RonK, Seattle's avatar

RonK, Seattle

48 followers 233 following 711 posts

Lighthouse in a fogged-up expanse. Futures of democracy & discourse? Climate's changing, billionaires are taking over, and we all have a brain the size of a walnut.

RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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Sunday. That's why it's virtual. That's also how you know it's time-critical ... and if it's not a "real emergency", it'll do til one comes along.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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If Trump's the story, Trump loses. If Biden's the story, Trump wins. If Biden's the candidate, Biden's the story every day from now to November. If Harris is the candidate, Trump is the story more days than not.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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Biden indicates he still hasn't screened the debate. So he doesn't know how bad it was, and doesn't want to know. Hoping for Joe to pass the torch with his head head high, and not get hounded out as the pathetic last guy to get the memo.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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It's something that helps Trump, no matter how the rest of it turns out. And if Joe is trying to keep undecided key players on side, it does just the opposite -- with no upside. It's a dumb-ass amateur move. Joe should know better, presumably does, and pitched it anyway out of spite.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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Telling the crowd "they" are trying to take away votes you've already cast.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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In his Wisconsin appearance, Biden took a pretty clear shot (and IMO a cheap shot) at the people allegedly pushing him out.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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There's a certain obligatory choreography to these things. There's a certain obligatory caterwauling from the sidelines that goes with it. Joe's not out of the loop, but he's pulling against the tide -- for now.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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Already know that. Not an issue.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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Wait, what? Is SCOTUS going to rule that Kamala won't actually be at least 35 years of age by next January? You might have an angle here (I'm very skeptical) but if it's real it needs explanation.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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Traditionally, a statement of "100% confidence" is a terrible, terrible omen.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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My take on a particularly vexing Originalist conundrum ...

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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The Framers must have been concerned about Presidents OFFERING bribes. In their wisdom, they foresaw Presidential side-hustles, e.g. real estate empires, wherein POTUS might bribe a local building inspector. Purely beyond the penumbra of official business. And never during regular office hours.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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When the Framers warned that a corrupt President might commit bribery (or even Bribery!), what did they mean? Per Roberts, POTUS can sell official indulgences (even under explicit written contracts as SCOTUS now demands), and it's not Bribery. Puzzling -- but I think I have figured it out. ...

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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We do nrrd a strong Republican (or other major] party. It took a weak Republican party, not just a weak Democrstic party, to let Trump hit the big time. But I don't think we will get strong parties, so must look elsewhere.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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Major changes to courts, districts/elections, media/journalism, elementary-thr-unversity education, and our "market" economic system. A tall order. And we fight, as we must.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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And if anyone can take Trump down by law -- in spite of this Extreme Court -- he's just a sacrificial pawn. The greater enterprise rolls on, and may lose a round at the polls but never gets punished where it counts, i.e., at the polls. Hope you are right and I am wrong.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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Well, fine. He spends his natural life sending attorneys to courts of appeals, dies a natural death without running out of money or liberty, and a whole major party lives after him to refine or remodel the grift, which never becomes electoral anathema.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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In a proper democracy, Trump and many of those aligned with his would be facing unequivocal landslide defeats. They're not getting punished (electorally) now, and won't be punished later even if we squeak thru another cycle. Advantage of being the organized Right in a politics with no Left.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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Strongly disagree. IMO the Right sees a window of opportunity to put fascism over the top, and they're going for it -- and believes the downside risk is minimal, as they can lose and fall back to business as usual, where they are structurally comfortable and successful.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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An even 400 new citizens from 78 countries in the shadow of the Space Needle. Native storytellers: "We were dreamt into existence ... the Earth welcomes everyone's tracks ..."

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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"... at least not a /vaccinated/ human ..."

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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Big unknown: Immigration. She was supposed to be the admin point person, wasn't she? She could do well enough. American Values. No perfect solutions. When we had a (bipartisan) compromise, Trump killed it. Hey, ya know what would help? Support for Democracy & Rule of Law -- south of the border.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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Everyone's monstered now. "Doesn't make you special." KH sheds age & Gaza negatives, messages effectively on abortion & Extreme Court in general (which I suspect now has serious legs). Firms up Black support. (As a Black woman & an AG, loses a few Black men.) Unknowns re Hispanics, Labor.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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Wow! We have woodies but I never see little ones trooping around after Mama Duck (like our mallards do) -- or at all, for that matter.

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Reposted by RonK, Seattle

Noah Shusterman's avatar Noah Shusterman
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England's 1689 Bill of Rights a) established that the law restricted English kings & that kings' unfettered power threatened the polity; and b) formed the background for all colonial resistance to British rule from 1765 on. "Originalists" apparently reject this 334 y.o. legacy.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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It didn't start with Bernie. Tt won't end with Bernie. In America, The Left is why Americans can't have Left Things.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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You can always tell a Bernie Bro, but you can't tell him much.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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Aha -- the stereotypical "wondering Jew"!

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Reposted by RonK, Seattle

William Shakespeare's avatar William Shakespeare
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’tis true that we are in great danger, The greater therefore should our courage be.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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Regrets?!? They haven't even cashed in their gratuities yet.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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Time to pass the torch ... keeping pitchforks in reserve.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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The road to Dobbs was paved with passionate purist intensity. Canceling "safe, legal and rare"? Mistake. Declaring religion and personhood arguments out-of-bounds? Mistake. Drumming "pro-life" voices out of Democratic camps? Mistake. [Blocking me for saying such horrible things? Mistake.]

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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The Republic ended not with a bang, not with a whimper, but with a rattle of clickbait.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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You lose the age question. Distance the Legend of Genocide Joe. And gain a wild card pick for VP -- as attack dog, media surrogate, or strategic bid for a key state or constituency.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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SCOTUS gave Trump a whopping big vaccination of some kind, strictly experimental, and we're all waiting to see the side-effects.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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Give Clinton back his law license, and appoint him "Special Prosecutor At-Large".

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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Yes. How about taking Thomas's RV -- and Alito's flagpole -- in civil forfeiture actions?

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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Democracy entails a numerical advantage for have-nots. Haves have compensating advantages, applying time & money to education, media, campaigning, lobbying, case law etc. Haves can prosper quite well without destroying democracy - but will destroy it anyway when they sense an opportunity.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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Sanders spent a year and $220M telling impressionables it's all rigged, Hillary's a crook, and Democrats are your real enemy. Trump picked up this standard and carried it over the finish line. Bernie could become a team player, but could not un-summon his hordes of winged monkeys.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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All under the rubric of taking care that the laws be faithfully executed. And all as we prepare to celebrate the Declaration of Independence.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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Want to see what I said that made Ralph lose his shit? Sadly, those Slate archives no longer exist.

But here's a surviving snippet from the exchange.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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Want to see Nader totally lose his shit? Here's Ralph (2002) frothing at the mouth in reaction to my crunching numbers and crushing his claim of credit for the 2000 Cantwell win that gave D's the Senate.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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Hypothetical: POTUS orders all Executive agencies to ignore a decision or decisions by an unfriendly SCOTUS.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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Worriers to the rear ... warriors to the front!

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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Trump campaign may have research that says Harris is a liability to Biden. They run ads around the prospect she'd succeed him in a 2nd term. But maybe that only plays well with votes Trump has already got -- or more cynically, it's just there to reap reactive small-$$ contributions.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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I see a map of many colors, but no legend or alt text. The Rorschach Test of political chatter.

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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POTUS exhibited an episode of reduced capacity. Moderately intense, relatively brief, with full return to his normal (demanding) routine in short order. Cause unknown, likely medical, not necessarily serious, not necessarily age-related, but he needs answers and we need answers.

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