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I came here because Twitter sucks, stayed because it's fun. Well, most of the time.

MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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It's too bad they are on warpath to utterly and completely destroy video game preservation in all it's forms. Nintendo is not our friends. They are actively trying to sue and lawsuit their way into getting US courts to ban emulation/flash carts.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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Cenk Uyger is a giant prick but he did say something very true and that is if you give someone the choice between diet republican and republican, they are just going to choose republican.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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Which if his first presidency is any indication, some of the dumbest mother fuckers on the planet will be tasked with this while trump has "Executive time" 12 hours out of every day. He's a fundamentally lazy man who surrounds himself with fools. They will not be up to the task if they try.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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They fucking well should be. They are more valuable to the public good dead than alive right now. They know and once enough people on are side realize it, shit is going to get ugly if things keep heading the way they are heading.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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No no not bribes. they are just gratuities! It's not a bribe if you follow the right order of operations!

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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I genuinely don't get it. If I disliked something I might talk about why I didn't like it for a bit but then I just go do something else. There is so much stuff to dominate my time and the worlds on fucking fire. I don't have the emotional bandwidth to be angry at media right now.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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To be fair to zoomers, the sigma thing is mostly a joke that revolves around doing a Zoolander blue steel face right after doing something comically hyper masculine or cool. Only the incels/andrew tate lovers use it unironically.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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It's funny. There really was a rash of online comedy critics in the 2010's who decided it was a genius idea to make movies about themselves.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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I'm Canadian and I can honestly say I don't know what we use. I've heard all three in equal amounts but I haven't lived that many places in Canada (Manitoba/Ontario). It feels like it's completely up to the person and not really a regional thing here.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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It's wild. 5 years ago Marvel was an untouchable force of nature in pop culture. One of the few true mono cultural touchstones still around in the digital age. Now, it's brand is so eroded that even the reactionary types barely give a shit. Like Echo should have been red meat for them and nothing.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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Crazy but maybe Trump being 5 minutes away from doing a sieg heil on live TV had more of an effect on voters than Biden stumbling over his words?

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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The only reasonable scenario at all is Biden resigning and President Kamala running. Otherwise they are just circumventing the will of the primary voters which is a bad look. I don't actually think that should happen but it's the ONLY plausible "Biden not on the ticket" scenario.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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haha yeah. Didn't he have a minor heart attack not that long ago or some kind of health problem? Like christ, can we just stop nominating geriatrics as the most powerful person in the world?

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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Yeah, He had two solid shots to be the guy. He didn't win either. Yes, you can argue all day that he was sabotaged or whatever but voters didn't pick him, TWICE. It's as preposterous as the notion of it being Hilary Clinton.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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Yeah, There's a mod that's a single file you drop in the game folder that makes everything do 30% less dmg. It's so much more enjoyable. I don't find it fun getting one or two shot because I mistimed a roll or misjudged when I should attack. I hate needing to be PERFECT just to scrape by.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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LOL holy shit. I was alive during the original airing of DBZ in NA. We ALL knew every single detail of what was going to happen before hand. The show finished airing in like 1996 in Japan, their were pictures everywhere online. We are all just excited to see the big moments in motion.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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There are a handful of pieces of media that benefit from not knowing anything going in like John Carpenters The Thing where it's much more suspenseful when you don't know who's a thing. Those are anomalies though, most media is not materially affected by spoilers imo.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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You wanna see some alternate reality nonsense? Go check out the video titles over on TYT in the last 24 hours. It's fucking nuts. Worth it for a laugh.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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I'm still subbed to TYT on youtube just because seeing their clip titles make me laugh, I almost never watch anymore. After last night, there video titles are alternate reality insanity. RFK is going to over take Biden, john stewart going to replace biden. Just WTF, IT'S JUNE!

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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He's right. It's literally dead last amongst even conservatives in the UK of their most important issues according to polls. Like, it's JK Rowling, a handful of obsessed journalists and political figures. Voters couldn't care less. They are all more worried about the cost of living, not trans people

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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If I'm being honest Debates feel antiquated. They are a hold over from before the 24/7 news cycle and the internet. The debates were really the only time you ever saw the two candidates speak for extended periods of time and argue directly back then. Now? We know everything about both people already

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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10 bucks we get viewership numbers and this is like the least viewed debate in the history of ever. The public is checked out this election cycle. Media numbers have plummeted in an election year. That just doesn't happen. This will not move the needle one iota. No debate in the last 25 years has.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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It's going to be like facebook burning 50 billion on the metaverse except every major tech company on earth and unlike facebook, they aren't going to be able to eat that kind of loss. It's going to be a bloodbath.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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That was 1% among conservatives. The people more likely to care about this. It's probably vanishingly small to nearly non-existent within any party left of them. The media/political push is for no one but a tiny handful of weirdos and one obsessed billionaire writer. It's insane.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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I remember a poll out of the UK not that long ago about issues voters care about and even amongst conservatives over there, trans stuff was near the bottom of the list. It's a media and political obsession that does not seem to translate to most voters.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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Yeah, I watched it happen in my province in Canada last year. An incumbent conservative government got blown out because they went all in on the anti-gay, anti-trans shit. Especially in regards to schools. A native-Canadian man from are lefty party took a majority government in a prairie province.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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Prior to the internet and 24/7 news you might realistically almost never hear a candidate/president speak outside of bite sized clips on nightly news and what you read in the paper. It was a chance to see both speak for an extended period of time about their positions and get a feel for them.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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Turn off the power, burn the whole place down if need be. I wish we could import some of the Frenches verve for more aggressive (and creative) civil disobedience.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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I plan to get one every year until I die anyway. I just hope as a Canadian it's easier to get this year. Last year was kind of rough in Manitoba.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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I believe I'm the same age as Homer Simpson and Homer is vastly more successful than me.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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Funny thing is this is 100% a thing you can buy now.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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Yeah, you know all those rich people who are getting their doors kicked in by the homeless who are setting up shop in their hallways lol

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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Nate Silver's career is insane. He did some polling at a time when polling was much easier (people answered their phones), during a time when elections weren't even close and said "the guy that is clearly ahead is probably going to win". He was then treated like a fucking prophet for some reason.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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I'm not looking forward to the world where only Disney and maybe Sony are the only major movie studios still kicking. WB is a fucking trash fire and it really only feels like a matter of time for them.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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Yeah, it sucks and it doubly sucks because it's not even a "realism" thing because damn near every game that has it just makes your character look like a 400 pound geriatric asthmatic who can't run for 10 seconds without gasping for air. Link in BOTW/TotK seriously needs to see a doctor.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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Yeah, It's really the only one of the 3 sequel movies with some new and interesting ideas but it's also a sloppy mess of a script that you can criticize in good faith until the cows come home. Except you can't because when you do, you look like an incel.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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6-3 neeeext.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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Actually not really true. She was ahead in the popular vote, which she won, but has no bearing on who wins. State by state polling was more or less bang on. Hilary lost toss up states which are called that for a reason. Many were "leaning Hilary" but that doesn't mean much in a toss up scenario.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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Late shows stop getting seeded fairly quickly. It can be hard to download one that's even a few months old nvm 10 to 15 years old. There is a torrent of the complete Colbert Report but it's nearly 500GB and only handful of people are left seeding it. Daily show not so lucky.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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On PC you can go in offline mode and drop a single file into the game folder which reduces enemy damage by 30% and it's still the same great game. Tweaking a number and adding an option is not "homogenization". From don't have to do it, I just think they are kind of dicks for not. Simple.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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While it's all pretty nuts how bad it is, may 2020 was balls deep in covid lockdowns. I imagine the 2020 numbers are bloated because of that. I'd like to see 2016 numbers (for the outlets that were relevant then) compared to 2024.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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My uninformed opinion is that Canada, Australia and the EU have all passed laws in recent years which caused Facebook to choose to de-emphasize news content in their algo's. Hell, Facebook chose to remove news entirely in Canada. This has had an outsized effect on con media who thrived on there.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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I really do think Facebook de-emphasizing news in it's algo's has absolutely fucked conservative media who thrived on there and relied on it to drive people to their sites.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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There was still plenty of magical shit promised from "the cloud" that was just as farcical as the claims about "AI". Mainly that cloud computing would be able to automagically make your computer a beast. That you could buy some cheap box, pay a sub and "the cloud" would give you the compute.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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Yup, if any of these fail it will be all cable news talks about for weeks. Fox news will do run bi-weekly hour long pieces on it really hammer it home even after everyone else has moved on.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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This guy would is absolutely an acron cop. You just know it.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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Can't wait for this to go into effect and cops to completely and utterly not enforce it when the first Nazi march comes through town. Literally all of those guys are dressed in black faux tactical gear from head to toe every time I've seen one. Bet they get nothing but a polite escort.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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Yeah, many are done in good faith and politics prevents them going further but I do wonder if some are done by finger waving Neo-liberals/conservatives thinking they know it will fail. Then when it does they can point to it and go "shut up, it doesn't work you stupid lefty".

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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Yeah, From gave them their game in Sekiro. An entire game of nothing but parry parry strike parry parry strike for 10 minutes straight until the boss dies of chip dmg. Elden Ring is hard but it really is the most approachable one they've ever made outside a few bosses.

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MikeyT00's avatar MikeyT00 @devilmikey.bsky.social
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Yeah, Sekiro was for the fromsoft masochists. The dudes who think the only valid way to play a From game is at lvl one, naked, with a stick and just parrying everything to death. I'm glad they got their game but I like being able to Kamehameha my foes or poke and roll until some status effect procs

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