boop toot (they/them)'s avatar

boop toot (they/them)

10 followers 29 following 46 posts

just a person a lil bit in 🇬🇧 a lil bit in 🇩🇪

boop toot (they/them)'s avatar boop toot (they/them)
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i have the same-looking cat

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Reposted by boop toot (they/them)

NS-Dokumentationszentrum München's avatar NS-Dokumentationszentrum München
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Am 9. Juni ist Europawahl – #WählenGehen für unsere Demokratie!

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boop toot (they/them)'s avatar boop toot (they/them)
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Although Im vibing with Eloise and Cressida! (show)

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boop toot (they/them)'s avatar boop toot (they/them)
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Hell yeah to Legolas and Gimli. They roamed Middle Earth together (after the events in the main portion of the book), thats gayer than whatever Frodo and Sam had going on

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boop toot (they/them)'s avatar boop toot (they/them)
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🤡 "aber, aber, Genderverbot!!1!"

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boop toot (they/them)'s avatar boop toot (they/them)
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(Bayern) we say Breze! Plural Brezn

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boop toot (they/them)'s avatar boop toot (they/them)
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had to swallow my own puke by putting down my deadname (correct legal data kicks in in 6mo) but i signed it 👍

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Reposted by boop toot (they/them)

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In einem breiten Bündnis rufen wir auf: Geht vor den Europawahlen auf die Straße! Für eine demokratische, offene und vielfältige Gesellschaft, für Frieden und Freiheit, Vielfalt & Menschenrechte, die Wahrung der Menschenwürde, wirtschaftliche Sicherheit und soziale Gerechtigkeit.

3 replies 7 reposts 15 likes

boop toot (they/them)'s avatar boop toot (they/them)
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Middle East scholar Elliott Colla says that the relevant historical context for understanding 'from the river to the sea' is the history of partition and fragmentation in Palestine, along with Israeli appropriation and annexation of Palestinian lands. (3)

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boop toot (they/them)'s avatar boop toot (they/them)
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and had a song: "The Jordan has two banks; this one is ours, and the other one too," (...). In 1977, the concept appeared in an election manifesto of the Israeli political party Likud, which stated that “between the sea and the Jordan there will be only Israeli sovereignty.” (2)

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boop toot (they/them)'s avatar boop toot (they/them)
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When I said "look up the origins", I meant it literally: "(...) the phrase "began as a Zionist slogan signifying the boundaries of Eretz Israel." (...) [The] Zionist usage of such language (...) began (...) by Vladimir Jabotinski, which spoke of establishing a Jewish state in all of Palestine (1)

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boop toot (they/them)'s avatar boop toot (they/them)
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I propose you look up the origins of the term "from the river to the sea". One thing is certain - Jewish people did not come up with Blut und Boden.

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boop toot (they/them)'s avatar boop toot (they/them)
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i do hear the "jkr is a transmasc uncracked egg" theory more and more

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boop toot (they/them)'s avatar boop toot (they/them)
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Thank you for that, I was confused as hell. It also seems to be cat-specific, as for the dog the name changes to Pfotenballen

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Reposted by boop toot (they/them)

Ingwar Perowanowitsch's avatar Ingwar Perowanowitsch
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Wissing seit 2021: Tempolimit? - Nein Tempo 30? - Nein City-Maut? - Nein StVO-Reform? - Nein Verbrenner-Aus? - Nein Wegfall Dieselprivileg? - Nein Reform Pendlerpauschale? - Nein Flugtaxis? - Ja Tankrabatt? - Ja Wissing heute: "Die Klimaziele lassen sich nur durch Fahrverbote einsparen"

33 replies 248 reposts 781 likes

boop toot (they/them)'s avatar boop toot (they/them)
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no, it doesnt. KO still won in strategic Voivodships, winning more than 6y ago. All this gloom from non-polish sources just shows how little is being understood!

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boop toot (they/them)'s avatar boop toot (they/them)
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lol "es kommt drauf an" sure, keep lying to yourself and hope the problem goes away by itself while you blast off snow machines that make the problem even worse.

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Reposted by boop toot (they/them)

München ist bunt! e.V.'s avatar München ist bunt! e.V.
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Heute findet der Internationale Tag der Sichtbarkeit von trans* Menschen statt. Durch diesen Tag stärken wir die Sichtbarkeit von trans* Menschen und wirken aktiv Diskriminierung entgegen. Denn jeder Mensch hat das Recht auf Selbstbestimmung über den eigenen Körper. 🙌🏼

0 replies 1 reposts 6 likes

Reposted by boop toot (they/them)

John Constantine's avatar John Constantine
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Von der letzten Europawahl.

Aktuell wie eh und je.

Der Faschismus erhebt nicht sein dunkles Haupt, er ist da. Widerlich, braun und selbstgerecht!


5 replies 236 reposts 734 likes

Reposted by boop toot (they/them)

München ist bunt! e.V.'s avatar München ist bunt! e.V.
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Am 12. April findet in München das Benefiz-Konzert „So not right“ gegen den Rechtsruck statt 🙌🏼
Ziel ist ein deutliches Statement gegen Rechts und die Unterstützung von Organisationen, die sich für rassistisch Betroffene einsetzen.
Tickets und weitere Infos hier:

0 replies 6 reposts 12 likes

Reposted by boop toot (they/them)

Reposted by boop toot (they/them)

Der Ex-Krankenpflegel's avatar Der Ex-Krankenpflegel
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Das es in unserem Land eine nennenswerte Zahl Menschen gibt, die weniger Angst vor einem Hakenkreuz als vor einem Genderstern haben, kann man irgendwie auch keinem erzählen...

5 replies 101 reposts 505 likes

Reposted by boop toot (they/them)

boop toot (they/them)'s avatar boop toot (they/them)
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Reddit already became trash last year when they started charging for API. Everybody knew where it was heading

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Reposted by boop toot (they/them)

Reposted by boop toot (they/them)

Christina Clemm's avatar Christina Clemm
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Sprache ist wichtig, die Gleichstellung durch Sprache voranzutreiben ein Angriff auf patriarchale Strukturen.
Es geht nicht um Schönheit, nicht um Verständlichkeit, es geht um Macht.

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boop toot (they/them)'s avatar boop toot (they/them)
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For context, its a take down video, pointing out all whats wrong about the books and jkr views

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boop toot (they/them)'s avatar boop toot (they/them)
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She definitely knows whats what and its revealed in the "Kanada" conversation, very early on

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boop toot (they/them)'s avatar boop toot (they/them)
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Idk if i can agree with your sentiment, but i'll share a fantastic HP video essay by Shaun (he also did a bunch of smaller videos about jkr transohobia):

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boop toot (they/them)'s avatar boop toot (they/them)
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This was such an enjoyable read I almost want to watch this trainwreck!

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Reposted by boop toot (they/them)

Jörg Spengler's avatar Jörg Spengler
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Wir müssen die Umwelt schützen, und unsere Demokratie.
📷 👏💪💚

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boop toot (they/them)'s avatar boop toot (they/them)
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no worries, you did fantastic job with this thread <3 just want people to know the correct name

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boop toot (they/them)'s avatar boop toot (they/them)
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Treat me, heal me, Doctor Meow Meow

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boop toot (they/them)'s avatar boop toot (they/them)
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I think its very simple - she tried to flirt with the left/progressives (eg deciding that Dumbledore is gay, Hermione is black etc), was mocked for it and rejected, got grumpy and turned to the right where she got received with open arms.

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Reposted by boop toot (they/them)

Sara Gibbs 's avatar Sara Gibbs
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JK Rowling is now claiming that the Nazis didn’t burn books on trans healthcare. In fact the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexology) was active in Berlin for 14 years until it, along with its libraries, were destroyed by the Nazis in 1933. 1/

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boop toot (they/them)'s avatar boop toot (they/them)
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small typo there, his name was Hirschfeld!

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Reposted by boop toot (they/them)

Claas Gefroi 's avatar Claas Gefroi
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Twitter-Momente, an die ich gerne zurückdenke.

10 replies 113 reposts 675 likes

Reposted by boop toot (they/them)

Übermedien's avatar Übermedien
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Jetzt ohne Paywall:
Drei Deutsche haben Aussicht auf einen Oscar. Doch während Sandra Hüller und Wim Wenders stets namentlich genannt werden, wird İlker Çatak entweder falsch geschrieben oder gar nicht erwähnt.

2 replies 59 reposts 132 likes

Reposted by boop toot (they/them)

boop toot (they/them)'s avatar boop toot (they/them)
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but someone mentioned that his account is set on private so unless you follow him, it might not show up. either way, some people clocked him deleting comments under his yt vids after the note, so either way...

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boop toot (they/them)'s avatar boop toot (they/them)
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holy shit, you cant schedule account deletion, can you?

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boop toot (they/them)'s avatar boop toot (they/them)
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It reminds me of all the tourists giving Hitlergruß in DE "as a joke". Welp, it has consequences!

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boop toot (they/them)'s avatar boop toot (they/them)
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yeah... but then he posted some disturbing stuff on twt, you can find that out by searching for "james somerton" even on this platform (tw: suicide)

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boop toot (they/them)'s avatar boop toot (they/them)
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no, he changed it to James of Telos

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Reposted by boop toot (they/them)

Letzte Generation's avatar Letzte Generation
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📷 ‼️ So wird mit jungen Menschen umgegangen, die einen Hilferuf an Ihre Regierung richten. Die Klimakatastrophe eskaliert – es braucht Widerstand und die stetige Erinnerung daran, was auf dem Spiel steht. 1/3

12 replies 62 reposts 216 likes