing to be historically accurate was itself not entirely accurate has made you chippy. That wasn’t my intention.

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No, the complete opposite. Gambling is regulated by the Gambling Act 2005, which largely repealed the previous regime dating from various 1960s legislation formally legalising betting shops, casinos etc. Individual gambling wins aren’t taxed for policy reasons (taxes are paid by betting operators).

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…and again I could be wrong, but IIRC a loan to someone so that they could gamble was only made unenforceable by the Gaming Act 1892. I’m not saying you’re wrong, I’m just suggesting it’s a complex issue repeatedly changed by legislation, and that it’s going to depend on which decade you consider.

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Doesn’t this depend on when the historical is set? Happy to stand corrected, but the legislation specifically declaring bets unenforceable as contracts was enacted in response to the courts being clogged with the private wagering disputes of aristos, ie. they were enforceable prior to that.

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How did you rule out the more likely explanation: that you are an idiot who says objectively idiotic things?

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It might rarely swing the overall result, but individual constituencies are often close, and it matters very much to the candidates. If the vote is close you can count (and recount) the pile of paper ballots as many times as necessary in front of all party officials. Everyone trusts the final result

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Of course they are. I don’t disagree with the reality for one second. But having ballots so complex that you need machines opens the door for bad actors to sow distrust. If 100 million Americans don’t believe Biden won in 2020 then that’s a pretty big problem I would suggest.

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…and I would suggest that if you’re holding an election for something (librarian, dog catcher) and only single digit % of the population cares, then that’s a *massive* signal that an election isn’t the best way to make that appointment or resolve that issue.

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It was a joke about hanging chads and hanging Mike Pence. Obviously not a great one. The serious point was that the UK (for example) never has election controversies like 2020 or Florida 2000. Simple voting slips make fast counts (and recounts) possible, so everyone immediately trusts the results.

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Also once you’ve drunk enough gin whatever theoretical purposes you may have for ice are no longer important.

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Have the vote for President, senators and reps on one day (max 3 simple slips) and everything else another time and that issue goes away. No hanging chads or Pences. We’ve made the electoral process so complex it allows bad actors to undermine trust seems like a negative about US democracy to me.

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So what you’re saying is 2 wrongs make a right.

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If your program cannot tell if a statement is a joke or not then it isn’t intelligent, artificial or otherwise. We need to start referring to these technologies accurately: either NI (not intelligent) or ZI (zero intelligence). AI my arse.

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Yeah same here. I don’t know how you could spend as much time daily as Elon Musk evidently does on Twitter without worrying that everyone can see you’re doing hardly any work.

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Maybe JW Mason was in a coma in June 2020.

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Trump’s first term already showed what his approach will be: protesters were cleared by military force when he wanted to hold a bible upside down in front of a church. The idea that anything Biden or Ds do now will have any precedent effect on a 2nd Trump regime is delusional.

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