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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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Time to grab a roll of duct tape and tape up the mask. Surely that won't get super claustrophobic, right? ;)

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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I can imagine at least one screaming "Unlimited poweeer!" with a contorted expression, though.

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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Noctua still carrying the torch (for the most part). That beige/brown design is a mark of quality :)

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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- I know nothing about them. - I disagree with the things they're saying, so I know about them. - Anyway, I wish them luck, in spite of the supposedly ridiculous and abysmal things I disagree with. He just flat out refuses to think even for the briefest of moments before opening his stupid mouth.

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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Ollaan selkeesti otettu esimerkkiä amerikkalaisesta uutisoinnista ja jatkuvasta "alleged"-sanan käytöstä, ettei kukaan vaan pääse vetämään oikeuteen kunnianloukkauksesta.

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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What an utterly fucking useless feature that ultimately boils down to someone going "I maed all teh texturs in portal sponegbob lol" and that's pretty much the long and short of it.

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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I swear to god op-eds are nothing but ragebait these days. "What's the most blatantly ignorant and contrarian take I could possibly put into words today?"

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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The man had a slow start to a debate and suddenly a ton of people are talking like he's wearing his underwear on his head.

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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Polling can be moderately accurate, yes, but they're also ridiculously easy to manipulate to get the result you want: poll a demographic favourable to your position, pose the questions in a way that pushes people to answer the way you want, etc. And my point was that they don't PROVE anything.

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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Honestly, polls prove sweet fuck-all. 2016 proved that.

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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Hatred and spite are great motivators. It's why I think it'd be great if you were able to cast a negative vote in all elections. I swear the voter numbers would shoot up across the board if you could go "Not that fucker!" rather than voting for a candidate you might be feeling a bit lukewarm about..

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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I am just absolutely flabbergasted about the shit I see from even left-leaning people. When the other option is fucking God-King Trump, is this really the time to start eroding the confidence in your candidate?

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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Yeah. 'tis a sad state of affairs :D

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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Shit, if anything it makes it even worse. I feel quite a strong sense of shame if my fellow countrymen are acting like wankers. I can't imagine going "But they're also <insert nationality/race/whatever here>, so surely I must support their asshattery!"

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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It's so odd to me that some people think that common ancestry should somehow trump... well... everything else. If someone's an utter pillock, I couldn't possibly care less if our families come from the same general area.

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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Must be lovely to have a a go-to bogeyman for every possible issue. Something amiss? Gotta be leftist policies. No need to engage the brain any further than that.

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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Are you lost? Twitter's that way.

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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Not clerics, no, but unelected (and ultimately unaccountable) lawyers.

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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No, they didn't. They said that the president is immune to prosecution when it comes to official acts, but the decision of what's deemed official and what isn't doesn't lie with him. It's why the Washington Trump case has been kicked back to the lower courts to figure out if it was official or not.

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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Who decides that they're a threat to the Constitution? They ARE the governmental body that deals with constitutional questions.

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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Defend the Constitution, you say? You know what the #1 governmental body is when it comes to constitutional questions? It's the same body that has the ability to strike down presidential directives if they deem them unconstitutional.

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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Depends on whether having Supreme Justices assassinated is considered an official act or not. Is something like that a crucial facet of performing one's official duty as as POTUS? They've basically created a goddamn quagmire of grey areas and speculation.

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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When it comes to Trump, it ultimately just kicks the ball back to lower courts to sort out what constitutes an official act and what doesn't, which is ostensibly another delaying tactic. It's a super messy ruling, which is hardly a surprise at this point.

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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A lot of people are demanding the president does things he doesn't have the authority to do -- like packing the court -- so the question is warranted.

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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I understand it's super frustrating to see what's happening with SCOTUS, but outside of ordering an investigation into the Justices, none of the things you mentioned is something the president can do.

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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While I fully agree with the proposition of packing the court, the sad fact of the matter is that the president can't just add more seats at will.

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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"HOW DARE YOUR CHILD SPEAK TO ME WITHOUT EXPLICIT PERMISSION?! KEEP YOUR OFFSPRING ON A LEASH!" I mean, I don't especially like children, but I really wouldn't be bothered in the slightest by a kid having a bit of literally harmless fun.

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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"Hey, guys. I know I've made this place even more of a cesspool of vitriol and hateful rhetoric, but I'd really dig it if you posted more vapid, empty content. Thanks for being real, you guys."

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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I reckon it's the idea that dogs don't understand why there are suddenly kabooms happening combined with ignorance about mental illness. I don't necessarily see it as a question of value, but rather assuming that it's easy for people to take precautions and protect themselves.

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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Being an average size is such a pain. I need to really be on the ball if I want to get stuff on a discount. "Oooh! Sneakers on sal--... oh, right. 8s and 8½s have been wiped off the face of the planet."

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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My parents don't care if I return the tupperware or not, as my dad seems to be a habitual buyer of plastic containers. They've cupboards literally bursting with the things and dad's always reaching for a stack of new ones in the store, especially if there's a sale ;)

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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Ah, but you see, a woman's sole purpose is to get married ASAP and squeeze out offspring at a rapid rate. If she cannot seem to find a willing partner to do so with, she hasn't lowered her standards enough yet. Fuck getting an education and having a career, right? It's the 20s, the 1920s! Whee!

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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So... onikitty. Right? Right.

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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Fuckin' strands of sugar on a stick. Such a colossal waste of everyone's time and resources.

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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I've always found the idea of wearing shows at home super weird. Not only is walking around in dirty shoes odd to me, I really don't find the prospect of stewing my feet in shoes all day very appealing. Hell, I don't even wear socks at home, unless it's super cold.

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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And it's not even that Adobe suddenly went crazy and made an uncharacteristically ill-advised decision, but rather that they've gotten away with a ton of exploitative shit and have grown complacent. For many people, this was just the final straw in a huge pile of anti-consumer business practises.

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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Affinity's doing a pretty good job of making the UX feel similar to Adobe's suite, but there's still that small disconnect between it and my muscle memory that makes me hesitate to switch over. And then there's the whole thing with everyone I work with still being on Adobe, so I'm kind of stuck :/

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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Much in the same way Powerman 5000 aren't great astrophysicists.

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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Time to put the kettle back on. We're drinking a lot of instant coffee today!

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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Nii aivan! Sama juttu tän 54v. kansanedustajan kanssa, ku tuli riitaa alle parikymppisten mimmien vokottelussa ja sit piti kaivaa pyssy esiin. IL haastatteli parisuhde- ja seksuaaliterapeuttia asian tiimoilta, joka totes muun muassa, et "Osa miehistä nyt vain sattuu tykkäämään nuoremmista naisista."

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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Ja mitä vittua se viestittelee alaikästen kanssa muutenka? Kolmekymppinen äijä, helvetti...

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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Vai ovat tytöt on "provosoineet" Joni-parkaa. Tiesivät, et jos kalukuvaa tai wänkkäysvideota pyydetään, ni kyllähän TosiMies(tm) semmosen pyrkii lähettämää ASAP -- ihan sama minkä ikänen mimmi siel toisessa päässä on.

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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Similar vibe with an equally weird Elmo face:

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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This made me feel a bit PTSD-ey. What a revelation coming across UltraEdit in the late 90s was...

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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Pretty sure the whole image is genAI with some additional editing to add the Tesla branding. For one, I can't find any other images of that thing, which is generally a big tell.

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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I love how these people always present themselves as "fearless" when the list of things they're utterly terrified of is longer than my arm.

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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Yeah, I knew it was gonna be rough when the immediate response from another admin was this ;)

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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I used it once (we had like 16k users at the time) and got royally shit on by literally thousands of people. Lesson learned :)

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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Blessed be The Toggle.

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Cataleast's avatar Cataleast
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Really should make a bot that posts this completely at random, no matter the context. It'd have a really good hit rate, I'm sure :)

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