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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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Yes, especially because political journalists only take GOP "expectations" seriously.

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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If Biden doesn't pose a dire menace to this country, then how can you possibly explain this urgent email the Trump campaign just sent to millions of supporters (plus me, lol)? Subject line: "They'll wheel granny off a cliff!"

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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Media companies are sleeping through it in the same sense that SCOTUS is sleeping through Trump's immunity case. Billionaire owners want Trump to win and they're putting all their thumbs on the scale to help the convicted felon pull through to November.

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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Anti-China is obviously a big part of it, but they also at least suggest that Fauci was behind it, plus elites, experts, scientists, Democrats, the deep state etc - the full range of ill-defined enemies in some massive conspiracy that's hinted at, never spelled out

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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(... and now it's corrected ... thanks .... )

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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Great point and great article, thanks. Correctable error in par 2: guilty verdict, not guilty plea.

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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I just reread that Dorothy Thompson piece and "young D over there... the only born Nazi" is a perfect bio of young Donald T

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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The difference between the two parties and their relation to extremism is summed up by the term RINO on the right ("We're the REAL Republicans, the REAL conservatives") vs the disdain of leftists towards Democrats and liberals - they spit the words out with true contempt.

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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Barrett wrote in 2016 that the 14th Amendment is "potentially illegitimate," citing the argument (below) that the Southern states "despised" it. The argument ignores that several Southern states had disfranchised Black majorities, implicitly countenancing white-only rule as proper and legitimate.

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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Yes -- the same bunch who fly insurrectionist flags like this also want to ban Pride flags

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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Just jumping on to note that the car was going 131 mph 2.5 seconds before the crash. At that speed it would have traveled 480 feet in 2.5 seconds. On a street, not a rural highway (which would be bad enough).

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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The four ponies of the Apocalypse

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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You get not just one kudo, many kudos from me!

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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Watch out, the NYPD is onto you

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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Alex Rivera pretty much predicted this kind of outsourced labor in his 1997 short "Why Cybraceros?"


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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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Plus the absurdity of claiming that Both Sider Central is biased against conservatives

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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that's no fireplace, that's the maw of hell. he collects such things along with corrupt justices

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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"They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past."

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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"Never believe that antisemites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words." —Jean-Paul Sartre

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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All of this, 100%. Plus two more things none of these D govs face: the Senate filibuster and the SCOTUS veto. If Gretchen Whitmer wants to get something done, she has a state House and Senate plus the state Supreme Court backing her up. Hardly matters how slim the D statehouse majority is.

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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New country music hit "Try That With A Small Dog"

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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(Assuming they really believe anything -- other than wanting to see women ground down)

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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Possible escape hatch: by most definitions conception begins at implantation, not at fertilization. That would let IVF off the hook, at the "risk" of letting science in through the back door. "Fetal personhood" would still be a moral monstrosity.

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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She said she was driving away from Salem Oregon and saw MELAS on the sign in the rear view mirror and thought she should write a story about that town.

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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tbh you could describe almost anything as "little known" and be correct, for example I mentioned Marlon Brando in a class discussion and found that all my Univ of Michigan students were googling the name to find out who this obscure person was. He was in The Godfather (google, what is the godfather)

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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Great coverage, but the braying of that both-sider jackass Shafer had me wanting to punch the off button. Shafer embodies everything that is wrong with political coverage in the US. TBH it didn't help when Michah Loewinger agreed that he didn't like Biden's age. Your ageism is your problem not mine.

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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More like 1,500 a week average over the past year (CDC figures). Still way too many but the numbers are trending down fwiw.

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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You have to understand that none of the NYT reporters or editors on the politics beat know how anything works either. They all view facts and policy as boring stuff for weird nerds. Trump is their guy.

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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With such people, stupid AND evil is always the safest bet

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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This was another interesting rebuttal to Leonhart, from a stats analysis pov:

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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A concerted effort... led by the New York Times.

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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This is an excellent point, media critics say.

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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The comments I've read so far haven't mentioned the funniest counterfactual here: the notion that Hillary Clinton would at any point in her life have been capable of summoning a "youthful, multiracial, left-wing mass movement." Lol! Sounds like someone missed the entire 2016 Democratic campaign.

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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Combine pooping in space with Moonshot and what do you get? I'll spell it out for you: Moonsh*t.

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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Schrödinger's exception. It's there, except when you use it.

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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Anyone following the war has been aware of these numbers all along but I guess the NYT stopped bothering to report on it months ago and that has left some people in the dark. Paper of record etc etc

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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I was living in Spain in the early 1980s when several people died from adulterated olive oil. (For those who don't know: Spanish cooking uses massive amounts of olive oil, so people jump at bargains. Shady characters capitalize by adulterating oil with cheap, sometimes poisonous substances.)

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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Pamela Paul is a Republican who for some reason thinks she's a Democrat. Her columns (all of them, not just this one) are puzzling only if you assume she knows anything about the topics she writes on.

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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I understand the image but otoh I know lots of toddlers and not one of them is a racist antisemite

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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it just occurred to me that this might sound like sarcasm but I'm 100% sincere. There's only a couple of other writers even in the same league.

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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Well it's not your fault that you're a better writer and thinker than anyone else in the commenting business

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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I've heard it since the 60s

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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I always tell the kids-these-days that when I was 16, old people convinced me that Social Security wouldn't be around when I got old. Guess what, I'm 67 now and it's still here. It's never going away -- and unfortunately neither are the "Social Security is a Scam" grifters.

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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I just discovered that when you block a troll on bluesky all their posts magically disappear

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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At some point you have to realize that they (WaPo & NYT politics writers and the publishers) like guys like youngkin and Mike Johnson because they share their politics and prefer to see their racism dressed in business casual. They also love Trump but find him too vulgar to bring home.

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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(I put "support Israel" in quotes bc what they really long to see is an apocalyptic war that will destroy the entire region, with only Jews who convert to Xty saved. All this was explained to me in Sunday school at a Methodist church in Dallas in the late 1960s, and yes, they really believe it.)

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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Maybe it's a post-hoc rationalization, but for a substantial group of voters (10%? and mainly very conservative, so 20%+ of R votes?), "end times" beliefs are the main or only reason they "support Israel." So if it isn't why politicians back Israel, it's why they don't get blowback for doing so.

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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At least it's not Buenos Aires, where the lines between lanes are treated as meaningless abstract decorations and traffic signs as obscure hieroglyphics

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's avatar @davidfrye.bsky.social
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NYT did have one article about how Milei was falling behind but it focused on anger at his criticism of the Pope in a very Catholic country, ie still from a conservative angle

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