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California YIMBY

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California YIMBY is a statewide advocacy organization working to pass legislation to end California’s housing shortage by empowering and growing the YIMBY movement.

California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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In some cases, higher fees for multifamily homes result from overt efforts to block construction of new apartment buildings.

Read the full report here:

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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Many cities that had the lowest increases in impact fees had the greatest increases in multifamily housing. Conversely, cities with the greatest increases in multifamily impact fees experienced the lowest growth in multifamily housing.

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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Developers transfer these costs to homeowners and renters, increasing the cost of a new apartment by up to $60,000 and the cost of a single family home by up to $100,000.

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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Most jurisdictions charge HIGHER per-square-foot fees on apartments and other multifamily homes compared to single family homes, which disincentivizes the construction of smaller, less-expensive homes.

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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Impact fees vary widely across jurisdictions: some particularly egregious local governments, like Sunnyvale, charge hundreds of thousands of dollars per home.

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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A short thread on the researchers’ other key findings: The average impact fee on an apartment in California is $21,703, nearly TRIPLE the national average of $8,034. Similarly, California's average single family home pays $37,471, triple the national average of $13,627.

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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This new report, written by UCLA graduate students with the support of the California YIMBY Education Fund, explores the effects of impact fees on housing development, finding that California cities charge 3x the national average. Read it here:

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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LA landlord Michael Weinstein has been investigated for mistreating low-income tenants. He can’t be trusted on housing. That’s why we oppose his “Justice For Renters Act,” which will give NIMBY cities like Beverly Hills unchecked power to block new homes. Read more:

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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In case you missed it over the holiday weekend, this is one of the best explanations of how Proposition 13 unfairly distributes property tax burdens that we've ever seen. Highly recommended reading.

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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We will go into further detail about specific policies over the coming weeks. For now, we would love your feedback on the Framework and its recommendations, which you can provide through the link on each chapter page.

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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Chapter four, Happy and Healthy Cities, concerns urban quality of life. This chapter’s recommendations are intended to create more opportunities for happiness and flourishing in California’s cities.

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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Chapter three, Mobility, maps out an agenda for convenient, safe, environmentally-friendly transportation systems.

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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Chapter two, Stability and Subsidy, details our plans to protect tenants and create subsidized housing.

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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Chapter one, Housing Abundance, begins where the YIMBY movement begins: with a plan to achieve the housing abundance that will once again make California an affordable place to live, work, and raise a family.

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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Over four chapters, we articulate an expansive policy agenda for creating housing abundance, protecting tenants and subsidizing housing, building a modern transportation system, and fostering neighborhood vitality.

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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While California YIMBY is dedicated first and foremost to ending our housing crisis, the urban abundance agenda goes beyond housing to include great transportation, vibrant neighborhoods, and sustainable cities.

Our new Policy Framework articulates our broader vision.

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Reposted by California YIMBY

California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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Thank you to everyone who came out for YIMBY lobby day 2024!

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Reposted by California YIMBY

California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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"Broadly-applied upzoning that allows more compact housing types in multimodal neighborhoods, with complementary policies such as reducing parking minimums, can increase housing supply, drive down prices, and increase overall affordability."

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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When other NIMBY tactics fail, "historic" status is regularly used as a way to block new housing. This article collects some truly egregious examples, like the time Berkeley declared a surface parking lot historic because it might have contained buried Native American artifacts.

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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Wealthy single-family neighborhoods where houses cost millions of dollars are abusing historic preservation to exempt themselves from state laws that require them to allow lower-cost housing.

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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Starting in 2024, San Francisco's progress toward meeting its housing production targets will be under heightened state scrutiny, thanks to SB 423.

If they fall behind, zoning-compliant housing projects that include affordable housing will be permitted by-right.

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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California's public higher education system is the state's crown jewel, but a shortage of housing both on campus and in surrounding communities is putting college out of reach for too many young people. We need to build more homes on and near campuses.

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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People think the economy is bad because high housing costs are eating up all their income gains.

YIMBYism is popular because people understand that building more homes will make housing more affordable.

This isn't complicated!

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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San Francisco's long era of dysfunctional housing policy is finally coming to an end as state-level policy requires the Board of Supervisors to get rid of the red tape and political obstruction that stall housing in the city or risk losing state housing and transit funding *and* the builders remedy.

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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"The fundamental issue is that the country does not have enough homes where people want them, a consequence of a decade-plus of underbuilding after the Great Recession... The shortage has driven up costs for buyers and renters alike."

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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Thanks to high housing costs that result from decades of under-building homes, 35% of Los Angeles area Millennials and 25% of Bay Area Millennials live with their parents, compared to only 20% nationwide.

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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California cities have spent decades making housing for cars cheap and plentiful while making housing for people scarce and expensive. We shouldn't be surprised to see people on the margins, like college students with limited housing budgets, choosing to live in their vehicles.

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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“By elevating aggressively pro-housing members and demoting those who are less so, Rivas seems to be laying the institutional groundwork for an aggressively pro-housing legislature next year.”

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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This Boston Globe piece is a great look at how California's statewide ADU reforms have helped add less expensive infill housing to single family zoned neighborhoods.

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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"There is simply no way California is going to create the next generation of homeowners or roll back our mounting homelessness crisis unless every part of the state builds its fair share — especially our high-cost coastal areas." - on our Housing Underproduction Report

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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The housing shortage is making it harder for people to move to economic opportunity. The solution is to build more homes where people want to live.

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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"If environmental groups are going to achieve environmental objectives, they need to check their lawyers and balance feelings with clear thinking." - Chris Elmendorf on how major environmental groups misjudged housing at the California state legislature this year.

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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“Subsidizing current prices at a wide scale will only increase demand further, worsening the imbalance with supply. Suppressing demand isn’t an attractive option either. So, that leaves us with the need to increase housing supply.”

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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The historic preservationist NIMBY 2 step: 1. Design your neighborhood to exclude anyone who cannot afford a detached house on a large lot. 2. When overt exclusion goes out of fashion, claim that you can't build apartments in the neighborhood without damaging its unique historic character.

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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The bottom line: while it is important to protect significant heritage buildings, overly-broad historic preservation rules are easily weaponized to block badly needed infill housing. We'll need to tighten them up as NIMBYs lose access to their old tools, like zoning and CEQA.

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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Back up in SF, activists sued to block the redevelopment of an “historic” laundromat as a mixed-use building with 75 homes a block from a BART station, delaying the project by 5 years.

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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Returning to Los Angeles, historic preservationists tried to landmark the Taix French Restaurant building to block redevelopment of the crumbling plywood structure and its acre of surface parking into 170 homes and a new restaurant space.

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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In an attempt to block SB 9 development, Palo Alto completely changed the process of nominating properties to its historic registry. In the past, property owners had to initiate the listing process. Now, the city can list properties over homeowners’ objections.

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California YIMBY's avatar California YIMBY
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In Los Angeles, an old gas station that had long since been stripped of its most historic features was nominated as an historic cultural monument to delay apartment development on its site.

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