Thorsten Bonacker's avatar

Thorsten Bonacker

145 followers 107 following 42 posts

Professor for Peace & Conflict Studies @Center for Conflict Studies U Marburg * Research & teaching international statebuilding, United Nations in decolonisation, postwar justice, political violence * SFB 138: Dynamics of Security

Reposted by Thorsten Bonacker

Thorsten Bonacker's avatar Thorsten Bonacker
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“Die in Untersuchungshaft sitzende AfD-Kandidatin Birgit Malsack-Winkemann konnte ihr Ergebnis von 2021 noch minimal verbessern.”

In welchem Land lebe ich hier eigentlich?!?

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Thorsten Bonacker's avatar Thorsten Bonacker
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#Marburg unterstĂŒtzt die #Ukraine. Ich darf am 24.2 auf der Kundgebung sprechen und hoffe auf zahlreiches Kommen!

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Reposted by Thorsten Bonacker

Reposted by Thorsten Bonacker

TraCe's avatar TraCe
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The TraCe Lecture Series continues: Join us for its fifth session on January 24, at 6:15 with Nina Keller-Kemmerer reflecting on “Allegations of Antisemitism in Legal Discourse in Germany: The Normalization of Anti-Jewish Language” - at JLU Giessen or via stream:

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Thorsten Bonacker's avatar Thorsten Bonacker
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Die AfD entlĂ€sst Mitarbeiter, die Kontakt zu Rechtsextremen hatten. Das lĂ€sst hoffen, denn es mĂŒsste dann ja direkt in die Selbstauflösung fĂŒhren.

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Reposted by Thorsten Bonacker

Postcolonial Hierarchies in Peace and Conflict's avatar Postcolonial Hierarchies in Peace and Conflict
[ View ] in German radio on the question of why the revelation of the Correctiv investigation motivated thousands of people to protest in Germany last weekend. Listen in!

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Thorsten Bonacker's avatar Thorsten Bonacker
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đŸ„ł If you don’t have it already, don’t miss this opportunity 👇

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Reposted by Thorsten Bonacker

Felix Anderl 's avatar Felix Anderl
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War gestern beim Deutschlandfunk im GesprÀch mit Julius Geiler (Tagesspiegel). Dem "vs." im Titel der Sendung haben wir nicht wirklich entsprochen, aber war eine interessante Diskussion.

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Thorsten Bonacker's avatar Thorsten Bonacker
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Werden zusÀtzlich dann die Tarifsteigerungen voll finanziert? Wenn nicht, bedeutet das real eine Steigerung nicht des Etats, sondern von Haushaltsdefiziten.

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Thorsten Bonacker's avatar Thorsten Bonacker
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Es IST russischer Terror! Und er muss beendet werden. Die Ukraine muss endlich mit allem ausgestatteten werden, was es benötigt, um die eigene Bevölkerung zu schĂŒtzen.

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Thorsten Bonacker's avatar Thorsten Bonacker
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good news, at least the courts are defending democracy. Should be a role model for the US Supreme Court

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Thorsten Bonacker's avatar Thorsten Bonacker
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“As in several autocracies, the instrumentalization of security concerns and existential threats are a powerful source of regime cohesion.”

Why Russia invaded Ukraine and how wars benefit autocrats: The domestic sources of the Russo-Ukrainian War
Vicente Ferraro

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Thorsten Bonacker's avatar Thorsten Bonacker
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Die Verteidigung der Ukraine gegen diese Angriffe & ihr Drohpotenzial muss dringend erweitert werden. Der Westen, auch die Bundesregierung, muss aktiv werden.

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Reposted by Thorsten Bonacker

Thorsten Bonacker's avatar Thorsten Bonacker
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Politically, but also musically this was a year with many losses
 Shane MacGowan, Sinhead O’Connor, Harry Belafonte, Tina Turner to name a few.

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Thorsten Bonacker's avatar Thorsten Bonacker
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Merry Christmas! My thoughts are especially with those who have to defend their country against Russian aggression and live under Russian occupation. May the next winter be one of peace and freedom!

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Reposted by Thorsten Bonacker

Norbert Röttgen's avatar Norbert Röttgen
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Statt schnell und umfassend zu liefern, was erforderlich ist, lĂ€uft die Politik Deutschlands und des Westens darauf hinaus, der Ukraine gerade so viel zu geben, dass sie den Krieg fortfĂŒhren kann, aber nicht genug, um ihn erfolgreich zu beenden.

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Thorsten Bonacker's avatar Thorsten Bonacker
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Es kommt ausschließlich auf die Außentemperatur an!

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Thorsten Bonacker's avatar Thorsten Bonacker
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Reicht auch, wenn man in der 120. trifft

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Thorsten Bonacker's avatar Thorsten Bonacker
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Über Fußball wird hier nicht gesprochen, oder? Egal: Viertelfinale!!!

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Thorsten Bonacker's avatar Thorsten Bonacker
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There are three wars are going on at the same time: “a war between Israeli Jews and the Palestinians exacerbated by a terrorist group, a war within Israeli and Palestinian societies over the future and a war between Iran and its proxies and America and its allies.”

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Thorsten Bonacker's avatar Thorsten Bonacker
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Absolutely devastating

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Thorsten Bonacker's avatar Thorsten Bonacker
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Check this out! Brilliant study on political protests in Greece in 2011. With lots of fresh theoretical & methodological ideas for researching protest

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Thorsten Bonacker's avatar Thorsten Bonacker
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Gaza will likely not be governed by an international administration like Timor Leste or Kosovo. “It is unlikely that Western powers will put themselves forward as potential peacekeepers. They would instantly turn into veritable magnets for jihadist spoilers.”

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Reposted by Thorsten Bonacker

Reposted by Thorsten Bonacker

AuswÀrtiges Amt's avatar AuswÀrtiges Amt
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Der Blick auf die Ukraine verschwindet gerade aus der Öffentlichkeit - das ist fatal. Die Angriffe aus Russland auf die zivile Infrastruktur sind so hart wie nie. Deshalb mĂŒssen wir alle daran arbeiten, den Winter-Schutzschirm fĂŒr die Ukraine weiter zu spannen. - 3/3

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Thorsten Bonacker's avatar Thorsten Bonacker
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“The choice facing the West is not between war and compromise but between defeat and victory. The trajectory the West is on—maintaining current levels of support or perhaps scaling them back while pushing for negotiations—raises the chances of defeat.”

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Thorsten Bonacker's avatar Thorsten Bonacker
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This has to stop! Every day Russia continues its attacks on people who are at the mercy of these attacks. We must do everything we can to ensure that Russia stops these attacks and is prepared to negotiate. And we must not stop supporting Ukraine and the people there!

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Thorsten Bonacker's avatar Thorsten Bonacker
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I agree. However, one problem of „contextualisation“ is which theories & methods are used to define causes for terrorism. And very often it seems to me that there are very simplistic ideas of causality circulating on campus that are more interested in claim-making and less in scientific explanation

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Thorsten Bonacker's avatar Thorsten Bonacker
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Das ZDF Heute Journal zeigt von der Hamas freigelassene Geiseln & danach einen freigelassenen PalĂ€stinenser. Die Bilder suggerieren Gleichrangigkeit. Allerdings handelt es sich auf der einen Seite um unschuldige Zivilisten, auf der anderen Seite um einen rechtmĂ€ĂŸig verurteilten StraftĂ€ter.

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Thorsten Bonacker's avatar Thorsten Bonacker
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The first newsletter of our doctoral training network on (de)radicalisation VORTEX is out: It informs about the network, but most importantly about the PhD researchers and their project.

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Reposted by Thorsten Bonacker

TraCe's avatar TraCe
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TraCe zu Gast bei Crisis Talks in BrĂŒssel 🚄 In der Hessischen Landesvertretung fand am 14.11. eine Diskussion zu „Aufarbeitung kolonialer Gewalt – Möglichkeiten post­kolonialer Erinnerungspolitik” mit Sabine Mannitz statt.

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Thorsten Bonacker's avatar Thorsten Bonacker
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Danke & Kollegen fĂŒr das klare Statement gegen Antisemitismus und jede Verharmlosung des Hamas-Terrors. UnertrĂ€glich, dies ĂŒberhaupt sagen zu mĂŒssen. Und auch danke fĂŒr die Kommentierung, die dem Letzten deutlich machen mĂŒsste, worum es hier geht - und worum nicht.

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Thorsten Bonacker's avatar Thorsten Bonacker
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On this very day 10 years ago we received the news that our SFB 138 will be funded by the DFG. This had a massive and positive impact on my academic life. Still very much enjoying working with my colleagues!

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Reposted by Thorsten Bonacker

Tareq's avatar Tareq
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Ever wonder what activism at sea, like sea shepherd and seawatch, and activism in the air, like anti-deportation protests, have in common? My paper where I conceptualize these protests in transterranean spaces now has page numbers. Oh and it's Open Access!

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Reposted by Thorsten Bonacker

Hedwig Richter's avatar Hedwig Richter
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"Das WIKO gibt mit der GrĂŒndung ein klares Signal: Wir lassen die Ukraine nicht fallen." Thomas Thiel ĂŒber die GrĂŒndung des Virtual Ukrainian Institute for Advanced Studies (VUIAS) am @wiko_berlin. @FAZ_Feuilleton

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Reposted by Thorsten Bonacker

Jörn MĂŒller's avatar Jörn MĂŒller
[ View ] zur Schließung der Goethe-Institute ist zu Recht on fire:

"Einen schwerwiegenderen strategischen Fehler kann man derzeit politisch innerhalb Europas nicht machen."

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