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That's not the claim you made. You claimed we shouldn't believe the GOP's goal is project 2025 even as the GOP tells us that, and because the centrist party engaged in centrist negotiation with the elected opposition, we should ignore dem commentators as liars in favor of trusting the GOP. šŸ¤”

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Which part of that makes you refuse to believe that the GOP is intending to engage in facist behaviors? Because thats what you are stating, that you don't believe anyone claiming that the GOP wants to engage in fascism because the Biden admin compromised with the GOP fascists on the border.

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ā€œI donā€™t believe it when the dems tell me the GOP have fascist goals even as i call them fascists, because the rest of the political class might negotiate with the elected representatives i think are facist but donā€™t believe are facistā€ is a *take*. Iā€™d love to know what you are smoking.

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No real solution exists to fix an issue of a lack of on-point data resulting in the recreation of the article being the mathematically best option. Either this is so common as to warrant a copyright lawsuit and know headlines might also be copied, or its rare enough that it can be used for headlines

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As well, if tgry did not have an informed opinion at the time it filed the lawsuit, that would imply a frivolous lawsuit not based on facts.

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They complaints are that the fundamental building block of ai is copyright infringement. Any works it produces are inherently infringement. using said infringement to write headlines would be infringement. Using the AI is at odds with its stance that the ai is an engine of copyright infringement.

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Would be the obvious cost saving/logistical move to get GOP buy-in. Boom, same issues to geographic access. Voter ID suppression. Not providing ongoing funding for a free id program? voter suppression. not providing funds for free copies of documents? voter suppression.

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Having a national iD program does not prevent the use of vvoter ID schemes as vote suppression. GOP using funding games to restrict access to IDs would be step one of a plan to do so. And thatā€™s been their big move to limit progressive initiatives. Grafting National ID into DMVs 1/2

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But you presented national id as a solution to voter suppression efforts. Which it isnā€™t. All the practical reasons that get in the way of getting a Real ID now would still be an issue for a national ID. National ID doesnā€™t solve the core issue that you presented as a solution.

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Certainly. The point iā€™m making is that instituting a national ID would itself not solve the issues that make voter id efforts a means of suppressing the vote. GOP playing games with funding to limit access is only one way to keep using voter id to suppress the vote with a national ID.

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The same issues with getting a real id now would be faced with a national id. The core issues about the reliability of neccisary document access, access to spaces that can issue the IDs, and administrative costs would still persist. And of course there is the pot of honey issue.

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People keep telling me i need to respect the law. Then i watch someone admit on camera to counterfeiting US currency and passing them off as real, secure in the knowledge the secret service wonā€™t do anything, and I have to question why I should.

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You've probably seen this, but apparently theres a leaderboard for most efficient heat pump installation. Tuning the install for minimal excess power.

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Legal experts not reading DoD reports about the struggles to root out extremist beliefs in the military.

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iā€™ll be honest, iā€™m really trying to find the outcome we avoid by not using scotus precident to put trump and anyone who signed that precident into law into the ā€œdiesā€ column sooner rather.

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A hundred cop defendants means the PD harassing the DA in a thousand tiny ways that makes securing convictions impossible. A targeted indictment feeds the public outcry, but keeps line cops working.

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to be layered in my responce: Indictments are fact specific and leadership has different facts than line officers. More indictments may be coming. Juries are more likely to convict leadership and more likely to empathize with officers doing what they are told. DAs like to choose cases they can win

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Ah! yes. I agree with your assessment and to my point, a big contributing factor that the internet has made clear is there is no reward at the end of the sacrifice. That hard work doesnā€™t pay. The lie is exposed.

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If I appeared to denigrate you, I apologize, I was intending to agree with you, and ended up editing down a longer comment about the flooring industry being propped up by old men in installation because the reward isn't in it for newer generations. My point was definitely lost in brevity.

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Why doesn't gen Z want to work? The internet gave them these stories.

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Unless you have two direct witnesses and a signed declaration of intent, SCOTUS is out here reminding all of us that so long as you give your quid after the quo, its all gravy. Might want to start looking at decisions made BEFORE gifts were given to justices.

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Guess? Motherfucker explicitly states hes talking about sports at [name redacted] high school. What the hell are you guessing about?

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If i remember the discussion at the time of the trump indictment, Georgiaā€™s Rico law is a bit broad. One problem is it creates an incentive to use Rico performatively. Both the young thug and trump indictments are sprawling things seemingly designed for publicity and pre trial punishment.

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This precedent is about as clear as a black hole. Roberts, working hard to undermine the legacy of his court and ruin any remaining reputation of the institution. May we survive long enough for history judge him appropriately.

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you misspelled Nazi. They want to cosplay as a Nazi, they can be a nazi.

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Nixon was a socialist by modern republican standards. He thought governments were supposed to engage in social programs.

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I'd argue claiming its for no reason completely abrogates the active effort to convince people change is impossible, which combined with the "I cant risk my power" of the rest of the political class leads directly to the "this is fine" meme mentality that is the enui putting the republic at risk.

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Once the base imprinted on Trump, The base canā€™t change their worship until trump moves on and gives up the throne. Trump refused to divest after failing, so the worshippers stick with him. The point of a populist is to become the object of worship. To become the deity, not just a symbol.

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Evangelical preparing the way didnā€™t want Trump. He was destabilizing, and off putting to the faithful. They wanted a younger, less obviously performative in their religion, less burdened with scandal messiah they could portray as a virtuous. Trump in going mask off however activated the base.

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No amount of screaming about groomers will ever stop a single pedophile if you donā€™t start focusing on the inaction of law enforcement to stop the abusers in their own ranks.

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In so far as the us check enhances security, it doesnā€™t because facial recognition is no where near the accuracy rate of the mark 1 eyeball, and the mark 1 eyeball gets confused if i donā€™t shave in the morning.

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Sowing Hate in search of power over faith in search of salvation, the lessons of Jesus have not been centered in large swaths of evangelicals messaging. Their god is power. The god of the evangelical sect is power. Trump is that gateway to power. And so they worship him.

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Evangelicalism has gained secular power over the last few years, and dedicated itself to the accumulation of further secular power. Unfortunately, that has resulted in a base seeking that power, not the power of their faith, which puts more power in temporal evangelical leaders, rather than god. 2/

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Populism. Its the goal. Look to populists throughout history, and the cult of personality often gains some hardcore cultists. A lot of these people have been fed bullshit solutions to their real suffering, and have been primed for a political messiah that is the only solution to their oppression 1/

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PSA: subscribe for more lifesaving tips from the new york times, because this a paid service announcement.

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Consdier the distinction between "i am irish", versus "I am from Ireland". the first implies ethnicity. The second implies nationality. I am german, I have German ancestory. I am not from Germany. Its not my national identity. Ms. Alito is claiming Germany as her National identity, not the US.

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Revoking Chavron Deference doesn't undo regulation. Nor does it grant more power to congress to pass laws. revoking this gives more power to courts to play Dobbs-type games with the language of regulations.

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They did, but given the court's willingness to ignore standing in 303 creative, this feels like a punt. I think the primary issue is simply a SCOTUS that thinks the heat is too high right now to calvinball this.

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But when asked why he wouldnā€™t file that, it turns out thatā€™s because Trump appointed cannon isnā€™t a basis for recusal? so your answer isā€¦.what? he wonā€™t file because he has no basis to file, because he never filed?

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Correct me if iā€™ve lost something, but you replied to a question about why ā€˜Trump appointed cannonā€™ wasnā€™t a basis for recusal. You indicated the issue was smith didnā€™t request recusal. 1/2

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Come on Mr. Musk. Do it coward. Take the AI and robotics and all the value of tesla you've given for free to your other companies, and give the company to someone who isn't beholden to you and an incentive to find a scapegoat for the tanking stock price.

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All this tells me is we either A) have lots of undeclared gifts or that B) Roberts expects the clear appearance of corruption issue to be handled by 2nd amendment people, rather than civil society.

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Has anyone else noticed has become unreadable on mobile? it gives you 30 seconds and redirects you to Malware scams. been like this for months. WTF does Huffpost have against mobile users?

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the ā€˜signatureā€™ appears intended to indicate this was sarcastic.

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Agreed. I feel like this group is generally into Roman history, and so feel the punitive raids and Defensive conquests that occurred in periods Rome wasn't formally aggressive should inform how we read Libertarian 'non-agression'.

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No, as if Capital were a tangible thing, property, that the government could seize backed with the threat of force, via taxes, fines, and penalties. Under Capitalism, the goal of a capitalist is the accumulation of Capital, and key to that is not giving away your Capital.

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US libertarianism seeks to keep your money away from the government. Its goal is the protection of Capital from the interference of the government. As such, US Libertarians have long celebrated violence in service of property rights. The white supremacist's just consider the State their property.

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The normal turnover queue for delivery warehouse workers was devestates by the pandemic, demands for better working environments and Amazonā€™s far higher rate of churn. Misrouting looks better than missed delivery in the metrics managers look at.

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I have a strong feeling the author would be very upset if I used his logic on government pay to suggest the federal minimum wage was too low.

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Part of it is modern electronics don't share this information. Many patents are nothing but inscrutible legalese, with nary a diagram in sight. Its not obvious to a modern consumer that at one point all this information was not only provided to the buyer, but public information.

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