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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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Luckily he and his buddies can just overrule the law. They’re experts at it by now

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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But his compensation has, I suspect, gone up in the meantime? That’s just a given isn’t it

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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I knew it. You can’t flood the zone by talking the talk and waking the walk. You gotta sit down and shit it out

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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It’s partly about the NYT becoming so blatantly a house organ for the donor class. The only new part is how clumsy they are about it. Bothsidesing is the brand but more and more they only roll it out to cover atrocities. The political stuff is NY Post with bigger words and smugness

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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Opening slam into a house show main event quality match is the best version of AEW imo

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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I want my engine to sound like that, and get louder as I accelerate. Sure you can stay in my lane but…wouldn’t you rather not?

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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When all companies have consolidated into one company that rules us all David Zazlev will finally be free

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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The first time around we could pretend press coverage like this was naive. This time it’s just nakedly propaganda for trump. In every major paper every single day

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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In no way did the SC enhance the availability of abortion. They reduced availability and then restored a status quo that is ultra restrictive to put it mildly. Just mendacious lying to defend the indefensible

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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They’re just Fox News at this point. Grinding the organ, same tune day after day

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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Ooof. That’s a tough read

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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A blind squirrel finds a nut, sure, could be. But the agenda and context have taken a lot of digging in empty holes till now

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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May I propose that a well-established pattern of applying constant worst-case criticism to Biden (while studiously avoiding doing a both sides thing to the other guy) leads one to doubt the journalistic ethics of the paper itself. This article is only one of 197 or so on the subject so far

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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I’m at the point where I’m just muting American msm. Not worried about missing anything important anymore. It’s all spin these days

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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Sure just destroy the whole concept of education and replace it with autofill. Great for autocrats if nobody else

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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Why the NYT decided to become a Trump campaign rag is not a mystery but it sure is a farce

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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They’re stepping out of political agendas by adopting a clear and well known political agenda? How persuasive

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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He likes the image and didn’t think farther OR he’s a slightly more complicated white supremacist than average

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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SCOTUS is playing Calvinball in the real world with real world consequences they are reliably assured will only harm the weak. What’s wrong with that?

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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If only you were joking

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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The SCOTUS is out of control and I for one await a Democratic plan to rein it in. It basically rewrote the way the federal government works just this week. Biden is president now. Do something to show voters their vote matters or…. It’s hard to convinced them it does

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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Trump campaign organ

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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This is the week SCOTUS jumped the shark. There is no going back without fixing this openly corrupt majority

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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IOKIYAR is now the only law of the land

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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The Supreme Court has rewritten the constitution in plain sight

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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It’s Philly. It had to be done.

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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If there is a history the Roberts Courts use if blatant dishonesty in its major rulings will be its defining feature. Gaslighting is their main writing skill

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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Bribes are legal fraud is legal it’s just about who you know now

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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Every new angle reveals another facet of its ugliness

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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I’ll miss moonlight and tides and probably a shitload of chaotic consequences but if the moon is ribs I’m licking them clean. Cannot lie

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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Fantastic. Thank you

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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Is this a trick question? Is there someone who wouldn’t?

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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No! Now that’s something I did not expect.

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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They meant lawn grass? Oh! Hahaha that’s so funny.

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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I love good lyrics but they are in no way essential to create an absolute banger

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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They are his PR outfit

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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It’s truly a slap in the face. Makes me seethe personally. Wtf are the Dems doing?

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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Jesus walks on water and the vampire covens erupt like geysers in the depths. aquaman brokers a peace settlement by getting crucified waist deep in water

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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Design wise this is a premium upgrade

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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And so they can jet far far away from any upset they might cause. This court doesn’t believe in interacting wit reality or accepting their decisions have consequences. They’re too pure for that

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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And erase the very concept of progress. Change is unconstitutional to him

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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The sneering disdain really wins me over

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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The state of the federal courts is disastrous but she still sticks out among the crowd. Just a pure political hack in a black robe

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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SCOTUS is actively dismantling democracy.

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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Sure I accepted a new Ferrari but no one else was driving it. It was just sitting in the dealer’s lot. How is that a bribe?

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Blimple 's avatar Blimple
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I think Osprey is going to put Swerve over clean after a five star saga and I for one will LOVE it. Clean finishes and face v face matches are rarer than unicorns. Osprey is a natural heel and I sorta assume they’ll turn him asap BUT I think he’ll give Swerve a clean pin too. A mark can dream

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