BitchyPundit's avatar


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I'm a political junkie, which keeps me in a constant state of agitation.

BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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30 years. It's hard to believe.

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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Grifters gonna grift. SO happy this grifter isn't in my feed here. I started muting everyone who was retweeting his nonsense on twitter at some point because I couldn't take his vapid, nonsense, grifty "commentary anymore.

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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I never went there because I could see that they were opening stores to sandwich local coffee shops until they ran them out of business and then closed the 1 store that was never necessary in the first place. They turned 10s of thousands of business owners into wage slaves.

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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Hmmmmm. Not sure why WaPo went with "Visualizing Gaza’s aid shortage as ‘man-made’ famine looms" when a clearly more grammatically correct headline would be, "Visualizing Gaza’s aid shortage as man-made famine looms" OR a more precise, "Visualizing Gaza’s aid shortage as Israeli made famine looms".

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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Well Jim Clyburn is VERY happy about this:

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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This is an idea I can REALLY get behind.

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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Here's my prediction: we're going to learn that the company that owns the container ship cut costs to the bone and did a bunch of stock buy backs to juice their stock price, thereby leaving very little money for maintenance and upkeep of their fleet. Why do I think that? Cause America!

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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I'm confused. Isn't a pound more than 2 kilos?

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Reposted by BitchyPundit

Yashar Ali 🐘's avatar Yashar Ali 🐘
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1. Queen Rania has offered her harshest condemnation of Israel yet. “I blame hardline Israeli leaders for keeping their people in this perpetual state of fear of an existential threat that doesn’t exist.” “Israel experienced one October 7, since then Palestinians have experienced 156 October 7ths”

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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I didn't find your comment to be uncivilized at all!

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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I'm not even a little surprised because while Gene Roddenberry created a world I dreamed of living in as a kid in Star Trek, he also created the world I KNEW we would be living in when he wrote the first episode about the dark side parallel universe 😳

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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I use a more colorful word than "hell". I've joined Jewish Voice For Peace and attend every protest that I can and I PROUDLY announce that my ancestors were the Palestinian Jews that give Israel the claim to the land while vehemently denouncing everything that Israel has done since its inception.

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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I've donated to a few of these GoFundMes. I find that it helps me cope with my feelings of helplessness in a tiny way.

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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Thanks for sharing this. I've donated to 3 similar funds. It somehow helps with the feeling of helplessness and hopelessness.

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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Not at all. Not even remotely. At this point, I want Israel to not only vacate the land that it illegally occupies, but I want it to support an UN resolution to recognize Palestine as a country and pay reparations the way Germany did to Israel. Did I mention that I'm Jewish?

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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You're part of an organization that you don't promote? That's a curious path to success.

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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What attitude? I'm sorry if my impatience from respectfully asking questions several times and getting no cogent answers bothers you but I expect people to be able to articulate the reasoning behind the things they're advocating beyond just raw emotion.

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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I think that an informed electorate needs to precede any plan. The CA election results demonstrate that we're not there yet.

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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The 1st part makes sense but I'm confused about the 2nd. How many hrs a day do I need to stair master to fight off the normal cognitive decline comes with aging & beliefs that were formed during my formative years (remember, Biden is older than Israel) ? Cause if that works, I'm buying one TODAY! 😂

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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Oh, in that case you can fuck right off back to twitter.

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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Here's how a discussion works: a person says something. The other person asks a question based on that person's comment. That person then answers that question. Are you going to do that?

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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You're hysterical. You know nothing about me. What EXACTLY are you doing to build an independent left? I've read your hyperbolic, unproductive lunatic rantings here for months. I have YET to see you promote a candidate, organization, or organize a call to action. When do you reckon that will happen?

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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I agree. How are you going to make that happen? This discussion is about the presidential election.

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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11/ for the next quarter of a freaking century. That's my latest theory of change.

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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10/ establishment. We're a couple of elections away from millennials and Gen Z being the majority of the electorate. Let's hope they're better informed than the last 2 generations who, in one of the most progressive states in the country, just put Adam "corporate moneybags" Schiff into the senate

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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9/ in Gaza makes me physically ill. But I have to call things as they are. I don't paint with a broad brush. So my plan right now is to vote for the guy that CAN be influenced by the electorate and to minimize the damage until the younger generations can figure out how to end the democratic

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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8/ So when the Senator From MBNA forgives a SINGLE dollar of any kind of debt, that's a pretty huge signal that there's been a seismic shift in the Overton Window. When he became the first president to show up on a picket line, that was a BFD. It was. I'm no Biden fan. Believe me. What's happening

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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7/ donors. That's objectively true. Is he progressive or even liberal? Not by my estimation. But he has been the most progressive president of my lifetime (YIKES!) That's because Biden has always been a chameleon, carefully situating himself at precisely the center of the political spectrum.

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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6/ before his message campaign. First comes the rhetoric, then come the cultural and value shifts. Reagan laid the groundwork for everything that followed for nearly 40 years. President Biden is NOTHING like Senator Biden, who spent 40 years robbing the middle class at the behest of his corporate

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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5/ war was even allowed on TV. The neocons ruled the world and liberals were invisible. Occupy Wall Street started the ball rolling on changing the rhetoric and made "the 1%" part of our vocabulary. Bernie made M4A a serious topic of conversation, when it was never even mentioned in polite society

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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4/ as hopeless as I do this week, I think back to where the country was when W was president. It doesn't feel like it, but we have come a LONG way since then. You literally couldn't say that you were a liberal back then without getting laughed out of the room. No one who didn't support the Iraq

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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3/ more adept at fending them off. I'm not going to lie, the results in CA this week were not surprising but they were still soul crushing. There were TWO good senate candidates who would have been vast improvements over Feinstein and yet, the electorate went with the same old garbage. When I feel

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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2/ running in earnest until it was too late, but I felt that he had started something. And then I was really hopeful as I watched insurgent candidates beat establishment democrats in primaries. Sadly, some of those insurgent democrats have become less insurgent and the establishment have become

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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This is going to be long so please be patient with me 😀 I've been at this for a very long time. I've had a few paths that I believed were viable. All of them turned out not to be. There was a glimmer of hope in '16 when Bernie caught fire. I knew he wasn't going to win because he hadn't started

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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And your way stops the genocide HOW? Please walk me through this because I would sincerely LOVE to find a plausible alternative path to minimizing the damage.

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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I said that you had a responsibility to do what's best for this country. At NO point did I say anything about "my party", nor did I deny a genocide. Please try and pay attention to the discussion you're having instead of the one you wish you were having.

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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Without a plan, you’re just being emotional and rudderless.

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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Then feel free to start. Good grief! This is not a trick question. I’m BEGGING you to help me to understand wtf you’re trying to do here. Are you EVER going to do that?

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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Did I say better? At any time, did I say better? I was merely pointing out how obviously wrong and clearly intellectually dishonest your argument is.

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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You are being dishonest and VERY bad at math by dismissing the relevance to the election of the coalitions that Biden is losing. You didn’t answer my question: HOW MANY VOTES DID BIDEN WIN THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE BY?

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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And then what happens? Do you know what I’m referencing when I say “theory of change”?

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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I never, NOT ONCE disagreed with that. You’re not paying attention. I disagree with the hyperbolic false equivalence.

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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Oooooh. Now I get your point. It was too absurd to be obvious. My bad. My condescension was insufficient 🤦🏽‍♀️

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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You failed to answer my question; what’s your theory of change? How does your plan play out? Please game it out for me so that I can better understand what you’re saying. Maybe you’ve got a point that I’ve missed. I’m trying to get you to make it.

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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No coup though, right? You sound like the main stream media, trying to sound neutral by creating a false equivalency.

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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I completely agree. If Biden cared about this country, he would drop out of the race. But if he doesn't, that doesn't absolve you from your responsibility in voting for the least harmful choice. I'm curious - what's your theory of change in not voting for Biden. What's the next step?

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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I live in NYC. In Harlem. I recorded EVERY stop and frisk that I saw. Sometimes as many as 6 a day. This has nothing to do with the genocide in Gaza. You've spun yourself up so tight that you're not being logical anymore. Get back to me when dems have orchestrated a coup to overturn an election

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BitchyPundit's avatar BitchyPundit
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You're right. Biden's actions in regard to Israel are despicable and weigh on my heart and mind EVERY SINGLE day. I say this as a Jew who learned the RIGHT lessons from the holocaust. But the fascistic reality of another Trump term cannot be overstated. In fact, Trump can't seem to state it enough

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