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Cambridge for Europe

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Cambridge for Europe is a cross-party, collaborative group campaigning to secure the UK’s place in Europe, and for the UK to rejoin the EU.

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The Kyiv Independent's avatar The Kyiv Independent
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As some Russian talking heads call for more Ukrainians to be killed, Zelensky’s top aide urges more Western help to stop a war of ‘genocide.’

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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Keir Starmer rips up his Brexit red lines to improve the UK economy and opportunities, he'll find voters will applaud him for it.

New survey finds 56% UK voters believe the Government should change its stance on UK-EU relations, just 24% think they shouldn't.

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MAKS 24 👀🇺🇦's avatar MAKS 24 👀🇺🇦
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🇺🇦 "When you talk about territories, first of all you need to save people and the state. We need Putin to lose!", - Zelensky, answering a journalist’s question whether the goal is to return the borders of 1991.

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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The delays in providing critical weapons to Ukraine will be looked at with shame in years to come. Fear of "escalation" is not a valid excuse, Putin always escalates when he senses weakness, but backs down when confronted with strength. (2/2)

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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The news that NATO members will provide Ukraine with five more Patriot missile systems and other air defence is very welcome, but why did it take so long?

How many lives would have been saved if this decision was taken 2 years ago?


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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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Join this Wednesday evening's Cambridge4Ukraine Stand With Ukraine rally to remember those killed in Russia's brutal attack on Okhmatdyt children’s hospital in Kyiv and other Ukrainian hospitals. 🌍King's Parade, Cambridge 🗓️Wed 10th July, from 5.30 PM Photo: Kyiv Independent

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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Russia's terrorist attack on Ukrainian cities yesterday is a stark reminder that Europe must provide Ukraine with more weapons to stop this.

Only when Russia is defeated will a just peace be possible.

Donate to repair Okhmatdyt hospital at

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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The Tories may be out of power, but they've left a toxic Brexit legacy for the Labour government to clean up.

Can the govt persuade the EU to delay introduction of the biometric scheme?

It all depends on building good will among our European allies.

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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We were leafleting outside the Shelford Feast for the Face The Music campaign for a better post-Brexit deal for musicians, when who should walk up but newly elected South Cambs MP Pippa Heylings.

Happy to report that she fully supports the campaign!

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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With the Tories out of Government the UK 's membership of the ECHR is secure.

This ends a threat to Northern Ireland's Good Friday Agreement, and will help closer security and defence cooperation with the EU.

A real General Election 
win, and Mordaunt is out!

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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1,000 French historians have signed an open letter -originally published in French in Le Monde - calling on voters to unite to block Le Pen's National Rally (RN) in tomorrow's parliamentary elections.

They highlight the threat RN poses to the Republic.

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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We welcome the results of the 2024 General Election especially the election of Charlotte Cane, Pippa Heylings, IanSollom & Daniel Zeichner

A key priority for the new Govt must be to stand with Ukraine & work with allies to defend democracy in Europe.

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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Today the people of Ukraine are fighting to defend their democracy from Putin's brutal Russian dictatorship, to defend the same rights our ancestors fought and died for. Whereever you vote, whoever you vote for, just make sure you vote!

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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The vote shares predicted for the Cambridgeshire constituencies in yesterday's Survation MRP make for interesting reading.

Remember these are only predictions, don't assume that any result here is in the bag or a lost cause.

Every vote will count!

Graphic: Phil Rogers

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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A day before the UK General Election, Russia carries out a missile attack on Ukrainian civilians, including at a shopping centre in Dnipro.

The next UK Government must do all it can to ensure the aggression of Putin's regime is defeated.

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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There are two things a Labour government can do right away to achieve this. 1️⃣ Closer cooperation on security and defence, with increased military and financial support for Ukraine (and end all talk about leaving the ECHR) 2️⃣ Rejoin the Erasmus+ educational programme (2/2)

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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Reducing the impact of Brexit isn't a top priority for the EU and its members.

Before seeking to renegotiate the post-Brexit EU-UK Trade and Co-operation Agreement, an incoming UK government will need to gain the trust and goodwill of EU leaders


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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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 “We shot ourselves in both feet by undermining Britain’s ‘gateway to Europe’ status for American companies following Brexit, and were told to go west, and now we’ve self-elected a lobotomy,”

What was the point of Brexit?

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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What can we say after last night's US Presidential election debate?

Whoever wins the UK General Election will need to work even more closely with our European allies to strengthen defence & support Ukraine.

We can no longer assume the US will have our backs.

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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It's worrying to see Slovakia under the populist Fico accelerating towards the kind of authoritarianism that Orban has established in Hungary.

The EU needs better protection against this democratic backsliding, but is it too late?

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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The EU's Ukraine Assistance Fund has been under discussion for some time, so it's good to see it finally agreed.

The fund will provide Ukraine with €5Billion this year, mostly for defence, and potentially more in subsequent years.

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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The British Chamber of Commerce - representing 50,000 UK businesses - calls on the next government to forge closer ties with the EU and focus on improving trading relations to grow the economy.

It's a lever that needs to be pulled!

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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The UK general election may fill us with hope for a better government, but the same can't be said for the elections taking place in France.

Macron's arrogance is a gift to political extremists. The outcome may be bad not just for France but for all Europe.

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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Congratulations to Ukraine and Moldova, who today begin negotiations to become members of the European Union.

Negotiations will take several years to complete, but this is an important step towards a future as part of a free and open Europe 🇪🇺 🇺🇦🇹🇩

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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What most politicians and commentators miss is that the majority of UK voters support RECIPROCAL Freedom of Movement with the EU, and have done in repeated polls over the last decade.

Among young people support for FoM is overwhelming.


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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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The headline of this article is misleading. Barnier said that rejoining the Single Market would require restoring Freedom of Movement, not that any improvements to the post-Brexit deal would require it.

But restoring FoM is itself a worthy goal.


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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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What Farage is arguing is that Russia - a dictatorship - should have a veto on the future of European democracies. We cannot accept that. (2/2)

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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It's not often that we agree with something printed on the front of the Mail on Sunday, but Zelenskyy is absolutely right about Farage. The Kremlin talking points that Farage parrots deny the right of Central and Eastern European democracies to choose a future in a free and open Europe. (1/2)

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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After the General Election a Labour Government must forge a much closer relationship with the EU.

Farage, his Putanist backers, and his poisonous Brexit legacy should be given the boot.

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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Ukraine and Moldova will begin EU accession negotiations on 25th June 🇪🇺🇺🇦🇷🇴

While these negotiations are expected to take 5-10 years, the fact they are starting is an important step a vote of confidence in the European future of Moldova and Ukraine.

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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"leaving is incompatible with the Good Friday/Belfast Agreement and with the continuance of our Trade and Co-operation Agreement with the EU.”

When you vote on 4th July, make sure it's not for a party that contemplates leaving the ECHR.

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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Growing the economy is a key objective in the Labour manifesto.

In power, they'll need to do much more to repair our EU relationship than the Labour manifesto says to achieve this.

Labour candidates know this & their voters want it.

Labour, just do it!

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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Leave voters are deserting Brexit.

A new Yorkshire Bylines analysis of 8 years of polling data finds 2016 Leave voters are 4 times as likely to have changed their minds as 2016 Remain voters.

That gap is growing with >20% now viewing Brexit as a mistake.

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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We're not organising a hustings for this General Election, but others are, and Phil Rodgers has a list of all the hustings happening in Cambridgeshire constituencies.

Go and ask the candidates what they will do to repair our relationship with Europe!

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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The absence of countries such as Brazil, India & South Africa is a pity.

Defending Ukraine's freedom & democracy is a responsibility for democracies of Europe and allies USA, Japan, South Korea, Canada & Australia.

We can't rely on populists doing the right thing.

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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The communique signed by representatives of 80 countries at the end of this weekends Ukraine peace summit is an important step, recognising that: "respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty... can and will serve as a basis for achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine"

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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Yesterday Putin made a "peace proposal" that echoed Hitler's demands at Munich in 1938.

Ukraine in 2024 isn’t Czechoslovakia in 1938.

Today leaders of >100 countries will discuss Ukraine's plan for a just peace that protects democracy & the rule of law.

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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On Sunday 23rd June, Ukrainian Heritage, Arts and Music are holding an event by the river Cam to celebrate Ivan Kupala night, a traditional Ukrainian midsummer celebration.

Everyone is welcome.

More information at

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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Remember when the Brexit referendum was supposed to end Tory party division on Europe?

Well, it seems that the Tories may be about to be devoured by the monster they've been feeding for more than a decade.

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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The G7 have agreed to provide Ukraine with a $50 billion loan, which will be repaid with the interest from frozen Russian state assets in the EU and other G7 countries.

This means that the funding can be provided to support Ukraine when it is needed most.

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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Disappointing to see the Labour Manifesto say they want to "make Brexit work" and rule out Freedom of Movement & Single Market and Customs Union membership, which great majority of Labour members & voters back (as do majority of electorate).

They know we need better.

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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The false promises of Brexit have undermined trust in UK politics.

A new report led by Sir John Curtice "suggests disillusionment over Brexit among leave voters is one of the main reasons for the collapse in trust."

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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With the UK General Election election on 4th July, don't let candidates ignore the elephant in the room - Brexit and the UK's future ties with the EU.

Use this tool to ask candidates where they stand & demand clarity on how they'll address this issue:

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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Green Party manifesto commits to rejoin the EU as soon as political conditions allow.

It doesn't provide further details, though the Green Party has previously expressed support for rejoining Erasmus+ and other EU programmes.

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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Join Cambridge4Ukraine for the UK premiere of the short film Magura, dedicated to the missing people of war, followed by a panel discussion including director Anna Starushkevych

🗓Fri 14 June, 6.30 PM
🌍Downing Place URC, Cambridge CB2 3EL

Free tickets:

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Euractiv's avatar Euractiv
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Swedish far-right served cold shower, falls shy of hoped-for EU election gains

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Cambridge for Europe's avatar Cambridge for Europe
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Good to see the Lib Dems manifesto seeks a stronger relationship with the EU, covering most of the key objectives in the European Movement 'Manifesto on Europe'.

It will be interesting to see how other manifestos - particularly Labour and the Green Party - compare.

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