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Yes, let's go back to the days of not being able to buy car parts or hardware on sunday...and everyone going to the local Chinese restaurant for package liquor. (as someone old enough to remember blue laws, I remember they never stopped anyone from drinking, it just added a hoop to jump through)

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"Was"? Did she die? I believe she had the highest IQ ever recorded by some measurement. She never actually used all that vast intelligence to do anything but write puzzle columns that I know of. She mostly just lives off of being in the Guinness Book for IQ

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I woke up with a sore knee in 2012, ended up having meniscus surgery...2021 woke up with a sore back that required a L3-L5 fusion. My mother and sister had the same knee thing happen, and my mother had the back also. Seems to be some bad musculo-skeletal things on my mom's side. So, I can relate.

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She's rescuing a "HOL'E FOBE"????? I swear, some of these derpy Christians have their eyes and minds turned off.

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It works fine in other countries. I saw many building in Hong Kong and Japan that might be considered "projects" in America, but were filled with people that were probably considered middle class. It's when you stuff them full of people who are purposely being held back that it is a problem.

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Yeah, nobody cares dude. Go ahead, and as my grandmother would say"cut off your nose to spite your face", because no one is going to notice or care.

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It drives me nuts. He's been a clown since I first saw him on Politically Incorrect in the 1990's. Also, why should we take him seriously when he won't do basic hygiene? Brush the teeth, trim the hair and beard, and get a jacket less than 30 years old! And stop with that 1970's "Brotherman" crap!

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Hit dogs holler, don't they?!? I enjoy his novels too, but I also know what a significant chunk of his fanbase is. You seem to fit right in.

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I don't love speed cameras, but there is no question that they lead to a fairer outcome than cops writing tickets. I used to work in Ferguson, and I never saw a white person pulled over. Anything that takes the decision out of a cops hands will usually lead to a less racist outcome.

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Nerdy antisocial tech-boy in reality. "Egdod" is the gaming avatar of one of the main characters of the Neal Stephenson novels "Reamde", and "The Fall: or Dodge in Hell". They have been a large part of Stephenson's fanbase for 30 years.

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Yes...once you get past the flight to get you there, it's shockingly cheap in other countries. My income is working class at best, but in our trips to Hong Kong & Japan in 2015&2017, my sister spent more on my flights than I did in the 34 days on the ground in these countries. Dollar goes a long way

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Yes...once you get past the flight to get you there, it's shockingly cheap in other countries. My income is working class at best, but in our trips to Hong Kong & Japan in 2015&2017, my sister spent more on my flights than I did in the 34 days on the ground in these countries. Dollar goes a long way

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That's where we are different. I LOVED reading(still do). I got so far ahead of the rest of the class in reading level that they just sent me to the library during Reading Class. Book length was never and issue to me(still isn't).πŸ˜€

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Yeah, I couldn't possibly care about the lives of any of those A-holes in that book. I can only think of two assigned readings that having to read enraged me as much: A Good Man Is Hard To Find---Flannery O'Connor(also got assigned at least twice) Democracy---Joan Didion(despised every character)

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Gotta admit, I didn't like the book, and I hated the movie. Funnily enough, I hated The Great Gatsby, too. It is the only assigned reading I was unable to finish, and it was assigned at least twice (High School and College...maybe also Junior High)

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I don't know about fandom (beyond Star Trek fans having newsletters going back to when it was originally on the air), but that has certainly been true of right-wing politics forever. After all, everyone on the right "knew" that the 4 dead students at Kent State were STD-riddled hippies within a week

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I think she is a complete Nazi piece of garbage, BUT, to be fair, both of her parents have clearly German last names. It's entirely possible that they were either immigrants or first generation. It's no different than anyone else(like Irish or Italians) who claim their parents heritage.

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...And every time you see something like that, you see that they are buying the most expensive version of it, often 2 or 3 times the price of the brands that real people buy. And if it is the story I am thinking of, they were buying *12* gallons a week of premium brand milk

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Yep, My grandmother would always ask for a "soup bone" at Brant's Meat Market before she passed in 2000. I also remember Parsley being given away free at the grocery store as a garnish before it became hip

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It's an amazing point. Some people get really angry when people they consider to be "less than" enter their economic class. It's like the non-union workers who get angry every time union workers get a raise. I'm a member of a really weak grocery union, and even we got a great contract last year.

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I am at the lower end of the wage scale(never made $50,000/year in my life), and I have had a great 4 years. My wages have gone up 20-30% in that period. So there you go.

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Food Stamps started out as a military program for that very reason. Most people don't know that it began as a program to benefit the military, not as "welfare".

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A cursory look at some of the names tells me that the team is probably mostly Indian immigrants, IOW people who have been serious cricket players all their lives. This is not a team of rich white dilettantes. So, it's shocking, but maybe not as shocking as you might think.

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A cursory look at some of the names tells me that the team is probably almost entirely Indian immigrants, IOW people who have been serious cricket players all their lives. This is not a team of rich white dilettantes. So, it's shocking, but maybe not as shocking as you might think.

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No, No, No...bring back the Steak Baja Gordita!

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Especially if you have a breed bred for fighting. If you are walking around with an unleashed fighting dog, I am calling Animal Control or the cops.

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Yeah, if you have "furbabies" I have no interest in hanging out with you. Beyond danger, it's just cringe.

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So now they will have a repeat of the North Hollywood Shootout, except the bad guys will have Super Soakers?

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John Rambo is 2 things that right-wingers hated back then: He has long hair, and He is a Vietnam Vet. No one hated Vietnam vets more than the right wing. They were "whiners who lost their war and embarrassed America". You have to remember Vietnam Vets were unwelcome in Vet orgs for years afterwards.

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John Rambo is 2 things that right-wingers hated back then: He has long hair, and He is a Vietnam Vet. No one hated Vietnam vets more than the right wing. They were "whiners who lost their war and embarrassed America". You have to remember Vietnam Vets were unwelcome in Vet orgs for years afterwards.

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When has fast food EVER been cheaper than eating at home? If that's the case for you, you are doing "eating at home" wrong.

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When has fast food EVER been cheaper than eating at home? If that's the case for you, you are doing "eating at home" wrong.

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...and that one gas station in California that charges twice what everyone else does.

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You may look doughier, but you look younger. I firmly believe that the bans on indoor smoking is why so many people look younger today. I'm a never-smoker from a never-smoker family, and at 58, I look younger than smokers 20 years my junior. Just look at how long stars retain youth and beauty now.

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Textbook leftist circular firing squad.

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Yes, the same as it ever was, as long as I can remember. How do you make a government program unpopular? Give black people access to it. "It's not worth having if "N-----s can have it too!"

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Yeah, I read this book more than 40 years ago. I hope this guy doesn't think he is being original.

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You would have loved the "Angelator", and later the "Angelatron" on Bones. πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€They were way more ridiculous than the things on CSI.

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I grew up in Huntington Beach in the 1970's. There were 3 black kids the entire time I went to school there, and they were probably in a higher economic class than me. I never got exposed to "black culture" until I moved to St. Louis. The downtrodden minority I was aware of was Mexican-americans.

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...and it works, because those idiots fill theaters and stadiums full of aggrieved Bros while much smarter and funnier comedians struggle to fill comedy clubs.

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I'm sure I knew when it happened, but it's not like I've cared since the end of Cheers. Her career after that was terrible. I also got tired of her wanting us to care about her weight struggles. I know why I am fat, I work 65 hours a week & have no time or energy for exercise. What was her excuse?

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If I am doing the math right, that is only 300 extra calories a day. Honestly would have guessed it took a lot more than that. 50,000 sounds like a lot, until you do the math.

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Not just more forgiving, but cheaper! I grew up on film, but honestly, I love digital for 3 reasons: I can look at the pic immediately & retake if needed. I'm not that great at shot composing, can "fix them in post". #1 thing I love is it doesn't cost me any money to take pics of identifying signs

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Not just more forgiving, but cheaper! I grew up on film, but honestly, I love digital for 3 reasons: I can look at the pic immediately & retake if needed. I'm not that great at shot composing, can "fix them in post". #1 thing I love is it doesn't cost me any money to take pics of identifying signs

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They do two seasons most years.

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I wonder if they had the balls to put the flag on top. It reminds me of when I used to deliver for Papa Johns we had a driver who drove a shitbox Olds Cutlass Ciera painted like the General Lee. One day a local apartment complex called banning him from delivering there. He didn't understand why🀑

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So this is even a current book? Wow. How did that even get to the printing stage with that title? Especially with a cement mixer that looks like a watermelon. It almost feels like there is some racist behind the scenes trolling us.

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is this for real?

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And we can't ask people to go back to cloth diapers like my mother did (I'm 58 I was probably one of the last cloth diaper babies.) That either requires you have your own washer and drier, or the backbreaking physical labor of handwashing because laundromats won't let you do it.

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That's wrong. At least at the grocery store where I work, the cashier gets it for you when you check out.

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