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Jesus says love your enemies, and he also says HATE was it evil, in your anger do not sin.

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The secular left cant indoctrinate kids with their own personal, subjective moral belief systems and NOT allow other people to have a voice. Sorry.

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Your race doesn't determine your political ideology, worldview, etc.

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These people should open their own private schools to share their worldview, ideologies to push on children No public school that allows this should be funded

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People who believe this are insufferable, you cant reason with them.

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Trump 2024! Thats whats gonna be good!

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Maybe if ppl stopped committing crimes we wouldn't need drones?

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"Cis supremacy" or Heteronormative society better stay the majority demographic, better stay the norm or we will all literally go extinct as species. There are logical consequences to life choices and ideology

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How do LGBT ppl who want to ally with Palestinians harmonize this?

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An opinion cant be wrong or right...Not unless you PROVE its a fact Just sayin

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White people just shouldn't exist, huh Large groups of them interacting together is just icky

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They are all postmodernists No truth exists, therefore all cultures, ideas, belief systems, religions should be tolerated ALL but Eurocentric Christian culture/beliefs

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Every post you make is being labeled as "intolerant" lol

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Without Salvation none of this matters If you don't have Christ you have nothing, its all death and hell

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No one has to assign value to any living thing from a world view where morals and human value are make believe

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Without intrico human value existing FIRST Narcists cant exist, because the premise is that altruistic behavior is MORAL

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Psychology deals with moral premises, dummy Without objective moral truth existing FIRST without objective human value existing FIRST Its all absurd nonsense

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We have every right to be upset. Usurping a Christian country is a problem for us

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Happy Easter everyone! Christ is King! He is risen

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You have no moral authority to judge anyone . Believing you do makes YOU the "narcissist"

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Not without the existence of God it doesn't Racism is predicated on the belief human life has value Your subjective belief system doesn't matter Only objective truth/Facts matter

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No, I am a Christian, I believe that human have intrinsic human value I am just pointing out that YOU, a person that works from a wolrdview where that cant exist has some real problems when it comes to YOUR moral truth claims from that position

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Then racism cant exist bc the premise is black lives matter, so you have to PROVE that before I concede anything you believe is true when it comes to your moral belief system See how that works?

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Don't know what you mean. You believing human life matters is all in YOUR head

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If you don't believe in God, I dont care where you stand Without God human value is not real. Its all in your head and morality is not real, its all in your head

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Possible you are wrong...not an argument

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don't care what you believe I care about what can be true from where you stand

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The lie is that She is a He. Thats it

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If you are a naturlaist the logical conclusion to that world view, "if you believe it or not" is that we were a cosmic accident with no intrinsic value, purpose or meaning, the universe doesn't care if we live or die, nothing but animals on our way to eventual extinction acting like we matter

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To deal with the truth of the resurrection you have to ap ply different methods, or its dishonest argumentation Example I demand video evidence of the Resurrection or its not true knowing full well video cameras did not exist in the 1st century Totally dishonest

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I want to force you to follow your own world view to its logical conclusions wherever that may lead when it comes to human value and morality

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We have historical evidence for the resurrection There are other methods other than the scientific method we use to know things, like how we know Alexander the Great existed etc

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That seems to be one reason, but the main reason is a loyal voting demographic that will keep; the left in power indefinitely

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As far as my every day life I surround my self with ppl who share the same values. Easy

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Right ,your feelings are stronger than what objective reality would be from a naturalist world view, but facts do not care about your feelings Thankfully Naturalism is the fantasy and God exists

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I am making you deal with YOUR claim right now "Your subjective belief that you have a monopoly on objective moral truth lacks any substance to actually deal with." if you think Objective moral truth can exist without God prove it, go for it.

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Prove moral truth can exist, objectively exist, not subjectively exist from a philosophical naturalist world view

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And they will die and cease to exist like they never existed, any memory of you being erased forever Without God there is no hope, no future, just death, oblivion and nihilism...Just the way it is

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You know exactly what I am saying. Don't be a coward. Instead of quote posting me randomly why dont you actually deal with the substance of what I am arguing in one of yours posts?

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Yep, and you believe that when you die you will rot in the earth with no memory of your life, nothing after this and I believe I will be judged by a moral standard that exists and I will act that out until the day I die. Your moral judgments dont matter from a secular or Christian position

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Nope. Either an objective standard of morality exists that can transcend the human mind or Morality is nothing but a subjective construct created by ppl, morality can not objectively exist and only with the existence of God can moral truth exist

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No, the objective moral truth God created when he created the universe, our reality Only a judicial system that is using the objective standards of God can truly judge good and evil

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Nope. Its the laws of logic Either objective moral truth exists or Subjective moral belief systems exist Thats not a false dichotomy my dude, look up the definition again

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No, you just try and seperate from Godless ppl that believe they have moral authority over you

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Its insane for you to equate me wanting my savior to come back with a genocide. Stop. For real

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Yep, but there is a litmus test to judge them by that they will be judged by

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I don't accpet your premise a person needing a moral authority to rule a land vs ppl have no true moral authority ruling over a land is fascism, so no

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Here, let me demonstrate Do black lives matter?

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It is the logical conclusion to what you are claiming... You cant prefer Christians as your ruler and infer not to rule with a set of Christian premises about morality and justice Where is their moral doctrine coming from if not from God?

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I don't understand your point My point is that if good and evil don't actually exist humans can do whatever they want, including take over the planet by force with weapons and it would NOT be evil, just animal behavior

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I don't need any of this, I need Christ to come back bc I m tired of arguing with absurd hell bound people who wont accpet the Truth of God but feel they have the moral authority to judge the Church as good or evil even though morality cant exist from where they stand, yet they believe their own BS

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