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My report on the wonder and terror of being alive at my blog. Tell your friends. Tell me.

dex3703's avatar dex3703
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Sometimes the trash really does take itself out.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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Kagi is fantastic, if you can afford it.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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Will be interesting to see if they figure out a constructive way to counter "nobody has anything left to lose", or just follow history and deploy the camps and stormtroopers.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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Software companies, faced with a real engineering task, are just not capable of doing that kind of work. Software now is mostly handwaving with the rest delivered from theft or reworking public domain material. Coming up with a real product that meets inflexible safety standards is just beyond them.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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Fantastic piece. So glad someone can describe what's wrong with the AI pushermen in such an articulate and forceful way.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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In no way do I mean to argue this, but as a straight white male safe inside the empire (as long as I keep my mouth shut), that seems.... I studied Vietnam and the 80's central American dirty wars, then every imperial horror since. I can't do anything BUT read and watch. I donate $, but....

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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There's an insane quality to their stupidity, too. Elaborate persecution delusions, full of conspiracies and invisible powers. Stupid for sure, but the crazy takes it to another level. It's the crazy that moves them to act.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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In other words, systemic theft and destruction of all social contracts has, at last, produced "profit". A few centuries ago, Uber types would've been hung outside Parliament.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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August light shifts now and then, if you look.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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Beautiful, and true.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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This is also where a planned new canal would go.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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Oh, there are many seismic shifts coming, all right.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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The cool clinical detachment of the AP writing is as professional as it gets, which amplifies its horror.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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Reply with CEASEFIRE. H/t to for the tip.

You can also forward the text to 7726 (SPAM). I doubt this does anything, but I'm doing my part against the machine.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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Incredible to think we've gone from Reagan, with record indictments and even a few convictions for his henchmen, to now. Things are so much worse, but we're to the point now where they can *only* get worse. There is no functioning corrective force or institution that isn't compromised.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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Not only can you not wake up someone pretending to be asleep, your rousing attempts will only make them pretend harder.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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The entire government is now full of Ayn Rand libertarians and adjacent foaming-at-the-mouth ideologues determined to prove that government doesn't and can't work. Same thing in Canada, with Harper doofuses sabotaging everything that helps anybody.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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Perfect image.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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I've been working in tech since 1997. I am continually astonished at what people send in email, IM, and now things like Slack and Teams. In your onboarding papers, you're warned, in bold, multiple times, that nothing on a company owned system is private. Do you need a bigger 'hint-hint'?

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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People refuse to believe the President is just another product that's being marketed to them. Trump is a flashier product.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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The daze, and sometimes lightness, that comes hours or days later when you realize you have passed through an ending to the long open plain on the other side.... It's like standing on a mountaintop, most of the atmosphere below you, the sky so clear.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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The level of rationalization going on is just breathtaking.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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I'm in Seattle. Crocus and daffodils were coming up on New Year's Day. My maple trees look poised to sprout leaves from huge buds. Snowberry and lilac bushes have buds.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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Interesting that the original estimates I recall from 2020 were 25% chance of LC. Then this was dismissed, re-admitted as 10% or less, then 10%, then 20%, and now back to 25%. Like that joke about the Taliban.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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I went to high school in Texas. My pet theory is Texas-standard toxic masculinity, especially the predilection to violence, is exacerbated by all the football brain injury. Not the only factor, by far, but a common one.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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This has been the Christian Dominionist plan since the 80s. 'Running for dogcatcher'--getting in any office where they can begin disassembling civil society.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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The holidays continue even as they are over. That's their final gift.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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This is real? Not a joke? Well, I suppose it's a joke either way, just doubly so in one instance.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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This is why you never hear about it.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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"Computing" is complete. There's been nothing really new in the last 25 years, and the flood of junk apps and SaaS prove this. Products like these are just capitalism trying to make a need and fill it, because they can't grow any more.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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I even have a referral link:

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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Proton Mail has free secure accounts.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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He's just a dazzlingly weak President. Which is why he was selected.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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It's really something that the 1970s and 80s push by hobbyists and hippies to democratize computing have ironically led to fascist failsons sucking all computing into their clutches.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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It's certain there's a lot of covid brain damage now. And it will never get better.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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This is an important point. These people are bully-victims, or low-rent masochists/sadists (works either way). They have no higher thought process or goals. It's all base drives against "them". Seems our best strategy is getting them to destroy themselves. Not impossible.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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A thousand time this. Once I entered my 40s, parental phone calls became a game of Guess Who Died.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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This is all happening *because* Biden is such a weak president, and given his history, has no problem with drowning poor browns.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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They're emboldened because Biden is such a weak President, and also Jim Crow Joe likely has no problem with what they're doing.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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Not even enough to replace workers lost to covid and long covid.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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Or more accurately, the blue fascists are helping the red fascists sicken and kill everyone for a few more years of economic growth.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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Would be a real coup if you still have it. I remember a neighbor kid had one. I wish I hadn't sold my Atari 2600 in the late 80s.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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I report them all as spam by forwarding to 7726. I doubt it does anything, but that's where we are now.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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The end point of the Powell Memo program. They've been tireless since 1974, and they're almost done.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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It's always 1999 to these people.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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The aristocracy understands human psychology very well.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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The only search engines of any value now are Brave and Kagi. It's so bad I'm seriously about to pay for Kagi.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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My first thought was: Biden showing fantastic weakness, allowing Abbott to walk all over him. Second thought: as Segregationist in Chief, Biden has no problem with Abbott.

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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Albert Bates has kelp harvesting as part of a synergistic program to restore the biosphere. Biochar is the biggest element. His book is "Burn: Using Fire to Cool the Earth".

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dex3703's avatar dex3703
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Related headlines: Rich Idiot Destroys Another Pillar of Civil Society Why Does Everything Suck Now?

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