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Warren Terra


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Apparently bluesky doesn't like underscores?

Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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30 kbps! Welcome to, what, 1990?

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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Sure, the impact will be limited because the Republicans have been pushing farcical impeachments specifically to make "impeachment" less meaningful. Still, this is her job. She is not neglecting it.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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Obviously it won't result in Thomas's removal. It won't even get out of the House; I suspect the committee will try not to act on it. But, nonetheless: 1) It's literally her job to push the impeachment of those who are worthy of impeachment. 2) If it makes the news and informs people, that's good.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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The degree to which the DSA has proven themselves dedicated to destroying the opportunity they found in their hands a decade or so ago is truly amazing.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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I refuse to believe the LSO members genuinely thought "Glock" means "Glockenspiel"

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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It's my understanding the reason in 1944 was that Wallace was smeared as a commie.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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Whatever else one wants to say, I can't see how there's even a hint of anything disqualifying, any reason that would justify such an extraordinary move.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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(reasons that are NEVER SPECIFIED)

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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The majority of alcohol is consumed by alcoholics drinking dozens of drinks a week. The whole 90/10 rule, 90 percent of alcohol (by volume) is consumed by 10 percent of people. The commodity-beer makers, the ones who sell cheap in bulk, make their money off of addicts.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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At last we have discovered what it takes to get the national media to notice the vice president is traveling the country giving speeches.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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For any load that's not massively bulky, so most things short of actual furniture, surely the whole point of a truck bed, as opposed to a trunk or back seat, is that you can hose it down afterwards? Although I would be worried hosing down a Cybertruck bed.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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Find me one anti-abortion activist who has actually read Roe v Wade and understands the rules around late-term abortion.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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Delta was during Biden. I live in a civilized place; between masks and vaccines, Delta killed almost no-one here. But it was vicious in eg Florida.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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Painful story involving Alice Munro.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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Bernie surely knows that a Dem party that panics is likely to run to the right.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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She literally is campaigning. Also: any campaigning she does will inevitably be spun as a sign of ambitious disloyalty.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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Start with the very large percentage that think *they* should be the nominee and it looks more plausible. All kidding aside, anyone who "wants a different nominee" is just wasting everyone's time. It's mid-July, they don't get to want "a different nominee". They have to name the nominee they want.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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The trick is to write a prompt that doesn't get *you* in trouble. Maybe ask how it can rid you of a turbulent senator?

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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Gotta be a prompt one could give them that would cause them, in their reply, to violate the TOS.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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Canadian Perfidy.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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There is *no* way a Republican platform opposes Sex Robots. They know who their base is.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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Whoops, I meant 0.01-0.02%.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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Just *how* big was this study that had the statistical power to say it detected a 0.1%-0.2% change for people consuming 1-2 drinks per week?

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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"Rescission" affected mostly individual policies, not employer-based (they'd be cancelling the entire contract with that employer), but was INCREDIBLY frequent for individual policies - I remember seeing 5% per year. If an individual policyholder needed expensive care, their insurance could vanish.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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Also, not mentioned in the thread: "rescission". Prior to the ACA ending the practice, an insurer could just use "rescission" to cancel any policy that became inconvenient - for example, if the policyholder was using too much care, making too many claims.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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Apparently it's a half-time (or so) job. I assume it's legal, just very bad.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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1) Cops are shit 2) Cops have always been shit, and have never lacked for power 3) Cops have almost nothing to do with federal law, or federal politics

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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The Dems are better on labor than they were a decade or so ago, and even then they were probably better on the whole than they were in the 80s. I have been disappointed in Biden on immigration. But it's not as uniformly bad as some might suggest. The big problem is typical Dem spinelessness.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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The Democrats have never been good on cops or surveillance (no national politicians have), and haven't moved right on cops since the 1994 crime bill, nor worse on surveillance since early in the "War On Terror". And there are outliers in the party pushing left on both.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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Ah yes, the inevitable Mikie Sherrill bandwagon.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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I got baited by a "Democrats only ever move right" poster and their friends earlier, I really should just realize those people are usually either idiots or deliberate shitposting Republican plants.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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I mean, sure. I have family in the general area, that were planning to do one (I think events prevented it, I'm not sure). But Clarence Thomas doesn't take package tours anyone can book via the website.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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It seems fairly inconceivable that a trip to St. Petersburg (or anyplace comparable) wouldn't involve at least one lavish dinner featuring local dignitaries?

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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A lot of this is about "neoliberalism", which has a lot of meanings but I'm using the Charlie Peters definition: spending government money to provide market incentives pursuing liberal goals, rather than using centralized programs for the purpose. People often forget the "liberal goals" part.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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There are areas where it's arguably true, areas where it's a matter of viewpoint, and areas where it's just flatly untrue. It also depends a lot on where you set your starting point: for the last twenty-odd years - since Bill Clinton - the Dems haven't moved right on much of anything.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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I was working very late most nights, had a leisurely dinner listening to Morning Edition and went to bed maybe 7 Eastern time. Woke up in a very different world.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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It's even worse in context; per a Radley Balko post the lead-in was him fantasizing about executing drug dealers to crush fentanyl overdoses. Bloodthirsty nonsense.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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Fancy, but you seem to be one short.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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also, when he burbles about "our once-revered airports" this is what he means: a gauzy reminiscence of an imaginary 1960s Miami.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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Yup, that was it. Sigh.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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The way these narratives keep popping up, no matter whether they have any basis in reality, convinces me Trump is going to pick a black dude for veep. Tim Scott has been preparing to be a GOP Veep nominee ever since he lucked into an easy senate seat, but there are other possibilities. Ben Carson?

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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On the one hand he's arming himself to hold off a small army, on the other hand he's been convinced he needs to fill his basement with enough supplies for a small army.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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"Okay, first you have to play your character for fifty years of being a midwestern accountant or something, and then when you think it's over the real action can start"

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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Yup, I was going to mention that.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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The best "clever" scenario I can think of is to announce terrible medical news about Jill, not Joe, and say he wants to spend the time with her. But still probably not going to fly with voters, even if a scheme like that could be pulled off at all.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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It was mildly interesting to watch Dean Phillips evolve over the course of the campaign from what you describe - a boring normie Dem there for the chance to get experience and in case a meteorite struck Biden - who got progressively more deranged by listening to the cranks that did show up for him.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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Obviously a more serious participant in public life, lots of professional experience in a relevant field, but not eligible for the office.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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God knows what stupid idea he was garbling; I wouldn't bet against it being the idea he and his fans sometimes have that more police brutality and a LOT of killing dealers (maybe by rapid execution but also possibly by death squad or drone strike) would end fentanyl overdoses.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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Even after he lost the trifecta, several times Congressional leaders met with him to present a bipartisan package they'd agreed on and thought could sail through Congress, they'd walk out of the White House with it all settled, then within 24 hours Trump would change his mind and torpedo it.

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Warren Terra's avatar Warren Terra @warrenterra.bsky.social
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I'm not very interested in playing "name Harris's veep" but while Clooney seems a grand fellow I'm not sure he should enter politics as vice president.

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