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Carriage Return

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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(anyone who gets this joke has my undying love)

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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Isn't Criston Cole the bad boy Vicky Austin falls in love with on a Greek Island?

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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In case any of them do, most of them are Republicans.

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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It's less the open threads to tie off and more how much they bungled what they had. For example, I have a hard time seeing Dark Dany without having to deal with aftermath of FAegon.

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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Look, I've heard of this doll before (my mom had one on display) but I've never seen this commercial and seriously, WHAT THE FUCK?

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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yeah but what if Taylor Swift and Oprah!!! Two people the American Public have no issues with!

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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Oh for ducks sake, I see both of them are worthy of a block for my mental health

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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I was just thinking of blocking him

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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... ok, in all seriousness, what's your point here? I feel like you're getting to the point of doing exactly what it feels like you might be condemning me for and I'm not sure what's going on.

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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So, your thought process here is a big part of why I didn't engage past this or with his stitch going "yOu tHoUgHt yOu dId sOmEtHiNg hErE." As for why I originally responded, eh? He was being a dick to someone I follow who's content I like.

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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so the question is why even respond to the person in the first place?

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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I stepped outside and cried.

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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Make Mr. Smith Go To Washington Again!

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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but also I'm aware of my browsing history enough to know that no one's gonna be shocked that I watched some Men Over 30 daddy bear threesome video. I'm not Austin Wolfe here, bruh.

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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There's an email in my spam folder that's all "YOU SICK FUCK. I've hacked into your computer and seen your porn and if you don't send me money, I will send your SICK PORN FETISH to everyone you know and they will be SHOCKED at what you watch"+

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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for me or for him? Just making sure (it's still morning and it's too damn hot here)

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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My boyfriend, who is also terminally online but in a different way from me, found his facebook and said he was generally unhinged.

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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Like, y'all remember the person who said that Ancient Rome was created by the Spanish Inquisition? She came out of that whole thing more convinced that she was right and Alexander the Great was clearly a trans man and anyone who didn't agree with her was a moron.

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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I want to preface this with saying this isn't me saying how you should feel about Biden. There's other people online who can do that. What I am saying is that this idea that there's a set of words and a correct way of saying them to Win™️ is what I expect from someone who's never been online.

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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People who leave a voicemail and immediately email me aren't getting a reply.

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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I'm at the Wawa. I'm at the glory hole. I'm at the combination Wawa/glory hole.

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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In addition to EVERYTHING else, I'm floored by "low income workers" like the people working at Wal-Mart need another day off (I mean, they probably do) as opposed to the freaking Walton's sharing their damn wealth with their employees

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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I still like GRRM. Sorta. Maybe. But the idea that his characters are morally grey as opposed to his actual morality of good, bad, and chaotic stupid is just eye rolling

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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This just adds to my theory that the creator of this meme has never read a book that isn't something Michael Hobbes makes fun of

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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oh, the morality of the characters. I wasn't even thinking about beards!

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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Also, they haven't read Dangerous Liasons? (I don't know why that was the first book that popped into my head)

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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like MAYBE you could make the case for Dickens but I feel Dickens' private life more than makes up for that.

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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Every time this stupid ass meme shows up, I always feel like it's done by someone who's never read Older Literature and their take on Martin comes from hearing people in another room talk about the TV show

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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Yeah! It was based on The Club Dumas. they have similar plot but the outcomes are sorta different.

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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I unironically love both that movie and it's sequel!!

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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*deep breath* I love both but given a choice I will take Conan the Destroyer over Conan the Barbarian

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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Patricia Rozema's Mansfield Park is an incredible movie that's desperately trying to break free of an incredibly shitty script

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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The one with Fake Jansen and Geoffrey Rush?

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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I keep forgetting about that movie! I saw it on a date! Have you read the book?

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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I came here to say this.

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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You know, now that I think about it, Dark Ages was primarily, in my art history classes in college, to refer to Western Rome falling to Charlemagne. I had forgotten about that

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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Wait so Yall are saying that if I ditched my reality TV podcast to do my sorta dreamed History of Middle Earth read podcast that there's a listener base?

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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Oh wait. This is about that. What's the problem? Does he need to knock on doors going "let me tell you about Project 2025?"

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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He did just tweet about it!

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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Eh, I didn't sleep well, and had a shitty theater experience last night, and have been cranky all day. I 100% get ya

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
[ View ] I want to know what this is about?

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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I read a book that implied that Dickens wrote The Mystery of Edwin Drood being haunted by a serial killer named Drood but also it might have all been a giant opium hallucination by Wilkie Collins and who can know for sure. Maybe we are all just an opium hallucination of Wilkie Collins

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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Honestly, I only know Pittsfield exists because of some work that I've done that included a company that was based there.

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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... now I want a korean corn dog and the place in Midtown is always crowded and I never go to the place in Brooklyn that no one goes to and there's none near me!!! *Cries*

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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It's def a "I could use someone telling me I'm doing a good job" sorta day.

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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I went to see an immersive show last night and maybe it's me, but the worst thing about seeing an immersive show is the other people at the immersive show.

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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Eh, I don't judge people for their tastes and hate the whole "gays have to like this and not like this." I just didn't want to share meme where the joke is understanding musical theater if you weren't interested!

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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Wait, do you have any interest in musical theater? I had a tumblr you might like that I've been toying with reviving.

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Carriage Return's avatar Carriage Return
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I forgot where I put this and your thread made me find it!

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