David Lee Zweifler's avatar

David Lee Zweifler


70 followers 101 following 79 posts

Work in Analog, Nature Futures and Little Blue Marble. Also, Shortwave Books, and Grendel Press. Sedentary SFWA-active-level. Transally. linktr.ee/zweifler

David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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Achievement unlocked. www.cnn.com/2024/07/01/e...

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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What did they do now? I missed it.

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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I think of myself as a temporarily embarrassed rich criminal with impunity.

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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My little, funny ghost story is up at the Saturday Evening Post (and is, I just realized, the top story on their homepage for the moment): www.saturdayeveningpost.com/2024/05/new-...

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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I wish that I had words that could give you some comfort. I am so sorry for your loss.

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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Just my 2 cents: @seizethepress.bsky.social - make the new bottom tier a limited-time offer. You can keep it if it gets good uptake. Otherwise, you can cut it without looking silly if you're just cannibalizing your revenues or if people ignore it.

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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Was feeling a bit down post-pitdark, but got a great pick-me-up with the sale of my story, New Medium, to Saturday Evening Post, America's oldest publication.

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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The story where he says he eats babies did crack the top-ten though, so I guess that's progress.

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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All this energy could be put to a more productive use. Like cooking lasagna.

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Reposted by David Lee Zweifler

e.w. niedermeyer's avatar e.w. niedermeyer @niedermeyer.io
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Making this thread a place to collect "Why I'm Leaving The Elon Cult" posts, because these people don't deserve to just slink away. Especially the guy quoted here, who was Elon's leading propagandist and enforcer. There is no place in polite society for these creeps


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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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I live on a street lined with cherry trees, and this is the time of year that, every time I go outside, I feel like I should be dueling another samurai.

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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No matter what your religious orientation it's obvious that women who reject fundamentalist Christian upbringings have an immediate improvement in their quality of life simply by switching to more attractive eyewear.

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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This is, like, the sixth hundred year storm I have lived through since I moved back to the US. I feel like the frigging Highlander.

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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You know you've really made it as a writer if your last name begins with 'z" and you appear above the 'and many more' line. (Meanwhile: Womp womp.)

Anyway, check out my 100-word story about how a mixed human-robot couple keeps things spicy after being together for decades.


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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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I feel like this would be the "why don't they just make the whole plane out of the material in the black box" joke at the beginning of the Synefeld episode that would be broadcasting across the net if the William Gibson view of the future had come to pass.

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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I am very close with a therapist who treats eating disorders and anxiety disorders. I don't have enough information to say anything about your current therapist, expect that you might want to talk to some other therapists.

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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Had a discussion with someone today who said I couldn't expect politeness or decency from strangers because they don't owe it to me. We owe acts of politeness and decency not to others but to OURSELVES. This is not to be "nice," but to show others this is what we expect to receive in return.

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Reposted by David Lee Zweifler

Nicholas Grossman's avatar Nicholas Grossman @nicholasgrossman.bsky.social
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Republicans nominating a Holocaust denier for governor in North Carolina—a purple state where either candidate could win—is a bigger deal than the worst thing any college student has said, and anyone actually concerned about antisemitism should treat it as such.

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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People about to have their skill set dramatically devalued by AI: "Only stupid and lazy people will have their skill set devalued by AI." Same people: "My industry places a high premium on creativity and human sensitivity, but people in (OTHER INDUSTRY) are screwed."

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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🌌✨ Excited to share "The Laughing Wolverine," a story I wrote for my youngest son. It's a tale woven with love, brought to life through a stunning collaboration with talented illustrator and animator Nuno Nobre and Calliope Interactive. calliope.page.link/ntbbaQaaL1dP...

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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Anyway, this thread has nothing to do with anything going on in real life right now. Sorry to have bothered you. (12/12)

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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Only a few people will remember the taste of a real avocado. Many more will only remember the taste of crapocados, which taste like crap. And subsequent generations will never have had a chance to taste an actual avocado. (11/12)

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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In time, there will be a few surviving avocado growers who are rich hobbyists who will grow them for themselves and their friends. The 'industry' will no longer be commercially viable for anyone else. (10/12)

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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Long term, people will be sick of eating the disgusting crapocados. (By that time, they've probably moved on to crapeaches or crapatoes.) And the people who used to grow avocados will have moved on to other crops. Or will be working in some kind of vegecrap factory. (9/12)

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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As prices drop, some avocado growers will hang on, but it costs more to grow avocados than paint crap, and with all the crapocados still filling the grocery stores, it will be very hard for them to reach customers and differentiate on quality. (8/12)

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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Still, the price for real avocados will crater, since a nearly-free substitute will keep the prices of real avocado permanently depressed. (7/12)

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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Pretty soon, the crapocado industry will have a harder time finding crap that tastes like avocado, because even die-hard avocado lovers will have a hard time finding the real thing among all the crapocados. (6/12)

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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At the beginning, some of the crapocados taste almost like real avocados. Some taste like crap. But, the producers argue that, before, most people couldn't afford real avocados, and EVERYONE can afford a crapocado. This is progress! (5/12)

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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The avocado lovers are outraged because they didn't give permission for their feces to be used in this way. But most people are happy because they couldn't afford avocados before, and now there's a large model that generates lots and lots of these crapocados, cheap! (4/12)

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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Some technologists who hate avocados come along. They realize that if they take all the feces produced by the avocado-loving people, they can do some light processing, make the feces pear-shaped and paint it green, and sell it... as sudo-avocados, or 'crapocados' (3/12)

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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The avocado lovers eat a LOT of avocados because they love them. As a result, the price of avocados is always high. Not, like, Kobe beef high, but way more money than, say, lettuce. (2/12)

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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A vegetAIble fable: Imagine a world where avocadoes are the most delicious thing in the world for about 15% of the population. The rest of the population more or less likes them, except about five percent, which HATES them and can't understand what the fuss is all about. (1/12)

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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This is why you always have to check what the flavor is before you buy it and bring it home

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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When his best friend was killed by a rogue descending colon, one man embarke on a mission of revenge that would have his enemy begging for death. This winter... Jason Stratham IS, The Bean Keeper.

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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Looking forward to reconnecting with all my Twitter connects so I can start making cringy dad jokes and have them all mute me on a brand-new platform.

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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Man, I wish they would get to the commercials already.

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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For your consideration: Please consider me for the Astounding Award for this, my last year of eligibility. aphowell.com/2024/01/27/2... (Note that this listing doesn't include my two biggest sales, to Analog and Nature.)

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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As a writer of fiction, it's very important to keep in mind that form rejections are never personal. Unless the editor is sending them because they just don't like you as a person. Then, they're personal.

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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Or a remake of Bartleby where the principal of the local school system decides he doesn't want to go in to school anymore.

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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Using the phrase "an abundance of caution" with anyone who has school-age children is extremely triggering.

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David Lee Zweifler's avatar David Lee Zweifler @davidleezweifler.bsky.social
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You have people who care about you. You can reach out any time if you ever feel like watching a DC movie.

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