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Brett Riley

38 followers 44 following 315 posts

RUBICONS out now! Novelist. Short story writer. Essayist. Professor. Usually furious.

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Trump’s SuperPAC running ads for “Trump’s Project 2025.”

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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If the future you want is no future at all, then sure, vote Republican.

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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Trump knows this. The guys running the project worked for him, and its goals absolutely align with his. Dude can’t even lie well, even though it’s all he does.

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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If you vote for Trump, you are voting for the death of America and the destruction of tens of millions of lives, including your own. Or do you really never want anyone to be able to retire? #StopFascism

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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Today the ongoing first draft of the Old Man Project passed 10000 words. Progress… #writingcommunity

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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Funny how I don't hear any of the right-wing trolls yelling about pedophiles now that Trump's name has been found many times in the Epstein files. It's almost like those trolls knew they were full of shit all along.

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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I just can't celebrate #July4th. It's always been problematic because tens of millions of Americans have never been as free as straight white rich men, but with the Republican Party conspiring with the Supreme Court to restore a monarchy, this year's holiday seems farcical.

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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Trump is all over the Epstein files and the Supreme Court just trashed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, setting up this country to become a fascist paradise, but yeah, #MSM, keep talking about the debate.

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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Just as in 2016, you've got to vote blue, no matter the candidate, simply because that is the only chance we have at preserving democracy. If you "vote your conscience" this time, it may be the last time you ever vote at all, at least in a legitimate election.

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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We're not even voting for Biden or Trump. We're voting for a democracy clinging to the edge of a cliff while SCOTUS steps on its fingers, or for out-and-out fascism under the dumbest dictator possible.

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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I know this for sure: if this country is stupid enough to elect Trump again and democracy ends because the Supreme Court has basically said presidents are actually kings, I'm not changing one goddam thing I do or say. I hope you feel the same way. #OnYourFeetOrOnYourKnees

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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Can we just bury the idea of American Exceptionalism now, since half this country is wildly supporting an authoritarian bigot who is also a serial sexual predator, and half of the other half of the country is liable to do another round of protest votes, even after what happened in 2016?

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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Fellow writers, now that Republicans and SCOTUS are closer than ever to killing any semblance of democracy, I guess I’ll meet you all in prison someday. #Resist #OnYourFeetOrOnYourKnees

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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Fellow writers, now that Republicans and SCOTUS are closer than ever to killing any semblance of democracy, I guess I’ll meet you all in prison someday. #Resist #OnYourFeetOrOnYourKnees

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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How fucked up is fucked up? Pretty fucked up.

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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Completely unsurprised that the illegitimate Supreme Court is overtly acting like a branch of the authoritarian Republican Party.

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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How the MSM and a lot of y’all sound.

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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These critics of Biden are being ageist and ableist. He's an old man with a cold, and he's always stuttered. How is that more disqualifying that being a fascist bigot serial sexual predator who wouldn't know the truth if it landed in his pile of blow?

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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Twitter: "Yeah, Trump is a shitweasel who couldn't stop lying if you paid him, and he wants to kill democracy dead....but Biden stutters and has a sore throat!" Ye gods, we're doomed.

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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Re: Will Patton's character in S2E1 of OUTER RANGE: I can't completely hate a character who sings Motley Crue's "Home Sweet Home" to his badly injured son.

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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And now for #somethingpositive:
As I've said before, this badass song is even more badass live. They play it with the intensity of metal.

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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And now for #somethingpositive:

This song doesn't get enough love.

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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I don't know what special kind of dipshit votes for Lauren Boebert, even when she's only facing other Republicans, but it did give us this in somebody's tweet: "Boebert beats off all her opponents."

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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And now for #somethingpositive:
I'm teaching this book in my CNF literature class next year. It follows four people before, during, and after the crack epidemic. Everybody who judges addicts should read it.

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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Still really annoyed this is EVIL’s last season.

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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Not a new article, but one we should think about.

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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"I know what marijuana smells like. I went to a Seals & Croft concert." --Millie, FREAKS AND GEEKS

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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And now for #somethingpositive:

I loved this movie. You can tell that it was written by someone who has experience in publishing and academia, or who did good research.

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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PSA for Kindle owners:

Today, Silvia Moreno Garcia’s novel SILVER NITRATE is on sale for $1.99.


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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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Hunter Biden found guilty of gun charges. Well, there goes his presidential campaign. Golly gee, how will the left ever recover?

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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While Kalene peruses the dystopian manuscript, I embark on a new one, which I will refer to as The Old Man Project. #writingcommunity

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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And now for #somethingpositive:

How is this song FORTY YEARS OLD?

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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Well, that took a turn.

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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Lindsey Graham called D-Day a failure because today’s conservatives aren’t satisfied with only supporting contemporary Nazis.

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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#pridemonth fun fact:

Every month is Pride Month. Every day is Pride Day. We are alive and thriving and unashamed.

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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Hey #WritingCommunity

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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#pridemonth fun fact:

If you're straight and not an ally, we don't give a damn what you think. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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One reason I bet Donnie Fascist and Melania don't sleep in the same bed: Dude is incapable of ever shutting up. He probably whines about how unfair it is to be tried for crimes he committed even when he's asleep.

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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I slept wrong and my neck is killing me, but I'm still writing this dystopian manuscript. Marvel at my dedication, puny humans! #writingcommunity

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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Now the @GOP is officially against birth control. It's been true for a long time, but it's doubly true today: Any woman who votes Republican is putting her own head on the chopping block and handing some white man the axe.

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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It feels like this revision is taking forever.

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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Apparently this is a real thing? As a male college professor, I'd just like to clarify that this is gross and pathetic. Other people's sex lives and reproductive decisions are none of your fucking business.

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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The world can make me unutterably weary. It can throw obstacles before every step. It can ignore me and dismiss me and even be hostile. But it can't stop me. Still here. Still writing. Still living and loving. Still fighting. #youcantyouwontandyoudontstop

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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“All through my life, I have been tested. My will has been tested, my courage has been tested, my strength has been tested. Now my patience and endurance are being tested.”
― Muhammad Ali #quotesirelateto

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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#MAGA: "If they can convict Trump of defrauding his donors by falsifying records so he could pay hush money to a porn star, they can convict any of us of defrauding donors by falsifying records so we can pay hush money to a porn star! What is this, Iran?"

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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And now for #somethingpositive:

A heartbreaking story about the dangers of being young and Black in contemporary Mississippi. A necessary book.

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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"How dare you convict an actual criminal of crimes?" yell the same people who are fine with hundreds of years of injustice for innocent poor, Black, and Brown people. #MAGAts

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Brett Riley's avatar Brett Riley
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Turns out MAGA is furious that the guy who regularly commits crimes in full view of the world got charged and convicted of a crime.

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