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Comrade Zaheer

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Anti colonial communist struggling in a capitalist society

Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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It's actually that people become more conservative as their proportional share of wealth increases. That's no longer happening in the era of late stage capitalism

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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It's bad when countries outside the imperial core steal land but when we do it it's different

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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The supreme court literally just said that he has the legal authority to have Trump assassinated and he's still out here asking for money and pretending that more donations might fix something

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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The reason the Irish are so often on the right side of history is because they look at what stance England is taking and do the opposite

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
[ View ] always hits the nail on the head

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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Wind is actually incredibly reliable in both average direction and speed, reliable enough for airport runways to be built facing into the wind to assist takeoff and landing

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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It's for people who want to vote for the coalition but don't want to be associated with the very outward racism and sexism, they prefer their racism and sexism to be insinuated rather than yelled from rooftops

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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The Labor party just signed it's own death warrant

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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This screams peak boomer energy (I know she's older gen X) Telling someone to sit down, be quite and suffer because you had to is terrible behaviour and just asserts why we need fresh faces in politics

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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The man who as chief of joint operations in Iraq oversaw the use of depleted uranium munitions and white phosphorus bombs which has led to a 2200% increase in leukaemia and 1200% increase in birth defects? Surely that vile pice of shit isn't doing anything evil or dodgy

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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The only problem is that the teals are tree tories who think there is a profitable capitalist solution and would be unlikely to comprise with the greens

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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Another septuagenarian candidate in the plutocratic gerontocracy

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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If both Mao Zedong and Adam Smith (the father of capitalism) described landlords as parasites that shouldn't exist maybe just maybe landlords are parasites that shouldn't exist

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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She should remain in the party if only to show that the party isn't a monolith. If she's removed from the Labor party for having a conscience it will only hurt the party

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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Please let there be a violent coup resulting in Netanyahu getting the Salvador Allende treatment. Maybe then people will look at this complete cluster fuck of a fake country and question it's validity

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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And kilometres above this in one of those floating fortresses from the MCU are the CEO's of weapons manufacturers

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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It's projection, every zionazi accusation is a confession Just like the constant "Hamas bases under targetted building" stories as if isn'treal doesn't have a massive network of bomb shelters underneath every public building

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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Even a broken clock is right twice a day

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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It's a good time for you to read reform vs revolution. You can't "fix" the system from within because it isn't broken, it's working exactly as intended. Which leaves one option, completely restarting from the beginning, get rid of the imperialist plutocracy and start again with equity at the core

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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It's often harder for them to admit that they've been fooled so they just keep mindlessly towing the party line

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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Nobody wins if Biden is elected either, they're both fascist pieces of shit pandering to the billionaire class

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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Did you buy those rose tinted glasses over the counter or are they prescription? You have to be seriously delusional to think things are better now than they were a few years ago

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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If anything he made certain things worse, making it illegal for railway workers to strike over safety concerns right before the worst railway disaster in US history comes to mind

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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The US has never been and will never be a democracy, it was intentionally created as a plutocracy with gerontocratic tendencies and to pretend otherwise is to be willfully ignorant of the facts

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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And here's the liberal now to tell us how Biden is the saviour of a democracy that has never existed

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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Liberals telling people this is a vote to save democracy

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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There's not nearly enough blood of Iraqi children on his hands in this portrait, in order to adequately represent his war crimes it should look more like the office portrait of King Charles

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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This is probably because Americans use the word biscuit to describe what are in fact scones

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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Given that it was completely overwhelmed by ~300 very slow missiles from Iran which were announced in advance and easily tracked by Israel and the US. I'd say that a spontaneous and all out war with multiple countries would destroy Israel

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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You misspelled scuntmo

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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Not surprised that Scott Morrison is one of the six people referred for criminal prosecution by the robodebt royal commission


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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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It's still much younger than what the major parties say is too young and impressionable to use social media

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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It's particularly disgusting when everyone knows he leaked Brittany Higgins phone data to newscorpse and seven west media hacks to run smear campaigns

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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"they needed practical guidance and regular reminders" That's teaching, don't forget that everyone has to get taught how to use a spoon, it seems simple when you've been doing it for decades but there was a point when someone had to show you how

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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Pretty sure you're taught media literacy as a byproduct of being forced to provide a bibliography for school projects. Being required to cite sources teaches kids media literacy and as far as I'm concerned it's the boomers still buying Murdoch sgitrags and eating up sky propaganda who need this

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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They're also guaranteed to play in the LA Olympics by virtue of being the host nation

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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DLS hasn't been used earlier in this tournament, the ICC are deliberately manipulating the results to benefit the whining poms who couldn't accept that they aren't very good

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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The rain saved England from being humiliated by Scotland and the ICC saved England from being eliminated by Namibia when they mysteriously changed the tournament rules part way through so that England could win on a DLS decision

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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Everyone talking about the potential of Australia intentionally losing to knock out England. Why is nobody talking about the ICC changing the tournament rules part way through so England could beat Namibia by a DLS decision? The ICC seems intent on keeping a lackluster England in at any cost

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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No you can't have nukes, only we get to have nukes

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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Disgusting behaviour from zionazis as usual

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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It would and then some ambulance chasing lawyers will sue because it's a pretty clear cut violation of the first amendments freedom of religion

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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Given Australia's appalling human rights record perhaps the Chinese should be the ones advocating for Australia to improve

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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It would be funny if it weren't so sad

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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But he's already king of the pedophiles, having both titles would be greedy

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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But they were much better fed and still had all their limbs unlike the Palestinian hostages taken by the Israeli occupation forces on a regular basis

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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When did the far right become "centrist"?

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Comrade Zaheer 's avatar Comrade Zaheer
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Another day another Israeli war crime

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