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#surf, #skate, 90's #grunge and #punk listener, #Chargers fan. Amateur #politics junkie. Opinions are mine and mine alone.

CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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Dems hide Bidens unfitness to run. 1)that means he has to resign the presidency as he cant be too unfit to run but is fit enough to be Prez. 2)people dont trust Democrats now and thus Trump wins. Good job. Democracy dies but at least everyone got their correct takes in on social media. 🤦

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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No worries. Oh Im sure George still thought he had gods blessing. But he was eventually replaced for being insane so maybe those voices weren't god after all. 😄

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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Actually by the time King George III showed up the parliamentary system was already gaining power and the divine right of kings went out with the Bill of Rights Act of 1689. So our founding fathers werent working in the dark. From the Magna Carter on they had some building blocks.

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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Whole armies in Europe take a couple of hours in the afternoon off. So I'd say its us.

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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Heard thats the 3rd level of hell. Right in front of the DMV and right behind 4:30 traffic on the 405 (LA).

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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Did i show up to school again not wearing pants?

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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I'm thinking "failed" might not be the word you were looking for.

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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Also crazy that the author has to indeed voted in the last 2 elections.

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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I wear the badge proudly

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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Best announcers in baseball. Fight me.

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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I mean it kind of attracts weirdo used car salesmen / strip mall lawyer types. And they are the normies. Now think about where that leaves the outer edges.

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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Functioning (relative in this case) alcoholic. Until one day the switch is flipped and it becomes non-functioning. Seen that play out too many times in my life.

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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I think this. Not having mass media in the 50s my opinion might be skewed. But suicide and eating disorders seem to be a bad by product of said pressures on the k-pop performers. But also could be a by product of a higher suicide rate for South Korea in general. Yikes. Didnt mean to go dark.

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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Well sure. But the music doesnt have too. Like i dont mind a Boston guitar riff but in the way I dont mind a hostess hoho.

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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So are we all in agreement that K-pop took this to a WHOLE other level. 🤷

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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And has terrible music taste. Its actually the thing i cant get past with him. I can take a lot of his bad republican takes but thinking 70s construction rock is art i just cant.

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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Its like this guy literally wrote a max berger description.

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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ALWAYS been the dynamic. We nominated an 80 yr old. Our problem is having grown up under political polls. We are seeing an electorate that doesn't trust the electorate to make the right decision. Look at polling about the economy. People i think tell pollster what they think their neighbor thinks.

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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I just dont think people will care when they go to pull the lever anything being argued right now. To much at stake for women to stay home or vote for the nutso.

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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Its July. Plenty of runway. Obama lost a debate in October and dropped to even in the polls. I agree his team is not good. If he doesnt shake it up by end of summer then it could be a tight election.

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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So you think women arent going to show up if Bidens on the ticket? I mean if thats the case then we are already doomed. I think that's what has everyone in a tizzy. Its not Biden weak. Its that close to a majority of our citizens dont care about democracy or the rule of law. Christofascism is ok.

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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But his numbers sucked in 2023, 4 months ago, 15 months ago etc. No one was piling on then. Some of these numbers are because people are piling on. We are creating our own catastrophe.

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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At least tell your listeners or your followers that your prescribed answer is A LONG SHOT. Be honest. Just dont game out theoreticals with no basis in historical precedent. Lots of bed wetting in July.

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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My question to all these folks who think an incumbent should step down mid campaign know the history of such a move. How many close seats have been lost to the party who had incumbency but ran someone other than the last winning candidate. Cause i may be wrong but im pretty sure its most.

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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At least I can respect your consistent thoughts.

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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Absolutely. But all these pontificators dont seem to want to go to that next logical step. They want an option C where Biden stays President but doesn't run and some miracle candidate that no one has thought of gets 80% of the popular vote in November.

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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If your saying his campaign operatives suck and that Biden himself isnt helping. Thats one thing. But if you are in the boat of he does not have the mental acumen to run, then you have to say that you think he should resign today. This minute.

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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Max is disingenuous at best and yes a propagandist at worst. He keeps arguing Biden is too unfit to run but hasn't actually said that Biden should resign the Presidency this very minute. Which if he believed in his argument he would have to say. But propagandists arent usually consistent.

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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Max is disingenuous. I havent seen anywhere where he has said Biden should resign today. If he is so unfit as Max keeps suggesting then he cant say that Biden is too unfit to run but its the k for him to be President a minute longer.

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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Then ask for his resignation.

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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So your asking the President to resign today then. Cause if you are correct (i think you're full of it) then he cant be trusted one more day as President.

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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Then in that scenario he has to resign as President. If hes to unfit to do an interview then his unfit to be President. Are unequivocally stating Joe Biden should resign?

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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Boy Band probably got its real mainlined injection of what we consider a boy band in todays terms from The Monkeys. I mean Jane took one to the prom.

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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Fucking this 👇

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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I cant believe his "Ramone" family was so talented. I mean to find a "Ramone" at every musical position is pretty remarkable. 😉

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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Has Ling always been this bad or is he just caught up in the bed wetting? Last few days he just keeps turning out stories that feed the beast. Or worst maybe the last few days his seen an uptick in his engagement and just wants to keep feeding the engagement.

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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Democracies are hard. When half the country doesnt actually believe in it, it gets really hard.

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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But hey look at this scary poll too. You know the one showing Biden losing handedly before the debate and marginally worse after the debate. Using crap polls that don't pass the smell test seems to be what we are doing today.

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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Look at the numbers before the debate. -5% in Pennsylvania means he was toast before the debate. Losing NH before the debate? These numbers arent serious. But guess puck is just going to keep it up. 🤦

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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Not to justices that want to be the final arbiter of whats "official". Rigging the game was the point.

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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Yes. And without Comey and misogyny that still exists in the democratic party (i under estimated) she would have probably won Michigan and Pennsylvania. Did you think Sanders would have won?

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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He speaks and looks like Kennedy. But governs like Reagan. The boomer trifecta.

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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But realistically Joe cant step away from the campaign and also not resign as President. If he is to incapacitated to campaign then that goes to being President. So at that point only Kamala would be realistic. But the upheaval will be pretty suboptimal to win in November.

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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Just going to leave both of these here

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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And thats not realistically going to happen.

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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So your position is Biden should resign from the presidency today. Cause i agree with this position.

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CarpinSanDiego's avatar CarpinSanDiego
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And it also states "if such is still necessary". That seems maybe important.🤷

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