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Because of my time and place, because it seemed under control and very much business as usual, a system that I was born into and that would continue as is when I was gone. It was white noise, far from perfect, far from awful (for some that isn't true of course talking from my pov and bubble).

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Some courts: President can do WHATEVER! Other courts: President can't do diddly or squat.

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! Ah I see the hair now, the helmet looked Rocketeerish and the lack of wings didn't make me think Hawk anything.

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Is... is that the Rocketeer? Like cool but in DC? Did that happen?

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I have never been nostalgic because my life has generally trended up as the years went by. But now, videos from before 2016 hit hard.

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I miss the days when all of this was in my peripheral vision rather than the first thing I think about when I get up.

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People who vote are probably a better indication of what will happen when people vote. So VOTE VOTE VOTE!

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SCOTUS will make it illegal to speak ill of Trump doing his Official Duties.

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One of Trump's strengths is he can take every position on every subject so no matter what he's right and no one in the media will ever call him on it.

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They do freeze my blood I confess as does anything that moves fascism forward. What I take comfort in is that Trump only wins when his creature judges and the like put massive thumbs on scales, anything fair Trump mostly fails. Democracy is where he does his worst and does not win.

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Ah, that does.

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I remember in 2015 seeing polls that had Clinton upfront consistently and so when people said they were staying home I shrugged, seemed in the bag. Polls that have Biden with a chance if enough come out to vote may not be a bad thing.

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Now it seems it's a hoax, which has mixed my feelings. Then I realize it doesn't matter who Trump picks, they'll be awful because he is as is everything he does.

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I am not expert in such things but a contrast on the ticket is usually the way to go? Flynn is just more Trump so if this is real it's a pretty stupid choice. Which is a Trump thing, so who knows!

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This is a thought that sustains me, what my parents and grandparents went through was as bad as life can get. They plowed through those horrors and planted me in a pretty sweet spot so on that alone I have to keep going.

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Doubling down on the Q Anon crowd? Not sure what else Flynn brings to the ticket.

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Is this your job?

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Ah, the Dr Frankensteins who helped build the monster have showed up behind the villagers with advice. They want fascism but just not the clumsy obvious deranged Trump attempts Mike Johnson would suit them I think. If Biden wins and he takes over the GOP I wouldn't be surprise at the pivot.

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Bethany Albertson's avatar Bethany Albertson
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Either the Democrats will run Biden, or he'll say he can't continue the campaign and Democrats will run Harris. Either is newsworthy, but neither is nearly as radical as running a pro-insurrection convicted felon with legal immunity he's eager to use.

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"lot of people" funny, that's what Trump prefaces when he says thing that aren't a reflection of reality. A lot of people said Red Wave two years ago.

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Assistant to the Professor's avatar Assistant to the Professor
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Dems: Joe Biden, who is currently governing quite well but is also old, should drop out. GOP: Trump, who is a convicted felon and led a coup, is our nominee and we will eviscerate anyone in the party who disagrees Media: The bigger story here is age.

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Also their candidate is a convicted fraud and rapist who tried to murder congress and his own vp with a lynch mob and they're cool with that. Being old isn't as bad, people should talk more about that.

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So that would be you understand the problem with ditching the EC and not having something to replace it. Good talk!

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The fact you think that's a win is clue as to why you're wrong about things.

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I see. Okay so then all parties would concentrate on population centers, big cities, rural areas would have no political value at all, they would be ignored not only during elections but before and after because who cares what they say? What do you think would happen to those areas?

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Democrats can take Joe Biden's old organs and replace them with cybernetics! Democrats can get a bunch of hot air balloons and rule America from the skies where SOCTUS has no power! Democrats can revive the lost art of alchemy and turn all the lead pipes in America into solid gold!

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To get rid of the EC they would need a great deal more Democrats in power in all the branches of the government and a plan to replace it with something that balances population centers. It's not quite as simple as it sounds. Again I refer you to MAGA losing more than winning since 2016.

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Cryptic? They said if anyone gets in their way they'll hurt them. Don't think we need Alan Turing and his Bletchley Park crew to crack that code.

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Last time the incumbent was Trump, Trump lost. Trump won in 2016 because the EC went his way, he lost the popular vote then, he lost the popular vote by more, candidates he's endorsed have lost more than won as has MAGA overall.

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🤖 AP Breaking News (unofficial)'s avatar 🤖 AP Breaking News (unofficial)
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BREAKING: Advocates submit double the amount of signatures needed to put a constitutional right to abortion on the ballot in Arizona.

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Popehat's avatar Popehat
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“The dissent is indulging in extreme hypotheticals” says the justice in a case of a president trying to use fraud and force to overturn an election

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Brendel's avatar Brendel
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What gives me hope are the normal people trying to save things. People running for school board against moms for liberty freaks, college kids protesting, local newsrooms investigating corruption etc. They inspire but also make me pissed off at the powerful people/institutions that won’t defend them

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Fascists don't care if you love them or even agree, they just don't want you to love your neighbors more or to fight for them. Leave them be and if that works for the fascists they'll let you be. If it doesn't they'll jackboot your door down and eventually everyone fails their purity tests.,

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Karl (sad trombone noise enthusiast) 's avatar Karl (sad trombone noise enthusiast)
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Interestingly, enough angles last post on Substack was about Karl Schmidt. Karl Schmidt a Nazi jurist who gloated that you can dismantle a democracy right in front of a liberal's face piece by piece and all they'll do is convene breakout sessions and committee meetings til the boots are in the halls

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Popehat's avatar Popehat
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Watch for the American Right to begin to make claims that by overreacting to and mischaracterizing the Trump immunity decision, critics are causing “unrest”, and then watch for them to use that to justify the things Trump does.

16 replies 90 reposts 460 likes

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Greg Pak's avatar Greg Pak
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You could also call up your US rep and demand they join AOC in this move for impeachment. Can't pass the R House, but they HAVE to use their bully pulpit and rally the public.

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Karl (sad trombone noise enthusiast) 's avatar Karl (sad trombone noise enthusiast)
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I really wish people listened to those of us who have spent years studying and writing about the far right and the coup they have been planning for decades. Because now they are just straight up telling you their plans because they are so emboldened by the fascist captured courts.

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-𝚖𝚘𝚡's avatar -𝚖𝚘𝚡
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It's not going to come down to a president or red states or blue states. It's going to come down to electing mayors and city council members that are brave enough to say "you're going to need to send in the National Guard if you want that shit enforced here." This is why we vote.

10 replies 114 reposts 386 likes

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With GF at X-Men movie, Wolvie puts his claws through bad guy's chest, GF goes "Wolverine kills people?!?" when we get home show her that issues "Oh yeah, does he!".

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It's weird, if Biden really were this way why would they have to make shit up about it? Like no one needs to lie about the crazy weird stuff Trump says, him falling asleep at his criminal trial, etc.

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The Washington Post's avatar The Washington Post
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Civil rights attorney Jill Collen Jefferson took on the police force in the small town of Lexington, Miss., collecting evidence of abuse, falsifying evidence and assault. Then they arrested her.

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I just gave the toddler the gun, how was I supposed to know what would happen next? I'm not Dr Strange with no time stone over here!

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Cheryl Rofer's avatar Cheryl Rofer
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This is an important point. Newsom and Whitmer have said that they support Biden. For those who can't translate, that means STFU.

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Imagine if they used all those resources and set up a real university that provided education and skills that allowed the students to get real jobs and make real contributions to their new nation?

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If reporters don't report exactly what the police want them to report then the police won't talk to reporters about stories then what are reporters supposed to do? Find out what happened by asking others and looking around and doing reporter stuff like it's a job or something??!

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I recently had someone tell me about how climate change wasn't a problem and if it was "lol, I'm old so who really, who cares?" and I'm like "I'm about the same age as you and I care because what the fuck is wrong with you?" <- is what I wanted to say but client so I did not.

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So what happens when this happens three or four times a year every year but worse? Can people live in a region that gets blown apart over and over again?

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I would bet anyone any amount that Trump wouldn't' pass this.

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