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The meme itself is of Kara Zor-El. Her then husband unfortunately was so persuasive that despite the cw being a supportive channel he could gaslight her into telling on late shows how she had a funny accident.

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In the case of Venus they can't resist and the more they resist the more the trap springs on them

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To me the biggest story is this:the worth of the USD is based on political stability and territorial integrity. Once project 2525 would be in full swing like it's Chile in the 1970s the dollar kisses the floor. Nobody will trust the US anymore outside petrocracies

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Martin... I tell you this from the bottom of my heart, next time you use a meme to depict a harmless domestic situation, please be aware that Benoist is a DV survivor.

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Almost. It's more like "he's so charming and has dirt on me that can never get out so he must have redemption" dirt bag men create their own whisper networks, dirt bag women easily get let down by other women who believe in consequences

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You mean a sorry state for pants? Otherwise it's a hilarious typo very worthy of tücsök és bogár

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I so so wish I could agree with you. The reason peter Magyar won in the elections is because what voters want more than freedom and wellbeing is being proven righteous. Lost cause ensnared people by promoting how the idea was executed was bad but the idea itself is good.

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So while people didn't outright support commies they also didn't want the old world back. That and misogyny against women candidates.

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In 1947 Rákosi had to cheat to "win" at the elections. For all intents and purposes that's the official story. The whole story is that while people were taught to hate communists, it's also true that farmers and christian parties wanted the old regime

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Well... To be seen in 2026. I was surprised how weak sauce fidesz is they don't dare attacking their own talking points out of fear they lose to Tisza and they did anyway

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Even if it were severe and it isn't, biden's formative years were during the cold war, unlike trump who has zero experience and interest, Biden is a better deterrent against Russia.

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Putin received Orbán as the official leader of the EU(he isn't) today in Moscow, a few days ago Orbán went to Kyiv very likely to tell zelensky trump is coming back so he better accept Putin's terms, but hey let's make it front page news that Biden has lapses.

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Yay LA finally caught up to Budapest... 1973 Budapest, that is.

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There's a difference between justice and how a portion of society feels. French bigotry and racism is rooted in antisemitism, disdain for non-white french speakers who "failed to fight" in the maghreb and Indochina. Supporters of OAS viewed themselves as patriots

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I hope you account for the fact that in the US demographics have historic and financial barriers not present in France. The tragedy of France is that Vichy France isn't seen as treason but compromise and to some the OAS were not obvious terrorists.

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Oh they got a sweeter deal. German privacy laws offer heavy protections and many former agents who just loved to spy on fellow citizens suddenly demanded to be left alone.

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I do you one worse. One time I got yelled at online by a vox voter who overplayed the sincerity and viability of Franco's offer to help the 1956 revolution after I pointed out he was rightfully not let into the UN and NATO for being fash.

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It doesn't? Weird. Have you seen bridge of spies? If yes do you remember the east German lawyer who secured the student's release? He was real and he lived a very rich even after the unification of Germany. So did Stasi agents who now work in the private sector for Gazprom in Germany.

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Do you mean the death threats people received for suggesting removing Franco from his glorious grave?

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Please enlighten me what is your basis for that? I speak french and I'm keenly familiar with the racism against black and brown people especially in Marseille

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While that is not good news and speedy recovery, it might have also surprised her learning from trump that her ex being trans was invented by the radical left retroactively

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The US is not the Balkans, Russia, Eastern Europe or East Asia where people have even today little to no reflexes in owning their own liberties. America could only fall if the whole nation becomes a loyalist to a single king.

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The Khmer rouge in Cambodia is one good example how autocracies are only good at intimidation and torture, but not supported by a populace who gained nothing by them being in power and their support was cut off but Soviet backed Vietnam.

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As fidesz took over the EU presidency, the EU leadership made it adamantly clear fidesz being a bad actor will not get to dictate to the EU, not even from the top. The US has a similar structure with several states having different interpretations on what freedom and liberties are

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I've read a lot of comments on the SCOTUS decision, the Chevron deference, project 2025, and many people rightfully fear a top down oppressive regime coming to America. The single most important thing I didn't read is how America not a unitary block.

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So it is not a shocking surprise a country ruled by colonists, constantly invaded by neighbors and only knows autocracy or hybrid Regimes, doesn't have a very active civil society standing up for each other

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The problem runs deeper though. It's not like the soviets or for east Asia the Chinese came and suddenly everybody just became communist. The commies literally replaced our feudal lords and in the beginning honored their word of land redistribution and private ownership.

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I missed the part where Cambodia's democracy was old enough to vote.

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Ah, végre friss levegő itt 2011-ben , meg a plázastop előtt van idő megfékezni Orbánt

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Just a factual statement, there's no version where Orbán and le pen co preside. This is because Orbán genuinely dislikes women politicians and did his earnest to unseat meloni and von der Leyen. Pis never in a million years would join a pro-russia coalition

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Erm... Sutherland's character is based on a Holocaust denier. There was a conversation in real life but more like ranting and rumbling.

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Genuine desert dwellers adapted to the climate over generations, and do so even today without technological help. People who ad infinitum need it as otherwise their bodies couldn't adapt is a surefire sign that person can't live there.

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Speaking of concise expressions. To be very clear I don't disagree why and where cooling is necessary. I also wholeheartedly agree that vulnerable people, my mother included are to be saved from heat death. My problem is adaptability.

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The original city was. The grid though artificial did not serve future redlining purposes. Planning a city for people is still organic, planning for cars isn't. It would be nice if it were taught and then car manufacturers and banks banded together to create white flight as a product

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Didn't take it personally just wanted to make it clear there are no misunderstandings😊 on a whole we absolutely agree federal pardons for people in jail for marijuana shows it's not a federal thing, rather a critical mass on a national level (police unions for example)

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I didn't insinuate that you denied, my contention is intent. It's a known fact cops are part time ticket factories to generate revenue exactly because it's expected of them to go against least resistance.

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A traditional city is simply a city like new York that came to be organically while suburbs are usually not

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My impression is that the guy who was suspended from ol miss for shouting monkey noises at a protester grew up in an environment hasn't changed since the klan days, so I'm not sure it's not bothering alone

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Shampoo and unicorns 😊 Geberit is really good but upper echelon

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So when the desert states started to be populated,unlike other suburbs air conditioning how to be thrown in to attract people. Then came the infinite water use even though water isn't infinite. These are connected.

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In 1952 both the highway program and the suburb program meant a marriage between the federal govt and private investors to aggressively advertise a dream to live with white picket fences. That already built on the illusion a 4 member family can live in a single salary.

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I despise white flight for several reasons. Much like how the Japanese forced Korean multifamilies in one apartments so did cities with black people. It was but a justification to hijack the intent of the gi bill. Which was housing for soldiers

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Isn't this more related to community size? I've seen small departments with an armored unit in a town of one stop sign

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Agree on that one. It's still jarring that deeds still contain racist restrictions

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I agree, but do they? I do often from people who have to live in suburbs as gentrification is more expensive they wish they lived somewhere not HOA ruled

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Geberit and affordable? 🤣

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Yet I seem to recall from last week tonight how police gets military equipment that they actually have to use otherwise they would have to pay for it. Evil can be free with a few strings attached

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Suburbs grow because they have to finance their own existence mostly at the cost of city dwellers. Which is besides the car brained city planning. The original GI bill only supported a very spartan design compatible with most climates.

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Part of the discussion is how air conditioning sort of colonized the modern American west, meanwhile the sprawl has to expand ad infinitum while they don't generate enough money to sustain themselves

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You're obtuse intentionally. The same American west especially the desert wasn't settled because it was organic. Los Angeles maintains palm trees by taking water from other regions. Well manicured and watered lawns and air-conditioning became symbols of a perceived white lifestyle

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