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Heartbreaker, Filmmaker

Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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We absolutely are. We’re getting Rancho Cucamonga to Vegas in 2028, and I think that will be the opening of the floodgates in terms of demand for HSR, not to mention CA HSR phase 1 in 2031, and Charlotte to Atlanta at some point in the 2030s, and mayhaps Dallas to Houston.

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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Joe Biden is the most pro-train president we’ll have in a very very long time.

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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I truly don’t understand what you’re trying to say

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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Centrist Dems are literally playing the biggest part in perpetuating the worst media cycle of his presidency. They’ve also handicapped his ability to pass more meaningful policies which undoubtedly would help him in the race. Progressive Dems in Congress trying to make him stop help the genocide.

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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It’s funny because it’s mostly centrist dems doing all the whining. All the progressives are in his corner. Kinda shows you how awful centrist dems are and how everything is their fault.

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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Seeing the systems of old makes me so fucking depressed like we actually had the golden standard for Public Transit but we let the oil and car companies have at them now we live in hell.

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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The answer is very simple…money. The billionaires who own the outlets want lower taxes, and the outlets made way more money under Trump. They want Trump to win. Pushing Biden out will only create chaos which will help Trump.

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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Good news, but profitability shouldn’t be the metric that we measure the success of public transit. We don’t do it for highways, why should we for rail?

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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Murc’s Law. Democrats are the only party with any sort of agency.

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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Problem is most people think there’s one election every 4 years

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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This may actually be one of the single most stupidest headlines I’ve ever seen in my life jfc

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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And it wasn’t even the worst ruling this term!

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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Murc’s Law in action.

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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Oh god I just realized that Nate Silver is a case study of what regulations will be like post-Chevron we’re so unfathomably fucked.

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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Wait there were actual pro-Adams people in the primary? I thought people just voted for him because they’re afraid of imaginary crime or whatever (or crossover republicans). Not because people actually thought he was good.

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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And even then, 2012 still felt like a coin flip until close to Election Day.

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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It’s just absolutely insane that the media is calling for Biden to drop out after a bad debate performance but were completely silent when Trump became a convicted felon.

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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Trump wants to usher in fascism and Biden is old. Clearly both candidates are equally bad.

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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She was the only person other than Biden to lead nationally in that primary. But nOoOoOoOo the Bernie bros had to use their snake emojis.

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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They really could’ve just not done this. But they did it anyways.

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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What if she actually is playing 4D chess and making it actually popular because she canceled it. Before it was very unpopular.

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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I think it’s funny that Republicans can call cities and people who live in them all sorts of awful things and nothing happens, but the second a Dem says that Rural people should be less racist or something, there’s wall to wall coverage about it and they’re forced to apologize.

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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We could’ve had Maya Wiley 🙃

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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Weed, Domino’s and Regular Show

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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People would rather be correct than get things done.

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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New York Dem Primary voters not voting in a Republican challenge (impossible)

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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Just an fyi:

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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Can’t wait to see republicans sue to stop this one lmao

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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And again, something to reiterate, she could’ve implemented maps that made it so we had 22-23 safe Dem seats. SHE LITERALLY GOT A SECOND CHANCE TO DO SO!!!! She just chose not to. Everything that leftists say about the Democratic Party is 1000% true about the NY Democratic Party.

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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Yes but hear me out, shut up

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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Suburbanization has completely wrecked this country in every conceivable way.

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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Waiting for the day I can finally stop posting this photo.

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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There was an article talking about how they’ll get shock collars and essentially hold their families hostage

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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I’m assuming Stancil gets his news from mainstream sources, which do nothing but carry water for the GOP, so it makes sense he isn’t seeing it.

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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We made it, now please drink a verification can

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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It’s just insane that NJ is fighting this so hard tooth and nail when 90% of people who commute from NJ to NYC take public transit and right now the state of NJ Transit is in absolute shambles.

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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Everyone with this sign on their lawn is having the night of their lives.

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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“It was with a heavy respect for the institution of law that we convicted Joe Biden for jaywalking.”

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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You know they’d be calling it a Banana Republic if Biden got convicted of a crime too…

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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I think bluesky adding some sort of real-time trending tab will do wonders

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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Here comes the twister

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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…pretty sure they were real

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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The General™️ has definitely committed some war crimes.

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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It was a perfect storm of “crime scare”, the first ranked choice election, and progressives coalescing around Maya Wiley too late.

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Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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In NJ, the judge can decide if the person can be released, in NY they just get released regardless. Also, in regards to crime, taking some of that NYPD funding and putting it towards homeless shelters, mental health centers, other crisis centers, and idk not closing libraries would be a good start 🤷‍♂️

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