Nina Willburger 's avatar

Nina Willburger

2668 followers 1201 following 952 posts

Archaeologist | Permanent Representative of the Director, Archäologisches Landesmuseum Baden-Württemberg | Private account, views are mine 🖖

Nina Willburger 's avatar Nina Willburger
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A Roman key with a panther-shaped handle, an iron bit attached to a bronze handle. Found on Zurich Altstetten, dating 2nd/3rd century AD. 🏺 AncientBluesky 📷 taken by me

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Nina Willburger 's avatar Nina Willburger
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Spent a fantastic day in the Rhoen, Bavaria today: The Schwarzes Moor (Black Moor) is one of the most important bog areas in Central Europe.

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Nina Willburger 's avatar Nina Willburger
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... needed help or to thank for a cure. Dating around 200 AD. On display at Römermuseum Weißenburg. 2/2

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Nina Willburger 's avatar Nina Willburger
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Wooden votive offerings in the shape of parts of the human body, from the spring sanctuary near the Roman settlement at Dambach, Bavaria. Objects like this were given to healing deities. They were intended either to indicate the part of the body that...1/2 📷 taken by me 🏺 AncientBluesky

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Nina Willburger 's avatar Nina Willburger
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A Neolithic fishhook made of bone more than 5,500 years ago. 🏺

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Reposted by Nina Willburger

Archäologisches Landesmuseum Baden-Württemberg's avatar Archäologisches Landesmuseum Baden-Württemberg
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Seit dem ausgehenden Paleolithikum wurde Fischfang mit Hilfe von Angelleinen und Haken betrieben. Dieser Haken misst 2,6 cm und wurde aus Knochen gefertigt. Er stammt aus der Seeufersiedlung Wangen-Hinterhorn, 3.900-3.500 v. Chr. 🏺

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Nina Willburger 's avatar Nina Willburger
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Das Foto ist vom dortigen Museum, ich weiß nicht, ob und qo der Ziegel ausgestellt ist

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Nina Willburger 's avatar Nina Willburger
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Hoof marks of lambs or kids on a tile found in Pfongau/Austria. Tiles with imprints can be found all across the Roman empire because tiles were laid out to dry in the open air ahead of firing, where animals could step on them. 📷 Museum Salzburg 🏺 AncientBluesky

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Reposted by Nina Willburger

Reposted by Nina Willburger

Nina Willburger 's avatar Nina Willburger
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Bent iron sword and lance head found in a burial at St. Johann-Gächingen. Bronze and Iron Age weapons deposited in burials were often bent or hacked into pieces before being placed into graves.. In this way, they 'died' with the owner. 3rd c. BC 📷 Archäologisches Landesmuseum Baden-Württemberg🏺

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Nina Willburger 's avatar Nina Willburger
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I'm just a tiny bit obsessed with these Early Bronze Age flint barbed and tanged arrowheads. From the central burial pit of a kerbed round barrow, 250m north-west of Breach Farm, Llanblethian. 📷 Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales 🏺 archaeology

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Nina Willburger 's avatar Nina Willburger
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A bronze helmet of Corinthian type, 6th c. BC. The holes around the edges were used to attach a lining.
Herodotos mentions this type of helmet as part of the equipment of the #Greek hoplites. A large number of Corinthian helmets were found in the sanctuary at...1/2

📷 me

🏺 AncientBluesky

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Reposted by Nina Willburger

Matthias Hoernes's avatar Matthias Hoernes
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The sanctuary of Kalapodi, with its Bronze Age to Classical phases and unique finds, is covered every year in my introductory course, but to see it again in the rolling hills of north-eastern Phokis is breathtaking. 🏺 AncientBlueSky

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Reposted by Nina Willburger

Dr Jo Ball's avatar Dr Jo Ball
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A beautiful #Roman glass bowl, in bands of vivid blue, yellow & colourless. It was found in the area around #Vesuvius, & was buried in the AD 79 erruption - fortunately, it was later found & put back together, giving us another lovely example of #AncientGlass!

#Archaeology 🏺AncientBlueSky

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Reposted by Nina Willburger

Reposted by Nina Willburger

The Partial Historians 🏺's avatar The Partial Historians 🏺
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Attic Greek terracotta oinochoe ~ C4th BCE This scene depicts the personification of procession Pompe standing between Dionysos and Eros. Dionysos is recognisable on account of his thyrsus and scene is likely to be the lead up to a sacrifice to him. 🏛The Met 🏺AncientBluesky

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Nina Willburger 's avatar Nina Willburger
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... Olympia, dedicated to Zeus. On display at Altes Museum Berlin 2/2

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Nina Willburger 's avatar Nina Willburger
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A bronze helmet of Corinthian type, 6th c. BC. The holes around the edges were used to attach a lining.
Herodotos mentions this type of helmet as part of the equipment of the #Greek hoplites. A large number of Corinthian helmets were found in the sanctuary at...1/2

📷 me

🏺 AncientBluesky

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Reposted by Nina Willburger

Archäologisches Landesmuseum Baden-Württemberg's avatar Archäologisches Landesmuseum Baden-Württemberg
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Dieser Ring mit aufgelöteter Goldmünze stammt aus einem Frauengrab des 7. Jh. aus Illingen und wird mit ca. 1600 weiteren Exponaten in unserer Großen Landesausstellung "THE hidden LÄND - Wir im ersten Jahrtausend" ab 13.9. in Stuttgart zu sehen sein.
Mehr Infos unter:

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Nina Willburger 's avatar Nina Willburger
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One of the oldest known musical instruments: a Palaeolithic flute made from a vulture bone some 38,000 years ago! This is one of 8 known flutes found on the Swabian Jura. The finds suggest that music played an important role in this region. Found in the Hohle Fels cave. On display at urmu. 📷 me

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Nina Willburger 's avatar Nina Willburger
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What a fabulous day! The Rhine Falls, which is the largest waterfall in Europe, is located near Schaffhausen, Switzerland. The falls are currently spectacular due to the high water level of the river this summer.

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Nina Willburger 's avatar Nina Willburger
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The oldest known wooden flute from Central Europe! The Bronze Age flute made of elder wood was found in the pile dwelling settlement of Hagnau-Burg, dating around 1050 BC. 🏺

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Reposted by Nina Willburger

Archäologisches Landesmuseum Baden-Württemberg's avatar Archäologisches Landesmuseum Baden-Württemberg
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Eines unserer Highlights: Die älteste bekannte Holzflöte aus Mitteleuropa! Die bronzezeitliche Flöte aus Holunderholz wurde in der Pfahlbausiedlung Hagnau-Burg bei Tauchsondagen gefunden und datiert in Zeit um 1050 v. Chr. 🏺

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Nina Willburger 's avatar Nina Willburger
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A rare find: a piece of a #Roman wooden door found during the excavations at the Bloomberg building. Well-preserved due to the damp soil of the lost Walbrook river under the City of London. Dating 43-100 AD.

On display at London Mithraeum

📷 me

🏺 AncientBluesky

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Nina Willburger 's avatar Nina Willburger
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World's oldest artwork discovered in Indonesian. The cave painting is the oldest known narrative artwork ever made by human hands, dating back more than 51,000 years according to new research. It shows three people around a #pig.

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Nina Willburger 's avatar Nina Willburger
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Wonderful hiking tour today to the ruin of the Alt-Bodman castle. It dates back to the 14th century. The castle was destroyed during the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648).

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Nina Willburger 's avatar Nina Willburger
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An Attic (Greece) Geometric bowl with a leg-shaped handle, dating around 850 BC. The Geometric period lasted from ca. 900 to 700 BC. It's named after geometric patterns and motifs used to decorate pottery vessels. On display at Altes Museum, Berlin 📷 taken by me 🏺 AncientBluesky

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Nina Willburger 's avatar Nina Willburger
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New discovery: The 2024 expedition to the Antikythera wreck led to significant discoveries, including a portion of the ship’s hull. A second wreck site was confirmed, too.
Around 300 objects were found, including 21 marble fragments from statues.

🏺 AncientBluesky

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Reposted by Nina Willburger

msur0711's avatar msur0711
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Im #Kelten- Museum Manching natürlich tolle Objekte,
aber didaktisch?:
- im Museum kein Überblick über das Gesamtoppidum und Fundplätze
- Original oder Kopie nicht erkennbar
- Wege zum Museum und v.a. zu rekonstruiertem (etwas schrottigem) Tor und "Keltenwall" schlecht/ gar nicht ausgeschildert

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Reposted by Nina Willburger

msur0711's avatar msur0711
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außerdem: weiß nicht mehr, wie lange die geschätzte bereits postet (war noch sehr überrascht, da ich sie kannte, als sie auf Twitter gestartet ist - wie eine Rakete), da war ich allerdings schon länger dabei - z.B. mit den jährlichen "Neuigkeiten"-tweets, nun eben hier.

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Nina Willburger 's avatar Nina Willburger
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A necklace with lotus-shaped pendants, made of faience. Lotus was an important symbol in ancient Egypt. It was associated with rebirth and rejuvenation.The plant was also valued for its pain-relieving properties. Ca 1,400 BC, from Theben. On display at Neues Museum/Berlin 📷 me AncientEgyptBluesky

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Nina Willburger 's avatar Nina Willburger
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Es kann nicht genug Archäologie auf Bluesky geben!

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Reposted by Nina Willburger

msur0711's avatar msur0711
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Schön erhaltene Fußboden- (und Wand-) Heizung im #Römer -Kastell #Eining: Hohlraum unter den Ziegelplatten, die heiße Luft zieht über die Hohlziegel in der Wand (tubuli) nach oben ab und wärmt so weiter. #archaeology #ancientbluesky

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Nina Willburger 's avatar Nina Willburger
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Children have always enjoyed playing with toys: a some 4,000 years ago, a kid in Egypt was buried with this rattle, so the child could play with it in the afterlife. On display at Neues Museum Berlin 📷 taken by me 🏺 AncientEgyptBluesky

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Nina Willburger 's avatar Nina Willburger
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An iron folding chair, found in a woman's burial near Muckenloch-Hessigheim (6th century AD). The seat (likely made from animal fur) didn't survive. 🏺

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Reposted by Nina Willburger

Archäologisches Landesmuseum Baden-Württemberg's avatar Archäologisches Landesmuseum Baden-Württemberg
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Der eiserne Klappstuhl wurde in einem Frauengrab im Gräberfeld bei Muckenloch-Hessigheim gefunden (6. Jh. n. Chr.). Die Bespannung hat sich nicht erhalten. Der Stuhl ist ein Produkt einer byzantinischen Werkstatt und belegt die hohe soziale Stellung der Bestatteten. 🏺

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Nina Willburger 's avatar Nina Willburger
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Hab' ich auch schon gekauft als Mitbringsel 😊

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Nina Willburger 's avatar Nina Willburger
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Two adorable Egyptian figurines: a roaring hippo and a baby hippo, dating ca 1,800 BC. Hippos were associated with life and rebirth. On display at Neues Museum Berlin. 📷 taken by me 🏺 AncientEgyptBluesky

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Reposted by Nina Willburger

Maria Tatiana 's avatar Maria Tatiana
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Posthume gold octodrachm with the portrait of Arsinoe III (204-203 BCE). Berlin, Münzkabinett M. Treister Ptolemaic Finger Rings in North Pontic Area: New Finds and Hypotheses

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Reposted by Nina Willburger