Caseker's avatar


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Musician, I make music. Sounds, at pitches, with time between them. This causes serotonin to flow.

Caseker's avatar Caseker
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Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen. - Ezekiel 16:49. It's the rich who destroyed Sodom.

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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"Christians", those who call themselves by the name of their god for vanity's sake will say You take it in vain by profanity. They will attack people for being gay while ignoring the ban on pig meat in the same paragraph. They claim Sodom was destroyed for whatever they hate; Scripture disagrees.

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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There is no controversy between evolution and creationism. One is Science, thus teachable with evidence and solidly supported theory. Creationism is a religious dogma with only evidence against it and no meaningful theory to teach. The first amendment forbids the state from supporting a religion.

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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Republicans are so very naïve. So much that they support and trust corporations and the wealthy. We built freeways with a 90% top tax bracket. People still did business. The GOP and the Heritage Foundation are literally trying to build a fourth authoritarian reich. The "religious" Right Antichrists

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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Elon Musk's pay package from Tesla amounts to $319,572.00 per employee. But you know, keep throwing money at the rich while you blame the poor for inflation.

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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Try going to the end of the line that's stretched and hit enter.

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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Oh, and some states have no primary so … nah

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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As a hardcore religion, Trump nuts don't actually think. They have minds that are constructed by an unreasonable devotion to an idiot. Because of that, they will believe anything they have to in order to protect that idiot in their heads, with conspiracy. No explanation will convince them.

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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Either party could easily take the election by running practically any random member. We've got two people competing for the race to second worst option. Well, third if you count brain worms.

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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Sunglasses give you skin cancer. Why are people just allowed to go around saying things?

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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I'm gonna rely on mine going unnoticed in this situation

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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Do you not know how companies work? Paying non-slave wages is too expensive. Paying for good materials is too expensive. Paying real engineers is too expensive. Safety is too expensive. QC is too expensive. Let's give the CEO tens of billions of dollars.

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Reposted by Caseker

Max Kennerly's avatar Max Kennerly
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You people aren't engineering geniuses and so might have silly thoughts in your brain like, "a four-foot windshield wiper will encounter a lot of friction, made worse by leverage."

On an unrelated note, every Cybertruck is recalled cuz the wiper ain't made right.

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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So here we are. Two old men trying to show Not that they are the more for one, but that the other is the Less fit one. Why elect the best of the people when you can fight over second worst right?

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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He spoke the common languages of the area he was from last time, so I'd imagine the same would happen. The more likely thing would be he returns, he's obvious, everyone knows, everyone understands, and then they kill him again for telling them they're not perfect.

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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Why would he write Christ??

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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I think it's bold to trust your audience. Explanations ruin jokes.

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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Isn't hard to collide tiny hadrons?

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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Can you imagine going back to the spinning disk days and showing someone a micro sd card? It would have looked like a silly scifi idea

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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Water doesn't have to be mined and doesn't get interrupted and require some kind of generator. Oil is drilled which is WAY less damaging than lithium lakes. And you didn't answer to what we're meant to use for any of those industries, at all. Can't make things out of sun.

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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Find them? If you're going to argue a topic and make a trendy claim it's a good idea to at least Attempt to back it up.

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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Often nostalgia gets applied to memories of very crappy times. It's like a kind of auto-therapy. Each time a memory of an unpleasant time comes to mind and nostalgia kind of covers up how it actually was, the memory gets less bothersome. It can be weird but occasionally useful

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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You're not supposed to tell. (You must not be like the hypocrites. They love to stand and pray in the churches, to be seen by others -- hey have received their reward. When you pray, go into your room and shut the door ~ Matthew 6:something) I'm joking in this case, pretty sure it's okay

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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Well I can only approve of that first one

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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Okay but why did the NASA website used to say we're in the Orion arm but now it says we're in Sagittarius arm?

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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Worlds Online, Ragnarok I think, hmm

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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It reminds me of an old Maxis commercial

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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100% agree with that! Eventually the fad will die out, the consumers mostly aren't liking it.

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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Except the browsers effectively are exactly that. It works differently Yeah but so did terminals and workstations.

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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We don't currently have a viable alternative for oil in like ten industries that have nothing to do with cars. Oil isn't the problem in the first place, environmental impact is. If we want to go the electric route we need clean (nuclear or water) energy and clean (iron-air) batteries, Not marketing.

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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I didn't say anything about coal! If you want clean energy, put money into nuclear. If you want Petroleum efficiency, bring the gasoline to the cars from the byproducts of making every pigment, many plastics, Vaseline, lubrications both mechanical and bio. Gonna replace all that?

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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Exactly how minuscule? Do you have some kind of metric for that or is it a knee jerk with no substance?

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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Bizarrely I think I actually conflated the topic part 🤔

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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Elaborate, unless you're just defending your own mind from feeling tricked? Answer this, is Lithium renewable? Because these so called renewables rely on more and more very much destructive to mine Lithium. This is about science, not your feelings.

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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That is not quite how monogamy works. Starting off with many and whittling the list down is just the usual thing people do

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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So how much damage was done environmentally by making them? Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it didn't happen. Those mines are Murder on the environment.

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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He conquered the world by DYING. Nobody's trying to catch up, we're just inexorably dragged along. How is that related to the topic anyway?

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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HOLD UP. At what point did it become normal to consider everything In the Bible to be instructions? "The Bible says it", okay but what kind of story, who said it, and why? Because there are a lot of whackado stories, mythology, jokes, and sketchy history in that library of different books.

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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It also has really funny insults like "You have a whore's forehead"

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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"Gentle showers have been withheld and there was no spring rain, and you have a whore's forehead" ~ Jeremiah 3:3. That's why we read the Bible. Sick burns from God.

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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So you want to abolish art? Because that's the result of what you're saying.

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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AI art wasn't the question to begin with. Being enabled to do the work you are best at and enjoy the most in general would allow a far stronger economy to take place.

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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We HAVE examples that worked. The only reason to not have a UBI is to keep the poor poor. It doesn't need to be conditional, saving billions on administrative costs. There would be a need to regulate businesses gouging based on that amount as well. People work because they would Rather work.

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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"Gentle showers have been withheld and there was no spring rain, and you have a whore's forehead" ~ Jeremiah 3:3 that may be the best insult ever.

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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A UBI would allow that. A UBI would allow that. A UBI would allow that. A UBI would allow that. A UBI would allow that. A UBI would allow that. A UBI would allow that. A UBI would allow that. A UBI would allow that. A UBI would allow that. A UBI would allow that. A UBI would allow that.

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Caseker's avatar Caseker
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Definitely not. And then that screwed up the timing of everything else so One part of the whole dish is warm by the time you plate it 😭😭😭

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