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Every organization--including presidential administrations and political parties--needs to have some idea what to do if the head guy doesn't wake up one morning, or becomes an invalid. It's easier to say "well that's too awful to consider, so we'll have no plan" but life doesn't always oblige.

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My Occam's Razor take: his ongoing public appearances mean he's not at end-stage Feinstein incapacity, but refusal to speak even with the Dem governors group means he can't engage in unscripted conversations--I suspect him staying this cloistered will soon invite increasing pressure to step down.

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Biden is probably going to hug justice Barrett and declare this was the best Supreme Court session he'd ever seen.

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A few isolated actions of MAGA Republicans may be disappointing, but it would be wrong for Democrats to erode the public's trust in government officials or in my valued GOP colleagues.

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Don't forget issues #3 (ratcheting up police violence against minority communities in the name of being "anti-crime") and #4 (eliminating Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid in the name of "fiscal discipline") where Trump is possibly too soft and lefty for NYT leadership.

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Chumps like ezra believe they are literally the Jedi Council from Star Wars--which, you know, is a pathetic conceit on its own. Worse, they can't even bother to notice that when faced with a fascist challenge, the self-important council at issue was hopelessly overmatched and failed disastrously.

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One of this crowd's key tactics is to deliberately and shamelessly stall during any period in which action is possible. Then the moment it's effectively too late to do anything, they put on a sad wide-eyed expression and say there are just no changes they can make.

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"Some bad decisions have been made by some absolute ghouls" yeah that explains roughly 100% of this country's policy problems, from Israel policy to trans rights to abortion access to health insurance to court reform.

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Honestly, "locals" might be intended as a more insulting term here.

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On the twitter I've said: "During the 2004 Dem convention they had a great visual with a bunch of veterans who served with Kerry standing in a row. At the time I thought 'great, these guys can go on TV every day until November vouching for Kerry's record' and haha Team Kerry couldn't be bothered."

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Oh you are somewhere on the Left? Then it follows that Chomsky and Alinsky and Marx, none of whom were elected to anything, are your bosses and I expect you to prove to me that everything they ever said is correct. No, I don't ask anyone on the Right to answer for George W Bush or Donald Trump.

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Netanyahu needs to watch out--Friedman is THIS CLOSE to declaring that the next 6 months are critical to proponents of the war.

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Old white man swears his politics haven't lurched to the right, it's that Democrats have become so extreme they won't support an excellent fellow like George W Bush and his fantastic war.

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The GWB and Trump presidencies were 12 years of uninterrupted "how dare you not respect the voters' wishes" from mainstream media. But when Obama or Biden win, the same media swear up and down that the only important Americans are the ones who didn't support the current president.

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It's a rule that's generally self-enforced. People break it all the time, though if asked they'd probably say it's unsafe.

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And it's not just right-wing media that see O'Keefe as a role model. It's everyone in mainstream media. All of them. Their ideal form of journalism is the one practiced by O'Keefe. Look at how famous he became!

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Greenberg, age 79, happens to believe the Democrats' only viable option is to adopt the policy preferences of straight white male senior citizens.

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I don't even know if you're talking about crime or abortion because it could be either.

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Stan Greenberg was recently swearing everyone loves the right-wing position on crime, and insisted if Dems are asked about it they should "say nothing or mumble". The sad thing is, he probably also urges Dems to avoid talking about abortion because he can't imagine anyone supporting it.

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The way people become top Democrats is by shamelessly elbowing aside anyone who might get in the way of their ascent, through sabotage and lies. The process self-selects for people with no recognizable concept of caring about others. If they're showing concern, it's on a consultant's instruction.

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Also I wouldn't keep assuming that having big stars in the cast will guarantee people love the film even if the script comes from typing "hero movie dialog" into an AI bot.

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Another tragedy is the crap media. This might as well be a Pitchbot piece with people complaining that Biden's the reason they can't afford to commute by helicopter.

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Everyone who was in charge of the Kerry campaign got rich and it never occurred to a single one of them that they did anything wrong that year. Also in the subsequent 20 years Democratic leadership has gotten far more arrogant and stupid than they were in 2004.

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Democrats need to pardon Trump to prove they are tough on crime.

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But what if Hamas WAS actually there? Checkmate.

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I bet they did some private poll in December 2022 asking a nonspecific question like "would you support a convicted felon for president" and maybe 70% of people said no, and since then they've simply assumed Biden's guaranteed to win when they really should be thinking the issue through some more.

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It's incredibly easy to understand the concept that "because any medical procedure will cost me thousands out of pocket, I can't afford healthcare even if I can pay my monthly insurance premium". But the paychecks of the Democratic leadership class depend on them not understanding it.

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Obama's vibes allowed him to become the most successful briefcase striver Democrat in history.

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The Left constitutes a tiny sliver of the population that Democratic leadership can safely ignore, and simultaneously it's also the Left's responsibility to turn out and vote because Democrats can't win without them.

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Well you see, this particular couple happens to have found a unique manner of distilling down an entire complex philosophy into just 14 words.

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The right has been wildly successful in winning partisan ideological victories through such books, magazines, TV etc. Instead of copying this viable model, Dems pretend to think "this won't work on our side" when they mean it won't enrich them personally so fuck it.

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Look I know you're skeptical of Biden's plan to spend 9 figures running ads targeting Republican voters, considering the same plan failed in 2016. And you may be thinking he should target Indys and Dem base voters instead. But Biden's media firm says they won't do it, so that's just not an option.

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Mainstream media has spent the past 3.5 years telling normies that Biden is extremely woke and governs exclusively from the Left. (See Ezra Klein's piece this past weekend, pretending it's inconceivable that Biden would ever oppose the Democratic base on any issue.)

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Biden joined the Senate Foreign Relations committee in 1975, was its chair or ranking member for 12 years, and still knows absolutely nothing about foreign relations except "ask a GOP Daddy and do what he says"

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First Citywide Change Bank was actually a documentary

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Remember when Bush was taking questions and people noticed Cheney was nodding or shaking his head to prompt him with the answers? When someone pointed that out the Bush people said "well they're both from the West and have different mannerisms and liberals wouldn't understand" and the press loved it

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The main unifying characteristic of low-propensity voters is they're most likely to respond to messages that sound like offers to tangibly change their lives, so let's do as little of that as possible or better yet none at all.

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Lots of genuine lessons to be learned from '72, '80 and '84, but the generation that still controls the Democrats decided the takeaway is "this nation just LOVES hard-right Republicans and there's no point trying to beat them ever", and that's simply not true

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They are still all celebrated, and not just among the GOP. Democratic leaders promote and advocate for them, insisting they are Good Guys and valued colleagues. These chumps are never canceled, but you are if you complain about it.

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I remember one of those kids yammering to the media about how judicial review is what allowed women to get abortions in the US, so he decided Iraq isn't going to have judicial review.

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Also all of them still swear that the sole lesson of Iraq is that The Left Was Wrong while they themselves were Proved Fucking Right.

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Among prominent US politicians, even the few cold fish like Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul are probably engaging and charming when occasionally mixing with friendly crowds. Completely refusing to ever act like you enjoy being around people just isn't done if you run for office here.

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"BoogalooDude1488 liked and forwarded my post calling all protestors Violent Agents of Hamas. Surely this means he now views me as one of the Good Democrats and will support my re-election campaign against GOP candidate MAGA Mike."

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The same freaks who expect diners in a Harlem restaurant to shout about "MF-ing iced tea" also expect all college protestors to be stoned hippies in tie-dye eager to rant to anyone in earshot. If the students are careful about media relations, they must therefore be controlled by George Soros.

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Not coincidentally, it is also the view of every Dem elected official. They're generally more subtle about it and do a lot more hand-wringing, but the bottom line is always Better Things Are Not Possible, And In Fact The Minor Tweaks I've Made Are Probably Helping You More Than Better Things Would.

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Every single one of these reactionary centrist douchebros claims to possess superhuman intelligence, and also swears that everyone who advocates a Left opinion online is being paid eleventy jillion dollars by Big Antifa.

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Rural whites are victims of opioid addiction, whereas in urban areas criminals take illegal drugs.

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Biden was totally holding the phone receiver in his hands and had just put in a dime to call Netanyahu and end US support, but then Hamas tricked the Kids into protesting and he had no choice but to hang up. He didn't even get his dime back.

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I assembled a focus group representing all of the wealthiest constituencies in America. They told me plain as day that they want lower taxes and don't give a shit about government services, so that's the only possible path forward.

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In 1994 when I was Young I enjoyed the film PCU, though even then I understood it to be a ridiculous work of fiction. What's sad is that Team Biden and everyone in positions of power in the Dem party believe its core message that there's never any valid reason for college students to protest.

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